Chapter 39- Forgiveness

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   It was 1 am on Sunday and I had finally made my decision. I understood that, if somebody kissed me, I would have probably wanted to hide it from Weems and would have lied...I think. The longer I made her wait for my answer, the more I hurt myself. I looked over to her windows and saw that she wasn't asleep either: ''I...I think I know what I have to do...'' I got up and grabbed my phone. ''There is no time to wait.'' I opened my dorm door and stepped into the dark hallway, shutting the light off in my room. 

   It wasn't a long walk to get to Miss. Weems office during the day, but at night it is a completely different story. I thought that on every corner there was a ghost waiting for me, even running head-first into some walls a few times. But after the long journey which was around 10 minutes long, I was finally standing in front of her office door. ''Here goes nothing, but...... everything as well.'' I thought to myself placing my fingers around the door handle. I quietly pressed down until the doors clicked and I let myself in. The room was now dark, only light was coming from the full moon outside. ''Oh...she is asleep, I should get back.'' I turned around to exit her office when: ''No! This is my chance!'' I turned back and looked at the double door. 

   My legs started moving faster than my brain and I quietly approached the closed doors. I quietly opened them and stepped in, now in her bedroom. And as I shut the doors the night lamp turned on ad I saw Weems in her bed. ''Y/n? What are you doing here?'' She said trying to adjust her position in the bed. ''I...I came to apologize and forgive.'' I said looking down at my PJs. ''Oh....Y/n, you don't have to apologize for anything, I should be the one who apologizes to you.'' She said. An idea popped up in my head and I felt like that would be great, so I walked to the other side of the bed and climbed in. 

   I looked at Weems and asked: ''Do, do you mind if I- I sleep here?'' ''No, not at all.'' She lifted the blanket up for me to get under. I tucked myself in the sheets and placed my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. But then I felt Weems hands grab me, and scoot me closer to her. Now my body was touching hers, sharing each other warmth, and I got even closer to her and placed my arm on her chest and my head on her shoulder. Weems wrapped her hand around my back and placed her cheek on my head. We just cuddled sharing each other presents when I finally broke the calm silence. ''I...I love you.'' I felt ready enough to say it, so I did, but I didn't get an answer back, so I looked at Weems and saw that she was already asleep, her soft breaths now filling the room. ''Good night my pretty lady.''  I quietly said and closed my eyes as well and listened to her soft breaths.

   A few times I woke up at night, but every single time Weems hadn't let me from her embrace, and later when I woke up we had shifted positions now being in the big spoon. I was so glad that Universe had given me Weems. I fell asleep again...

   When the sun had finally risen and the light started creeping into Weems's bedroom my phone started ringing. I got a mini heart attack, and quickly got away from Weems's hands and checked who was calling. ''Molly?! Why are you is,'' I checked the time on my phone, ''Freaking not even 8 in the freaking morning.'' ''Oh sorry, but I sent you a package and I forgot about it, and now you have to go to the city and get it today, or else I don't know what will happen,'' Molly said in a voice in which I could tell she wasn't sorry about it. ''As always you forget....but ok send me the message about the info,'' I said trying to make clear sentences and not sound super grumpy. ''Already did, but I will let you sleep now, bye!'' She said and hung up the phone. I placed it back and got back in bed. 

   ''Who was calling?'' Weems said turning towards me. ''Molly, she needs me to get a package today out of the post office,'' I said and scooted closer to Weems. '' did you sleep?'' She asked. ''Better than ever, because you were next to me.'' I leaned closer to her and gave her a little morning kiss. I didn't know what I was doing because I had never been in a relationship, but just followed my instincts. ''Good to hear, but now come closer.'' She grabbed me and pulled me on top of her, now I was laying on her, Weems hands wrapped around me. But I rolled down and laid back next to her and placed my head on her chest and listened to her heartbeat while Weems brushed my hair with her fingers. 

   ''Are you going to sleep?'' She asked me. ''No, I  wouldn't, just don't want to leave you.'' I shifted and placed my head right next to her. ''I can take you to Jericho I need to go do some stuff as well.'' She turned to face me our noses almost touching each other. ''Yea that would be great thank-'' But I could finish the sentence because Weems kissed me. ''You look cute, with messy hair.'' She whispered and looked at my hair. I blushed a little and turned away to get my phone, to see if Molly actually sent me the info, but I saw a different message, it was from my Bff:

''When you see this!''-Bff

''Call me instantly! He broke up with me!'' Bff

   ''Oh, shit! I have to go, a friend needs me!'' I quickly sat up in bed and hoped out of it afterward. I started walking to the door, but suddenly turned around and went back to bed. I quickly crawled back and kissed Weems, but after that got out, out and said: ''Bye my pretty lady! Just later tell me, when I have to be ready to go!'' I opened the door and left.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now