Chapter 18- The Good Betrayal

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   The time had finally arrived for the Raven and I was really excited to go with Enid. The Raven would start at 7 pm, and it was 11 am at the moment, so I decided to go look for Enid because I hadn't seen her since the hospital visit. I still wasn't attending any classes, so impulsive thoughts ruled my brain: ''Because today I can go to The Raven, I can probably level my dorm as well!'' Without any other thought, I put on my jeans and a jumper and left my dorm to go look for Enid. 

   Going down the school's stairs was a challenge because my scars were still healing, and any other movement, besides walking, made my life a living hell. I went to Miss. Thornhill class and waited outside for the bell to ring. After 10 minutes or so it finally rang and a few seconds later from Miss. Thornhill's classroom swarmed out a bunch of teens. I carefully looked until I spotted Enid and pulled her asides.  ''Heyy!'' I said being all excited like I and Enid had switched sides of our personalities.  ''Hey! Will you finally attend classes, you are really behind!'' She said happy to see me. ''No, not yet, but I came to tell you that I am really excited about tonight!'' I said with a big smile on my face. ''Oh, about that...'' her expression changed, ''come sit with me.'' I tried not to let my hopes down and followed her to the nearest bench. ''Don't be mad, but I thought that you won't be coming to The Raven, so I asked Ajax.'' As the words came out of her mouth, my smile faded into a numb expression. ''Please don't be mad.'' She said being truly sorry. ''Oh....I,...I am not mad, no, no, no. Look, you got a shot with Ajax why not use it, Right?'' I said holding back all of my emotions. ''Yess, I knew you would understand, Oh but now I have to hurry to my class, thanks again and bye.'' She jumped off the bench and speed walked away. ''Bye..'' I said quietly that not even I could hear it. 

   I went back to my dorm, still holding everything back, but as I stepped into my dorm, it all came flooding out. I ran to my bed and started crying, I felt like I was betrayed: ''I hate everyone!'' I screamed into my pillow, my whole body shaking. I usually don't cry so hard, but this ball was something I had dreaded for a long time, and now I had no one to go with. ''I will be all alone, this means I will die alone as well, I just know it!!'' I said in a calmer voice. ''Why will you die alone?'' I heard a soft voice coming across the room. I couldn't quite understand who it was, and I was scared that it might be Enid because it would be really embarrassing. I lifted my head off my pillow:'' Miss. Weems? Why are you here?'' ''Have you forgotten, that I come to check upon you? But now why are you crying?'' She came towards me and sat down on my bed. ''Enid is going with Ajax, but we planned to go together, she just left me and forgot about me, like a piece of trash.'' I dug my face even deeper into my pillow and just sniffed my nose. ''Now, now, let's not start calling ourselves trash okay?'' She said in a soft voice placing her hand on my hand. ''But it always happens, every friend who I love leaves me, leaves me like I was nothing to them!'' I grabbed her and pressed it tight to comfort myself with her presence. 

   ''Well...I won't forget you! Oh, then maybe, perhaps, you want to go to the ball with me?'' She asked and I was in shock. ''But, but you are my principal, that is wrong, isn't it?'' I asked even tho I really wanted to go. ''Well yes, but we can go as friends, there wasn't anything wrong going with Enid as your friend?'' She asked waiting for me to answer her question. ''Well with Enid it is different,'' I replied, and Miss. Weems stood up facing the door: ''So I guess it is a no.'' ''No, no, I will go with you as a friend.....a close friend.'' Giving her a smile, and receiving one back. 

   ''Well then, be ready at 7!'' She said exiting my room, not even saying goodbye. I was freaking out, I was really nervous and excited: ''Ok, this is crazy, I am going to a ball with the person I love, who is actually my principal.'' I started sweating from the excitement and anxiety so I decided to hop in the shower to calm my nerves. 

   I started getting ready around 6 pm because I don't wear makeup so I don't need a lot of time to get ready. I grabbed my beautiful dress out of the closet and put it on. I felt like a fairy in it. ''My, my, my who is she?'' I said to myself out loud while looking in the mirror, ''the only thing missing is a fairy wand and some wings!'' I giggled when I heard a knock on my door.  I opened it and there was standing Miss. Weems in a beautiful silver dress that suited her perfectly. 

''Hey, Miss. Weems, come in!'' I said politely gesturing for her to enter. ''Well look at you, you look very pretty in that dress!'' She said while looking me up and down. ''I can say the same about you!'' I replied going to my shelf to grab my perfume. As I said that I saw her blush from the corner of my eye. ''Are you ready to go?'' She asked smiling at me. ''Yep, all ready!'' I came to her and grabbed her hand pulling her to the door. 

Authors note

So, I bet you have a feeling about what could happen in the next chapters, but I am sorry to make you wait, I will post the next chapter tomorrow, I promise :)

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