Chapter 21- Sleepover?

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Larrisas pov:

   I decided to go back to my room, to go to bed, and as I was approaching the stairs I saw Y/n sitting on them. I asked her why she was sitting on the stairs and it turned out, she was in pain and couldn't get up. 

   I decided to grab her and bring her up to my office to give her some painkillers. As I where bringing her up she said: ''Carry me where ever you want to go my angel.'' I almost dropped her, from the shock that she had said such a thing. ''Does she like me?'' I thought to myself while carrying her, and figured that she was drunk. I asked her if she was, and her answer was all I needed to figure things out. I wasn't going to be mad, because I used to be like her, get drunk, and say stupid things as well. 

   I carried her into my office and placed her on the sofa, after that, I walked into my room which is connected to my office to grab some pills and a glass of water. I grabbed a box of pills and filled the glass with water. I left my room and handed Y/n the glass but struggled a bit to get the box of pills opened. Y/n even asked if I needed help, but I got it opened. ''Oh, I will finally give her the timetable she forgot.'' I thought and stood up to look for it on my desk. 

   ''Oh, well this reminded me, you asked me If I thought you were pretty, the other day, right?'' She asked after I told her about the timetable ''Right.'' I replied. I found the timetable, but placed it on the desk and went to sit next to her because my curiosity was killing me since that day. My eyes couldn't stop looking at her, and then she told me that I was really beautiful. It made me blush and I felt the palms of my hands start to sweat and my heart started beating faster and stronger. Then I felt her hand on my knee and her face closer to mine, then she told me that I where really hot. It made me blush hard and I started moving my face closer to hers as well. I said: ''I think you are very pretty too!'' 

   And then I leaned in to kiss her. It felt like I had thousands of fireworks exploding in my stomach and my brain. Then Y/n ended our kiss and I thought that she will run off, or that she will think it is wrong, but she grabbed my hand and leaned in for another kiss. I felt like she had given me a new purpose in life, and the purpose was she. The most beautiful girl with the most perfect face had entered my life. There, we just sat on the sofa and shared our connection. Her lips were so soft like god had made them himself. I didn't want this moment to end, but the Y/n suddenly stood up and quickly sat back down.

''What was that all about?'''I asked her concerned and scared that something might be wrong. She said that she felt woozy, so I rushed to get her another glass of water, to help her get the alcohol faster out of her system. When I came back I saw Y/n sleeping on the sofa. ''She looks so peaceful while sleeping!'' I thought while watching her chest rise up and down slowly with each breath she took.  

   I didn't want to carry her back to her dorm, because I where getting tired myself, so I softly and gently picked her up and carried her to my bedroom, which is behind the double door. I placed her on my bed and covered her with a blanket. Then I went to get the glass of water to place next to the night table so that If she will wakes up she will have something to drink. ''I have really fallen in love with this girl!'' I thought in my head while placing the glass of water next to the bed. 

   I decided to go take a shower before I would go to sleep myself. While washing my body I thought: ''Should I sleep on the sofa or next to her? Would it be inappropriate even tho we had just shared a kiss less than half an hour ago?'' I had so many questions, but I decided to sleep next to her because the sofa is not the most comfortable place to sleep. After I where done showering, I changed into my pajamas and went to my bedroom, and saw that Y/n had taken my pillow and hugged it, her chin resting on it. ''She is quite an interesting one!'' I said quietly trying to whisper. 

   I went up to her and carefully took my pillow away from her trying not to wake her up, she moved a little, but continued to sleep. Then I went to my side of the bed and sat in it placing the pillow where my head is supposed to rest. I lay down and turned the light off. ''I love you!'' I said quietly to Y/n while getting comfortable. I listened to Y/n soft breathing until I fell asleep. 

   I had woken up around 4 am in the morning because I needed to use the bathroom, and I felt something heavy on my chest. I opened my eyes and saw Y/n head resting on top, her legs dangling out of the bed. She went from sleeping vertically to horizontally with her head on top of me. ''I guess the bathroom can wait.'' I thought while placing my hand on her soft hair, brushing them with my fingers while I fell asleep. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now