Chapter 35- This Is Not Good

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   Nightmares tortured me all night making me wake up almost every hour. At 3 am I woke up needing to use the bathroom, and when I entered it I looked in the mirror to see my eyes and the huge dark circles under them. Mascara had run down my cheeks, now dried on my skin making me look like I was in a fight. But I didn't care, all I cared about at the moment was Weems and her well-being. I left the bathroom and grabbed my laptop stumbling to my bed. I needed a distraction, and what else could distract me better than old cartoons that reminded me of my home? Finally, after the sun had risen and the clock showed 7 am peace hit me, letting me fall back asleep, while in the background a cartoon was going on. 

   The sleep was good and deep, and I didn't even hear the birds outside my dorms singing, to which I usually woke up. But all good things had to come to an end when I got shaken up by Enid and Alex standing next to my bed. ''Oi, let me sleep please,'' I said not even lifting my head from the pillow. ''And what about the classes? And the tests we have today.'' Enid said pulling the covers off my body and letting the cool air touch my skin. I groaned and sat up in my bed: ''Right...'' And then I saw a confused look and bot on their faces when Alex finally said something: ''Umm,  have you been crying?'' ''So and, I can't cry?'' I got out of my bed and entered my bathroom to clean off my face. My mind was only focusing on Miss. Weems, making me cold and dry to my friends. 

   Today I tried to actually do the tests as well as I could, even tho I hadn't studied for them. And after the day was over I didn't bother to go to Weems office, because a little part of me had given up already, so I just straightly went to my dorm. When I entered it, I immediately knew something was off, my dorm was cleaned...bed was tidy, my desk organized, and my laptop which I had left on my bed now was sitting back on my desk with was a note that I had placed on Weems laptop the night before. ''Was this a stupid joke or something,'' I asked myself because I had major trust issues and when something like this happened, I always thought someone was pranking me. But then my legs started movie faster than my brain could process the information, my heat had taken over my body and now was leading me out of my dorm straight to her office. Not a single thought crosses my mind as I was going to Weems office, I had hope, but at the same time, I didn't. 

   As I got to the door, I didn't bother to knock and entered it right away. And immediately I knew she was back, the room was filled with her perfume and it was warmer than usual. And then...I saw her sitting at her desk. ''Oh, my, god..'' I thought to myself. But then immediately started going towards her. ''Where were you? I was worried, you were gone for 2 whole days, and no one knew where you were.'' My tears started dropping, once again smearing the mascara. ''Y/n? Oh, I am sorry, I didn't think you would worry.'' She stood up and walked up to me, tying her hands around my waist and pressing me close to her. ''One of our students got sick and we needed to admit him to the hospital, and I needed to stay with him until his parent would arrive, and they live across the country.'' She didn't let go of the embrace and just let me sob in her arms. ''I really thought something bad had happened, I don't want to lose you,'' I said taking a small half breaths, not being able to breathe properly. ''Don't worry, I am here now, I am here....'' She let go of the hug and took my arm leading to the sofa, on which I had slept the other night. We sat down on the sofa, and I wiped my tears on my sleeve, making it black from the mascara. Weems placed her hand on my shoulder lightly pushing it, letting me lay on the sofa and place my head on her legs. ''Everything will be okay..'' She quietly said looking into my eyes, as so did I. For a while we didn't speak, I had closed my eyes, while Weems brushed my hair with her fingers. 

   ''I will bring you a glass of water, after this crying session, you need it.'' She got up leaving me laying on the sofa alone. I heard a notification pop up but I ignored it, then another one, and another one. I looked thinking it was my phone who was blowing up, but no it was Miss. Weems. I didn't want to look, but my eyes accidentally slid to the screen and I saw a number texting her. There were just pictures being sent, but I could not look, so I pressed the number. And my heart dropped faster than it had ever dropped. In the picture was a woman taking a selfie while kissing Weems... ''Oh!'' I scrolled through the pictures, they were the same, the same moment, and the same woman. 

   My brain took over now and made me leave her office, so that is what I did, I left leaving the pictures on her phone still open. I didn't want to confront her, I always ran away, and now I did it again. I went to my dorm grabbed my bag and left the school heading towards the bus station. I didn't know what I would do in Jericho, but that is where I was going to go. ''She lied to me...''

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now