Chapter 139- Dear Diary

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''Dear diary...

I know I haven't made any entries here for years, but now that I have found you under my massive book pile, I have regained the motivation to write my life down. Yes, it might seem silly now because I am not a child anymore but somehow it feels good to continue filling these pages, almost nostalgic. Before even writing anything, I had to reread all of my past adventures and it was quite a rollercoaster to relive my crazy ups and downs, and now I want to make like a little life update. 

Looking back at the last pages it seems silly, because well...I wrote how I hated my life and that no one loved me but now it is completely opposite. My life has turned out to be better than I had expected. There is no need to write and I quote 'Life is so miserable right now and I will for sure die alone' anymore because I believe I won't die alone. 

Since I made my last entry in this journal I have all grown up now, and actually, I won't die alone...shocker I know! In fact, I have all the reasons to believe that life has turned out to be quite sweet because I have finally found someone, and not like a best friend or anything, but actually love! Real love! Her name is Larissa Weems and she is a principal, HOT, I know! She is the sweetest person I have ever met, she actually used to be my principal as well, well...that is how I came across her, but now that I have finished school for good she is no longer my principal but instead a full-time girlfriend. 

I know that if little me would read this right now she would catch a heart attack and probably die because I know how much she used to be against gay people, but look how the tables have turned, I am a lesbian who is dating a woman, take that little me!  I am happy that I got to discover myself and find a person who I can call my one and only, and the craziest thing actually happened, I am out to my parents, wasn't the most pleasant experience, but I am glad that things turned in that direction because I found out that my dad is very supportive of me and my relationship, mom...she has still a long way to go, but she tries to be supportive and the way that she is trying to express it is making me rather want her to not accept me. 

Just kidding, it is the best feeling in the world to know that my mother supports me and my decisions on somewhat of a level, but man...I wish I could tell her that not everything she gives me needs to have a rainbow flag on it, but I just can't tell her because it is too cute. 

As I already mentioned that I had finished school and to my own surprise I have already moved in with Larissa in her home, at first I was scared that it might be too quick and would come as a bad thing for our relationship but the end it actually made it even stronger. Now living alone with her and not being her student I don't need to sneak behind everyone's back just to get to spend time with Larissa, now I can kiss her where ever and whenever I want and despite us getting some weird stares on the streets we didn't care and didn't let the bad aura get to us. 

A big thing that had come as a surprise for me was the moment I announced my moving-in plans to my parents because I for sure thought that my dad would be the one who would let me go the easiest and my mom would try to make me stay, but as it turns out it was completely opposite. My dad was a little crushed to find out that I was leaving the nest but it wasn't in a bad way like No! You can't leave! It is too early but instead, he was crushed because he wasn't ready to see me already go and live my life. But my mome on the other hand seemed to be happy to finally see me leave, she didn't mean it in a bad way and that she just didn't like to see me around the house, she meant it more as a way for me to experience the big world on my own without her help. 

And this is how I came here, writing in this diary. I had to fly back home to gather some things to take back to Jericho, and surprisingly Larissa came as well. She said that she didn't want to be alone and spend a whole week without me as it was summer and she could afford to take a few weeks off. 

She is the most caring person I have ever met. She is so freaking tall and so beautiful, every time she steps into the room all my attention always goes to her she practically is the center of my universe. She has the most angelic voice I have ever heard and the way she handles me is on another level. She always makes me feel like I am worth something that I have reason to live for, she never makes me feel uncomfortable, always asks about my day, and never fails to make me smile. Something that nearly a year I go I could only dream of had actually come true. I can't ask for anything more. 

I look at life as more colorful, if in the past I would see things in grim and washed-out tones, but now it is completely opposite. My life has finally a meaning and all because of one person. 

Y/n singing out...''

Authors note: PLEASE READ!!

Welp, this was the final chapter. 

Thank you so much for sticking around and reading this story! I appreciate it so freaking much! Fun fact, at first I wrote this story just because I was bored and needed to fill my free time with something, but never thought I would get so much support in the end. You made it possible for me to actually finish it and in the end, this story had become a big part of my life. Yes, I know this story doesn't have a crazy, breathtaking ending like you might have expected, but I never planned on finishing it in a crazy way, I didn't even know if I would even finish it, but I did, and the ending that I somewhat had in mind played out just the way I wanted it to. 

In my opinion, it is a good place to end this story, because to be completely honest I was starting to not have any bright ideas for new chapters and I got a little bored with it, my brain needed a new plot and a fresh start.

So for those who are wondering I will be writing a new story about these same characters, just in the new story, there will be a new plot and just new events in general. 

And again massive thank you for reading <3 My heart goes out to every single one of you! 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now