Chapter 51- Inconvenience

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   We got back to Nevermore and Weems immediately stepped out and walked to my side, as I stepped out she again grabbed me by my arm and started pulling me to the school. "I am sorry, you don't have to be angry," I said and now I was trying to get away from her grip, but she didn't let go, just tightened it even harden till the point that it started to hurt. She dragged me to her office and I finally said:" Please let hurts!" "Oh God," She let go," I am so sorry...but you hurt me too!" She didn't even look at me. " I said am sorry, I forgot to inform you, is it now wrong to forget?" I said feeling tears forming in my eyes. "But I told you that I am coming to get you, and what do you do? You decide to walk away." She said still looking everywhere else except me. "But I told you not to come." I wiped my damp eyes with the sleeve of my shirt and looked down at my feet. I turned around and said: "I am so sorry." Before walking away, but before I could get anywhere Weems pulled me back. 

   "It is just that I really care about you-...what happened to your hand?" She suddenly noticed my bandaged arm. "Just my stupidity," I replied and Weems grabbed it. "HOW?" She demanded that I tell her the reason. "I bought a knife to defend myself if needed, and I accidentally cut myself, nothing much there is to it. I am really clumsy, that's it." And as I said that she started to unwrap my palm, and every layer she took off the cloth became redder and redder. "Oh God, it is really deep." She said as she took the cloth fully off. "It's nothing, don't be overprotective over a small cut," I said trying to get my arm from Weems, but as she noticed I was taking it back she grabbed it tighter. ''I am not overprotective, now, come, I will put on some new bandages." She sat me down on the sofa before disappearing into her bedroom and later reappearing with a white little box in her hands. ''Oh yes, you are overprotective.'' I grinned as she sat down next to me and opened up the box, and took my arm. " SHIT! It hurts, what are you doing!" I felt my body crumble from the pain. " I need to disinfect it first, and how am I overprotective?"She said and then started to wrap my arm with the cloth. ''You always worry about me, like I am a child,'' I said watching her wrap my arm. "Here, all finished, and if I am overprotective then good because you always seem to get in trouble. " She said and kissed my palm before letting it go. 

   I scooted closer to her and pressed myself on her side: ''I will make sure to tell you where I am going the next time.'' I said and Weems placed her arm around my back and pressed me really close to her. ''You better or I will have-!'' She got cut off when her phone started to ring. ''Hello?'' She picked up and started talking to the caller. ''Okay yes, thank you, I will make sure to tell her that. Bye-bye.'' She hung up and looked over at me. ''Dr. Kimbott called, she is ready to take you tomorrow for your session.'' ''I'm not going.'' I immediately said feeling deep anger towards that lady. ''Why, why not? I thought you wanted to go.'' Weems asked in a sweet voice like she would be talking to a little child. ''Well, not anymore! She can't keep shit to herself.'' I said. ''What happened? Tell me.'' Weems demanded. ''She told Tyler about that incident...She is such a bitch!'' ''Y/N LANGUAGE!'' Weems didn't like that I swear a lot and she tried to change that. ''I don't care, it was wrong, I trusted her! What happened to privacy!'' I felt rage in my blood. ''Y/n! I am not canceling the appointment, you are going and that is it! You can tell her what she did is wrong in tomorrow's session.'' I felt Weems's hand take mine for comfort but I wasn't having it, so I stood up. ''Why don't you understand me? How would you feel if someone spilled your secret to the world?'' I started walking away, I was pissed off at everyone. ''Y/n!'' Weems stood up and started following me, but I didn't stop. I left her office and started running to my dorm so she wouldn't catch up to me, and locked myself in. 

   I was mad, my blood was boiling until the point I broke. I collapsed on the ground and started sobbing and everything came back to haunt me, the man, the dreams, the past, trust issues, everything came at once. And now I was feeling bad for running away from Weems, but I felt too emotionally drained to go apologize. The whole rest of the day I contemplated my life until it got dark. ''I can't just sit here and be miserable, I have to make things right! And not run from my problems anymore.'' I thought to myself and got up on my feet. I unlocked the doors and went to Weems's office. I wiped my damp red eyes on my sleeve and stepped in. Her office was dark, but I could see a faint light shine from her bedroom. ''Hey, I am so sorry-...are you crying?'' I looked over at Weems and saw her sitting in her bed with a tissue in her hand, her eyes red just like mine. ''Y/n, I am sorry, it is my fault, I shouldn't have-'' ''No, no, no I am sorry, you did nothing wrong, I just ran away from my problems again.'' I cut her off and crawled into bed next to her and hugged her. ''I will go tomorrow to that session and will talk to her,'' I said and pressed myself onto Weems. ''You do look cute when you cry,'' I smirked at Weems and she almost immediately blushed.

   For a long moment, it was silent but then we both started to giggle: ''Crazy day isn't it!'' Weems said. ''Yea I agree,'' I replied trying to stop giggling. ''I am starting to get tired,'' I said and scooted lover and placed my head on Weems's chest. ''Good night my love,'' Weems said and turned off the lights. I fell asleep while counting her heartbeats. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now