Chapter 118- Finally Back

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   "Are you ready?" Larissa asked as she enter the room after she was done doing all of the paperwork. "Yes! Take me away from here." I replied while sitting on the edge of the bed, with my stuff next to me. I was finally glad to get away from the hospital because it just reminded me of too much bad memories. "Okay then, hop off, and let's go," Larissa said as she was standing almost right in front of me, but as I was sliding off the bed I felt how much the wound was still hurting, but I hid it from Larissa and didn't tell her anything about it. "Let's go." I grabbed my bag and started walking toward the door, trying not to show any signs of pain on my face.

   We left the hospital and got into Weems's car where we started chatting. "So...when doesn't everyone leave for the holidays? Or has everyone already left?" I asked because I didn't get the chance to go home this year, which I was a little disappointed about, but knowing Larissa's situation I kinda didn't want to leave anyways and was ready to spend the holidays with her.

    "No, everyone is still at Nevermore, but if you want to say your goodbyes to your friends, you better do it today because they will be leaving tomorrow. " Larissa said as she didn't take her eyes off the road. "Oh, okay." I slid down lover in the seat, still feeling a little tired from the medication and Larissa saw that so she said: "You can come with me, rest for a while, or maybe we can spend some quality time together." She placed her hand on my tight giving me a little glance before turning her eyes back on the road. As much as I wanted to stay with Larissa in her office, and cuddle her, I knew I couldn't.

   "I would love to, but I think Enid will come looking for me in my dorm, she knows I'm coming back to Nevermore today, and Alex will probably be there as well," I said feeling my eyes getting heavier and starting to slowly close shut. I always got tired while driving in the car, and now especially when Larissa was here the atmosphere in the car was just too comfortable for me not to fall asleep. But as I almost drifted away to my dreams Larissa pulled me back awake by saying: "Well, okay then...And don't fall asleep now, we will be soon arriving at Nevermore. You won't be able to fall asleep at night if you sleep now." She said still having her arm on my leg. "Mhm, I will try." I replied trying to keep my eyes open, and to do so I just kept staring at Larissas beautiful face.

   It was a real struggle to keep myself awake the whole ride back, but luckily I managed to not fall asleep even until Nevermore. "All right love, were here." Larissa stopped the car's engine, so I opened up the doors and as soon as I tried to get out of the car, the pain hit me and now it wasn't possible to hide it. It was impossible for me to get out, because the more I tried the more the wound hurt, and I knew I needed to ask Larissa for help. 

   "Umm...La-Larissa?" "Yes?" She asked as she walked up to the side of the car where I was sitting. "I-I kinda need help...I-I can't get out." It felt so awkward asking her this because it seemed so stupid that I even couldn't do the most simple thing which was getting out of the car. "Why? Is something wrong?" Larissa asked as she leaned closer to me. "It hurts..."

   I looked up at Larissa and stretched out my arm for her to take it, but then Larissa just leaned even closer to me and scooped me up into her arms lifting me up. "I can walk..." I replied, but actually, I didn't want her to place back down, I wanted her to carry me, so I just pressed my head against her chest and wrapped my hands around her neck, making her not able to let go of me at all. 

   "Wait..." I realized that people were still at school and someone could literally see us, "won't someone see us." I let go of Larissa's neck and asked her while looking deep into her beautiful hypnotizing eyes. "If you're in pain, then I have a reason to bring you back to your dorm Y/n, don't overthink things, everything will be fine."  She started walking toward the school while still carrying me in her arms, and I became deeply mesmerized by how strong she was.

   She brought me back to my dorm and as a surprise, we didn't run into anyone the whole time, which was very interesting, but at the same time logical because it was evening already. Larissa carried me to the bed and placed me down where she immediately sat down beside me. "Okay...I have to go do some work now, but if you change your mind and decide to come, text me please, I don't want for you to be walking around and hurting yourself even more...okay." Larissa had a serious expression on, and to make her worry less about me I looked into her blue eyes before leaning in and kissing her right on her soft lips.

   I had missed her lips so much that I didn't want to let go and it seemed like Larissa didn't want either, she kept kissing me back almost not giving me any chance to breathe. I could feel how much she had longed for this because the way how she was kissing me was so much more different than usual like she wanted it to last forever so she stretched each kiss as long as possible.

   I could taste the sweet vanilla chapstick that was on her lips and even I didn't want this special moment to end, but then finally Larissa ended it, by pulling herself away from me, leaving us both just sitting on the bed. "Okay now, I seriously need to go." She stood up from the bed and looked down at me, "And better stay here! I don't want to see you walking around too much okay!" She pointed to me with her finger before turning away and starting to walk toward the door. 

   When she was almost at the door I stopped her by saying: "Wait! What happened to what you said to me in the hospital...before you left me yesterday...that I had to pray to God to not get discharged out of the hospital..." I smirked at her making her walk back to me. " you want to find out huh?" "Oh, I not only want to find out...I want to experience it as well..." I quietly replied to her question in a suggestive way, while still sitting in the bed. "I guess you will find out later..." She leaned closer to my face and quickly gave me a little kiss before leaning back up and walking back up to the door and leaving me alone in my dorm.

   I loved how Larissa was talking to me like that, all mysterious and so intimidating giving me butterflies every time. "Now I just want to fucking go to you and find out what you have on your mind..." I thought to myself not being able to stop smiling. I was wondering what she had on her mind and that maybe I might experience Larissa's fantasies tonight. "You can pin me to the sofa, to the bed, or where ever you want and live your fantasies through me, Larissa..."

   I realized that my tiredness had passed and I was feeling refreshed already so I just decided to inform Enid and Alex that I was back at Nevermore, because I didn't want to be bored out of my mind waiting for them to show up by themselves, while in the meantime I could be spending that time with Larissa.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now