Chapter 74- Truth or Dare

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 I woke up at around 3 am and my head was on top of Weems's chest and both of her arms were on my back because I was sleeping on my stomach but I couldn't fall back asleep. So I decided to go back to my dorm and watch something there because I didn't want to wake Weems up because she looked so peaceful while sleeping. And as quiet as I can be I got out of bed and quietly left her still sleeping. While leaving her office I counted that I had slept for close to 5 hours so I had reached the amount I usually slept and that is why I wasn't tired. When I was almost at my dorm Alex appeared from nowhere and gave me a little scare.
   "Fuck! Alex, you scared me! What are you doin'?" I quietly whispered almost wanting to hit her a little. "Sorry, I was just coming to tell you to come to have a girl's night with me, Enid, and Kelly...and besides what are you doing?" She asked realizing that I wasn't in my dorm but in the halls. Kelly is the girl who kissed Alex and now they are taking things slow. "I just couldn't I walked around," I explained myself. "Are you coming or not?" Alex was already walking away and I quickly followed her.
   "Heyyy!" Enid immediately ran up to me and hugged me just as I stepped into Alex's dorm. "Hey!" I said hugging her back and while doing so I waved towards Kelly, to which she waived back in return. "So what are you guys doing?" I asked when Enid let go of the hug and walked back to the pile of pillows and blankets which were thrown on the floor, where she sat down next to Alex and Kelly. "Right now we will be playing Truth or Dare, and we got you here just in time," Kelly said giving me an evil smirk. Kelly had dirty blonde hair that only went down to her shoulders which she always kept down or on special occasions in a clip, her personality was sweet and charming but sometimes if she was in a bad mood she literally becomes a threat to modern society.
   "Oh great! I will have to spill some secrets." I sat down next to Alex on the hard floor which was now cushioned with the many blankets. "Alright...I will go first...Y/n.." Alex picked me. "Will start calmly so..., truth," I said, and the questions and dares at first were pretty normal but quickly they changed to more intense dares like screaming something out from the window or questions like if you have ever taken drugs. "Y/n!" Kelly said and I instantly replied. "You literally made me yell that I will kill everyone in the fucking hall so I am picking, truth." And I could see that the question she will ask won't be anything good. "Truth you say...okay, okay, tell me why haven't you gotten yourself a girlfriend yet?" She asked and I eased a little because I was scared that she would ask something other than this. "I don't know...I guess I don't need anyone right now." I replied, obviously not telling them about Weems. "Okay then! We will plan something for you." Enid said and winked toward me and Alex immediately agreed. "No, no, no thank you, okay, I don't need it seriously.'' I stupidly giggled.

   And again after another lap of truths and dares it came back to me with Alex asking me a dare: "I dare you to go jump in the lake right now." "WHAT? ARE YOU CRAZY?!?! IT IS ALMOST DECEMBER!" I lashed out at her. "Or you can go on a date with a girl we pick for you." Alex calmly said. "Fine! Let's go." I hopped on my feet starting to walk toward the door. "What, what you are actually going to jump in the lake?" Enid asked in a concerned voice. "It's a dare Enid, she has to do it," Kelly said in a deadly serious tone getting up as well and walking up to me, and now so did Enid and Alex. 

   We quietly sneaked out of the school and walked to the lake, now I was standing on the docks still in my PJs shaking from the fear and coldness. "Jump, the quicker you do it the faster it will all end," Alex said as I walked closer to the edge of the docks. "Maybe I shouldn't, I can get sick." I started contemplating. "You do know I can get cramps and drown, and you will need to jump after-" but before I could finish talking Alex pushed me hard and I lost my balance falling into the water. Immediately as the water came in contact with my skin, painful coldness swallowed me. Because I fell so hard I was fully submerged in the water and when I started swimming back up it felt like forever to get there, but when I finally did I immediately swam back to the shore. "Alex I will kill you! I am so cold." I yelled as I stepped out of the water grabbing the towel that Enid had taken with her as we left the dorm. "We would have stayed here until sunset if I hadn't pushed you, but now let's get back or else you will literally die." She chuckled while I stood there wet from head to toe shivering feeling like I had just taken a dip in Antarctica.

   As we were walking back to the school Enid pointed to a lit window and said: ''Isn't that Miss. Weems window." It is, Shit! We have to go!" Alex said quickening her paste. And now I was really scared as well because literally less than 12 hours ago I had talked to Weems about me being irresponsible and that I would think about my actions, yet here I am doing the opposite of what she had asked me. So we quickly got back to school and while other girls went back to Alex's dorm I went to mine not even turning on the lights in the main living area I sprinted to my bathroom where I took a hot quick shower. After that, I picked out some dry clothes and started making my way back to Alex. "Thank god...well, I hope Larissa didn't see this." 

I wondered to myself and when I took a corner to a hall that lead to Alex's dorm I stopped as I saw Weems exiting her dorm and saying in an angry voice: "When you see her! Make her come to my office right this instant!" And then she shut the door behind her and walked away back to her office not even noticing me standing there frozen in the dark. 

''I'm in so much trouble...'' 


The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now