Chapter 131- Proof

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   "What are you doing?" Molly asked as I kept dragging her to Larissa's office. "Oh, you will see...literally will see," I smirked as my excitement grew more prominent with every passing second. I was ready to show Molly how committed I was to Larissa and that I wasn't making shit up as well as I just wanted for Larissa to know that someone knew about our relationship.

   I only stopped when we had reached Weems's office door and that is when Molly started figuring things out: "You are actually doing this..." She quietly said as my hand was already millimeters away from the door handle. "Oh yes, I am..." Finally, I pulled the doors open and dragged Molly in as Larissa observed both of us with a confused look on her face. "Girls? Is everything okay?" She asked as any other headmistress would do, but I knew Larissa could drop the act.

   I let go of Molly and without saying a word walked up to Larissa. She was sitting in her chair doing some paperwork, so I turned the chair to face me making Weems get even more confused. "Y/n? What are you up to?" Larissa asked still trying to maintain the situation somewhat professional. I didn't reply anything for a brief second I just stared into her eyes already missing my lips on hers even tho we had kissed just roughly an hour ago. I couldn't wait any longer so I pulled myself closer to Larissa and placed my lips on hers while positioning my body into her lap.

   The kiss lasted for a few seconds before Larissa understood what was happening and pulled herself away from me. "Y/n! I-I, you- " She looked over at Molly who was just observing everything not able to even make any proper facial expression. "You can let the professionalism go...she knows..." I placed my hands on both of Larissa's cheeks while still keeping eye contact, and as soon as she heard what I said she went in for another, more deeper kiss.

   We were kissing for a good minute when Molly made us split apart by saying: "Okay I get it! You both love each other...don't need to start making out in front of me." That is a typical thing Molly would say. "What is this all about?" Larissa wanted to know the answer as to why I had kissed her in front of Molly. "She didn't believe that I am dating you." I placed my hands on Larissa's shoulders while giving Molly a nasty look.

   "Is that so..." Larissa turned to face Molly, "and you don't have anything against me stealing your friend." She ran her fingers through my hair quickly glancing back at me. "Oh pff....she deserves you, I'm just glad she is happy." Molly found her way and sat down in one of the chairs across from Larissa's desk. "God it feels better that someone knows..." Larissa let out a long sigh of relief as her hands slid down to my waist. "I'm just glad we all know." I slid off Larissa's lap and stood back up already feeling tingles in my legs from the awkward position I was sitting in moments before.

   An award since fell between us before Molly broke it: "You look so cute together I just can't. Y/n sorry I had doubts...but now I can just see you are made for each other I wish I could date a male version of you!" Molly couldn't sit still in her chair and while she was saying all this nice stuff I noticed that Larissa was flattered by these words and she was even blushing already. I understood that she wasn't used to getting these kinds of compliments so seeing her in such a vulnerable state I couldn't let my eyes off her.

   "Looks like someone is flattered." I teasingly said. "Oh shut up." Larissa grabbed my arm and pulled me back in her lap. "No! Seriously stop! I will pass out from how cute this is!" Molly almost squeaked making me and Larissa giggle at the same time. "Oh this is nothing..." Larissa laughed as she reconnected our eye contact with a stare I had never seen before, sending many signals through my whole body. "Does she want to kiss me? Fuck me? Does she want me to fuck her?" I thought to myself but before I could search for answers deeper in her eyes, we all heard Larissa's office doors opening.

    Quickly as a dart, I shoot up from Larissa's lap, scurrying closer to Molly. "Oh, hi Y/n...what are you doing here?" My mom asked while closing the doors behind her. While I was trying to find a reasonable explanation Larissa spoke first: "I called Y/n in to discuss some things about the next semester." Larissa had already switched back to her professional side. "Oh I see...that is just what I came here to discuss..." My mom looked over at me and Molly, "Could you leave me and Weems to discuss this under two eyes?" "Yes, of course!" I and Molly started heading out and the whole time I was wondering, "What does my mom have to discuss...strange..."

Authors note:

So basically while taking a shower a new story idea came to me that I might start wrighting, it is about Larissa Weems as well and it has a plot, unlike this one. So I might finish this story soon, or just leave it be and post a random chapter whenever I have an inspiration. What is better, to leave it or finish it?

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang