Chapter 36- All Alone

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      I bearly made it to the bus, but luck was on my side at the moment. I got on the bus and sat down at an empty spot. I felt empty, I wanted to cry, but nothing came out. ''I knew it, no one ever will love me,'' I whispered because I almost got into a relationship once, but it fell apart because I was just a crush for a short time—a doll to play around with. The bus took me to Jericho where I hopped off. 

   Right then and there I googled ''Quiet places in Jericho.'' All kinds of locations popped up, but one particular location caught my eye, it was a lake 1 mile away in a woody area, so that is where I decided to go. I put on my headphones and started making the 1-mile journey while wondering whether Weems knew why I left. I had left the picture on her phone open and did she see it when she returned? ''Well...If she saw them or not, still FUCK HER!'' I was sad and angry at the same time, making my hands into fists and digging my nails into my palms again. I felt my stomach gurgle, and then I realized that I hadn't eaten since Weems had despaired which was 2 days ago. But I didn't care, thinking about food made me sick. And so I continued to make my way into the woods in which I would soon face the lake, the spot where I would finally be alone and at peace. 

   ''Wow! It is as beautiful as people claimed.'' I gasped seeing the beautiful view of the lake being surrounded by tall, thick trees. It was just like a fairy tale. I found a nice little spot, just beside the water and sat down in the sand pressing my back against a tree stem. I took my headphones off to listen to nature, birds chirping and wind brushing through the tree branches. Nature was where I really felt at peace. This place made me forget about Weems and the emptiness in my heart. I watched as the clouds raced each other in the sky, birds hopped from one tree branch to another, as well as a squirrels ran up trees. ''How I love nature,'' I whispered closing my eyes to just listen.....

  I felt the sun appear from the grey sky shining over me, making me feel warm and safe, even tho I was all alone in the world at the moment. I didn't know for how long I had been sitting there, but I really didn't care, I was ready to even spend the night here If I needed to. Not a single thought had crossed my mind since I got here, but it all came crashing down when I felt my phone vibrate in my jean pocket. ''Caller unknown? Must be a telemarketer.'' I never answered unknown numbers because I was always too anxious, so I let my phone ring out in my lap until it went silent. For a few minutes, it was quiet again when I got a notification from the same number that called me, but this time it was in a text form:

''Where are you?''-Unknown

''Pick up the phone, when I am calling you!''- Unknown

''I need to speak to you, immediately.'' - Unknown

   I knew exactly who was the caller now...Miss. Weems. I ignored her messages, and just placed my phone back in my lap: ''I won't be dealing with you, not today.'' I closed my eyes. And then my phone started buzzing again, and the same number was calling me, but this time I didn't let it ring out, I just pressed the red button on my screen, and the buzzing stopped. I wanted her to know I was alive and well, but that I dint want to speak to her. And again more messages popped up:

''Y/n! Answer me!'' -Unknown

''You can't ignore your principal!''-Unknown

   But I just turned my phone on silent and placed it in my bag. It was already 7 pm, and the last bus leaves back to Nevermore at 7:40 to which I knew perfectly well I wouldn't make it. ''Guees I am sleeping here, or walking back,'' I said looking at the undisturbed trees being reflected in the water as a dimension to another world. It started to get dark and then I remembered the monster attacking people in the woods, including me, which gave me the spooks and enough motivation to get out of the woods. I grabbed my bags and started making my way back to Jericko: ''Jup, I am deffo not sleeping here!'' I thought to myself trying not to trip over a fallen tree. By the time it got dark, I just had made it out of the woods now heading through the lit streets of Jericho. As I got to the center of the town I saw that the Weathervane was still open, so I decided to order myself a nice big cup of coffee. 

   ''Hey, can I have my usual!'' I said approaching Tyler who was still working. ''Oh, at so late?'' He said stopping for a moment to process the time. ''I can ask the same about you working so late.'' I giggled, feeling a lot better since the Weems incident, I had cleared my head which helped to stabilize my mood. ''Well okay, okay.''He quickly made my order and handed it to me. I sat down in my usual spot and put on my headphones opening up my phone to see more missed calls and texts, but I ignored them, opening Netflix to continue watching my tv show. 

   I felt a light tap on my shoulder, and when I looked I saw Tyler and he said: ''We are closing. It is 10 pm.'' ''What! Already!' Umm..okay then see ya!'' I got up, patted Tyler on his back, and left. ''Guess I am going back on my feet!'' I thought to myself, but I wasn't sad, I was actually happy, I liked walks, especially at night. Nothing much happened while I was going back, I just listened to a podcast imagining all the things that were said. By 11:30 pm I approached the gate of Nevermore and all the negative things came back to me, but I continued walking trying to ignore them. 

   I quietly entered the school and scurried to my dorm, as I was entering it I didn't turn on the light because I saw that Weems office was still lit, so if she saw that I had my light on, she would probably come here and that was the last thing I wanted to experience today. I quickly showered and I had burned off all the coffee on my way back so as soon as I got into my bed sleep washed over me. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now