Chapter 109- If I Die...

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   Larissas Pov:

   After I had drank the whole bottle of wine, Y/n stepped in, and suddenly something came over me. I thought I needed to prove my love to her as if she didn't know that already. But in the end, I ruined the night for both of us, but Y/n wasn't mad at me at all, she cared for me and understood my situation, not making things awkward between us. She laid me to bed and stayed with me until I fell asleep. 

   I could see how much Y/n was trying to be more understanding and change the way she acts making me love her even more. At first, I didn't want to tell her that Ember had kissed me because I was scared that she might take it the wrong way and run away from the problem, making us both suffer even more. In the end, I decided to tell her because I didn't want to have secrets between us and I was quite surprised that Y/n didn't make a big deal out of it. She was really understanding, which I was glad about, but later when I was already falling asleep I started thinking about what if she is planning to do something bad to Ember, but I couldn't ask her anything, because I was too tired to speak or even open up my eyes. 

   It didn't feel like a minute had passed since I fell asleep when already Y/n beautiful voice pulled me back awake, but something in her voice sounded wrong. At first, I didn't quite understand what was happening, but after a few seconds when my eyes had adjusted to the light I saw something I didn't want to see. Y/n was standing right next to my bed with a fear full expression, she was clasping onto her side and when I looked down I saw blood, a lot of blood. 

   She stuttered out that she was stabbed by Ember, and I immediately got out of my bed, I wasn't ready to hear anything about Ember, right now I only cared about Y/n. Then suddenly she collapsed on the floor so I instantly got down and grabbed Y/n into my arms and took the bloody sweater off her to see where the bleeding was coming from, and at that moment I got flashbacks from that time I found Y/n on the bathroom floor bleeding out. ''Not again! NOT AGAIN!'' I screamed in my head before I saw Y/n's eyes start to float somewhere far away. 

   So I started talking to her, to try to keep her conscious, which seemed to work. Then I saw Ember standing right next to us, so I demanded Ember to call the ambulance, but Y/n insisted not to because she didn't want to be embarrassed, which made me wonder about what was more important to her, her life or reputation, but thank God Ember hadn't listened in what Y/n had said and called for the help anyways. 

  I was so scared, I didn't want to lose Y/n, she was my everything so I started applying pressure to her wound to maintain the bleeding under control, but it seemed like she had already lost a lot of blood. Eventually Y/n lost consciousness and now  I was panicking because it was a race against time before I could lose her forever. 

   Now I was just holding her limp body in my hands, not wanting to let go. ''Please Y/n, wake up.'' I said before I laid her on the ground next to me and looked over at Ember, who was just standing there watching things go down, then I looked down at myself and saw that I was still only in my bra and underwear covered in Y/n blood and I knew I had to cover up, so I looked back at Ember. ''Come here! And apply pressure!'' I demanded and Ember quickly did what I said her to do, she got down on her knees next to Y/n and immediately placed her hands on Y/n stomach.

   I quickly got up and grabbed my silk robe covering myself with it. ''I didn't mean to, I swear!'' Ember said as I got back down and placed my hands on Y/n's abdomen as well. ''We will discuss this later! Right now we need to keep Y/n from dying...we can't lose her! God...she is bleeding a lot! When will the ambulance be here!'' And as I said that I saw Y/n eyes open back up. 

   ''Y/n!'' ''La-Lar...Larissa...'' She quietly whispered that I almost wasn't able to hear her. Her eyes didn't have any emotions in them, they were looking straight at me and I didn't see any sparkle in her eyes. ''Y/n...please stay awake, you can't leave me, please! Listen to me!'' I said still not letting my arms away from her wound. 

   ''I- I want my mom...where is she, please tell her I love her...'' She said now looking straight up at the ceiling I couldn't believe what I was hearing. ''Y/n, you're not dying, not today! You will be able to tell your mom that you love her, personally on the winter break, you will live to see another day! I promise!'' I said hoping that she wasn't ready to let go, but then I finally heard the sound of the ambulance arriving outside of the building. 

   ''Ember! Go! The ambulance is here! I will stay with Y/n.'' I demanded Ember to go because I wanted to spend a little time with Y/n. ''Okay...'' Ember got up and ran off towards the ambulance, so I immediately looked down back at Y/n, she was still conscious, but it didn't seem for long. ''Larissa...I love you...and if I die, please don't be sad, go find someone to love, you deserve to be loved and cherished as a goddess. Find someone, someone better than me...I haven't been the best girlfriend, but I wanted to be, I tried and I hope you will remember that.'' 

   Y/n said and I could feel tears running down my cheeks and dripping on the floor, I didn't want her to die, I wanted to spend the rest of my life together with her. ''Y/n, please don't say that! You will live, help is coming, and you will be fine.'' And as I said that my office doors busted open the paramedics rushed in. ''Y/ is here!'' I was relieved to see help arrive but I didn't get a response back. ''Y/n?'' I looked down and saw her eyes closed and I didn't know if she was alive or not, and before I could check I got pulled away from her by paramedics. 

   ''Y/n!'' I tried to get back to her, but I got pushed out of the room into my office. I was scared to know if she was okay, and I couldn't quite make out what the paramedics were saying, so I was as clueless as Ember who was standing next to me. 

   After 5 minutes of pure confusion and panic, I saw them carrying Y/n out of my bedroom so I immediately rushed to them and asked: ''Is she okay? Is she alive?'' ''She is alive, but in a critical condition, we need to get her to the hospital as fast as possible.'' One of the people said. ''I am coming with you!'' I started following them out of the office because I didn't want to leave Y/n alone, I wanted to spend every moment by her side.  

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now