Chapter 32- Lust...

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   For the next few days, I mostly spent my time with Alexandra in her secret room, we just chatted and laughed. One day I had a lesson after class with Miss. Thornhill again at 5 pm, to which I had promised to show up, but the rearrangement had been made days ago, and I had forgotten. On the day of the meeting, I and Alex were in my dorm and I was teaching her how to play the guitar, and I didn't even think about the fact, that Miss. Thornhill was waiting for me. 

   ''Is this right?'' Alex asked showing me if she had placed a chord right. ''No, no your 3 fingers need to be one sting higher,'' I said correcting them, and I felt like my guitar teacher, which I call once a week to catch up on the stuff my group is playing. ''Can you play something for me?'' She asked placing the guitar in my arms. ''Umm, sure, but what?'' I placed the guitar on my lap and asked Alexandra. ''Umm, maybe devil town?'' She said pulling the cords up on my laptop. ''Yea,'' I said and started playing, and while in the middle of my song, someone entered my dorm. I turned to look who it was and my heart dropped and I realization had hit. Miss. Thornhill closed the door and said: ''Y/n why didn't you come today?'' ''I...umm...I forgot, I am so sorry It just slipped out of my mind.'' I placed the guitar on the ground and started apologizing to Miss. Thornhill. ''I can't with you Y/n! It seems like you don't want to study, your mind is somewhere else in my lessons and now you start skipping the opportunity I have given you.'' ''I am really sorry, and I like your subject, just sometimes I can't concentrate, and now I just forgot, I really don't want to be your enemy,'' I said almost on my knees. Alex then barged into our conflict and said: ''Okay, she forgot about your lesson, because I asked her to teach me how to play guitar.'' ''Okay, fine, but I have already called Weems, and she will want to talk to you later! But now I will leave, good day to you both! ''Bye,'' I said to her before she stormed out of my dorm. 

   After a few seconds, we both started laughing uncontrollably. ''I think I should go.'' Said Alex picking up her bag. ''Okay, byeeee!'' I said and she left my dorm. After Alex had left, I realized that I might actually be in trouble, again. For the rest of the evening, I could concentrate on anything because  I was wondering if Weems will come to me or if I have to go to her. 

   The next morning I was trying to ignore the negative thoughts and pursue with my day, but I couldn't, so on lunch break I went to Alex's secret room, but she wasn't there. ''Huh, that is odd....'' Alex usually spends her lunch break here. I looked around the dusty room. I came to the front of the room where on the wall was a chalkboard and started drawing little random things on it. I spent my whole lunch break there, but Alex never shoved up. ''Where are you.'' I grabbed my bag and left for my lesson. 

   It was Miss. Thornhill class, so the whole period I just doodled in my notebook avoiding eye contact with her.  As the lesson ended Miss. Thornhill immediately said: ''Y/n! Stay.'' I got nervous and came up to her desk: ''Look, about yesterday.....I am truly sorry, we can rearrange another time, and I will put an alarm if that helps.'' I said holding my hands together. ''Oh, no I don't want to talk about that. It is just that Weems wasn't able to get you in lunch, so she should be arriving any minute now, to talk to you.'' Thornhill said wiping down the chalkboard. ''Well, crap...'' I thought to myself. And just how Thornhill had said it, Miss. Weems entered shortly after. ''Y/n...please may you come to my office.'' She said holding the doors open for me. ''Umm, yea okay.'' I stepped out of the classroom and followed Miss. Weems. 

   My emotions were holding onto a piece of string, and I was scared that it might break, and I would start crying. When we entered her office I didn't say anything, just looked down at the floor. ''Y/n.....'' Weems sighed, ''How many times are you going to get in trouble.'' ''I, I literally just forgot, I am a human, and these things happen,'' I said holding back my emotions, but feeling them weighing my shoulders. ''I swear the girl is a bad influence.'' She said. ''Wha-, what do you mean.'' I looked back up at Weems to see her furious face. ''That girl, the one you spend most of your time with.'' Weems wasn't standing she was walking around her hands going everywhere. ''You mean, Alex? She is not a bad influence!'' I felt my emotions starting to slip from my grip. ''Yes her! God knows what kind of things both of you are doing, that is why I put her in detention for the next few days.'' She said like she had won a medal or sum. ''YOU DID WHAT!'' I yelled, my eyes now tearing up. ''Don't yell Y/n, I had to do what I had to do.'' She said now stopping in front of me. ''You, she didn't do anything bad..... wait...Are you jealous because I spend time with Alex?'' I said feeling a teardrop roll down my cheek, but it wasn't because I was sad. No, It was an angry tear.'' No, I am not jealous.'' She said crossing her hands. ''Yes, yes you are, you don't like that I draw my attention to Alex rather than you!'' I said now furious as well. ''That is ridiculous!'' Weems replied. I calmed myself down and said: ''Look, I don't do unholy things with Alex, we are just friends, okay.'' I walked up to her and grabbed her hands, making Weems's face get softer. 

   Weems picked me up and carried me to the sofa and placed me down sitting next to me. I looked deep into her eyes which were full of lust before I leaned in and kissed her. She placed her hand in my hair and kissed me back, not letting go. She started kissing me down my neck, but I placed my finger on her lips making her lift her head away from my body and said: ''Only after, you get Alex out of detention, then we will....'' I winked, got up, and fixed my hair. Then I gave her the last little kiss, before leaving her office. My cheeks had turned red, and my heart was beating. Her hands were so soft as well as her lips, I felt like I was on cloud 9 being the luckiest person alive. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now