Chapter 100- A Sick Game

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   At that point I couldn't concentrate on anything that Alex was saying, I was just staring at the flowers until I noticed that next to them there even was the note Larissa had written me and that made me even madder and confused. "Umm...Alex..." I cut her off trying to look as normal as possible, "The date is a good idea, but...I don't want to be rude, but...umm, can you step out, I need to speak with Ember..." I awkwardly asked her in the nicest way possible. "Oh of course! I will leave you both," She giggled as she started going towards the door, "I hope you both make out, Y/n...go get her!" She tried to hype me up as she left the room leaving me and Ember alone, and it made me feel bad for giving Alex false expectations and hope. 

    But I quickly got to the chase. "Why do you have my flowers?!" I immediately confronted her pointing to the bouquet of flowers that was lying on the desk. "Because they are from Miss. Weems, and you know I love" She ignorantly replied making me want to slap her in the face. "And what were you doing in my room? And you know those ARE MY FLOWERS!" I needed answers immediately. "I wanted to speak to you about Alex so I came to our dorm, but then I saw the flowers and the note, and, well...I needed them more than you do, so I took them. Besides, why was Weems even sending you flowers with that fucking sweet note,  and not me?" She was convinced that Weems still believed her lies. 

   "Because maybe I am the victim Ember, maybe because Miss. Weems understood that I needed her attention as well! And that you were lying! Oh, and you don't take other people's stuff Ember! How would you feel if someone took something special that had been given to you by the person you love..." I snapped at her already tired of Ember's lies and tricks. "A person you love? What does that mean..." She asked and I realized that I shouldn't have said that so I tried to explain myself: "Umm, not like that, I, I just said it as if from your point of view." I felt my hand getting sweaty. "You like her...don't you. That is why you get so angry and defensive." She started catching up to me so I had to make things right and continue to lie. 

   "What! No!" "Yes! Yes, you like her!!" She pointed to me with her finger so I gave in because I knew Ember wouldn't give up trying to push it out of me. "Fine, so what if I like is not why I wanted to talk to you!" I crossed my arms giving her a nasty look. "Well, about the flowers, I still deserve them more, I probably have a better chance with Miss. Weems than you, so I am just doing you a favor, getting the distractions away." She tried to sound so smart so I snapped completely. "Ember. You. Are. So. Fucking. Delusional! Like you are sick in the head thinking this!" I wanted to say that I was already together with Larissa, that she had zero chance with her, just wanted to rub it in her face, and when I said that she was delusional her facial expression changed so much, and it seemed like she really got offended, so she sharply turned around, walked up to the desk, grabbed the flowers and walked back up to me. 

   At first, I thought she would give them back to me and I even started feeling the victory kick in, and I was happy to get the flowers back because of the love they held. But by the facial expression Ember had on I started doubting the thought I had seconds ago and so she said: "Fine! If I can't have them, then you can't either!" She threw the flowers on the ground and started stomping them. 

   "What THE FUCK EMBER!" I yelled at her as she continued stepping on the poor flowers. "Now...none of us have nothing to fight for." She seemed so proud of what she had just accomplished that I just wanted to kick her, but I decided to take this professionally...and be verbal. "You can't imagine how much I want to punch you in the face right now, but I won't because you would run off crying like the little bitch you are and tell someone what I did to you...but I have a reputation to maintain." I didn't want to be that girl in the school, that everyone talked about for beating up her "good friend". Ember for sure would be the reason I would be sent away to the crazy town, but right now I had no plans of becoming mental. 

   "Well...I would beat you up, just because then I would get sent to Miss. Weems office, and for that I would do anything." And as she said that I started giggling. "What is so funny?!" She got confused. "Ohh...where do I begin! Okay, first of all, YOU? Beating me up?" I loudly laughed, "I can't see that happening, despite your black soul you probably can even kill a fly!" Now I just wanted to continue mocking her, "Okay, okay, and it is funny that I don't have to try anything to get Laris-Miss. Weems attention!" It felt good to put myself higher than Ember, even tho it wasn't right on any level, I didn't care. 

   "How come?" She asked with a more interested look, and I knew that she was waiting for me to tell her my tricks, so she could use them as well, or in the worst case scenario use them against me, but I had the perfect reason and she for sure couldn't mimic that. "Well, I am an exchange student, so Miss. Weems is the person who is written down in the papers as my guardian for taking care of me." And as I was saying that I looked over at Ember, and I could see that she knew that I was a special case, so I felt more relaxed and sat down on the chair next to her desk and continued talking.

   " you think I would have been left here without any supervision, yea right! And so Miss. Weems started coming to check up on me, and I went to her office to chat whenever I was bored and I consider Weems more as my friend than the school's headmistress, so I would say I got pretty lucky." I gave Ember an evil smirk, but then it seemed as if she got something in her mind and she started walking up to me. 

   "Fine!" She leaned closer to me, and continued talking, "Let's  have a competition" I didn't like where this was going but I still asked, "What competition?" "One of us has to kiss Mis. Weems first!" She said that and I immediately hated the idea, so I let one confession slip out, "What if I have already kissed her..." I said it with full confidence but it seemed that Ember wasn't buying it. "Ha! Right! In your dreams she probably did, you can't make me feel bad, because I know you never have kissed her! That is why we are doing this, this will prove who Weems chooses over who." 

   It seemed like she had been planning this for months already tho I knew her only for a few weeks. "Ember...look. NO! I don't want to participate in this stupid game!" I stood up wanting to leave. "Oh, you will play this! I don't give a single fuck if you don't want to!" And as she said that I lost it, but I still wasn't going to do anything crazy, so I without saying a word walked past her, picked up the sad broken flowers, and walked out slamming the doors behind me. 

   "She will never kiss Weems, she is mine already!" I wanted to tell Ember that Larissa had taken my virginity and was fully committed to me, just to make her feel bad, but I didn't because I didn't want to brag about this special thing between Larissa and me as if it was something I had won at the arcade, so I kept on going to my dorm. 

   I was still wondering about what if she actually kisses Weems, "would Larissa start thinking and looking at Ember the same as she looks at me... starting to doubt our relationship ship? Would she leave me for Ember?" I realized that I and Ember shared quite a lot of similar traits, we both were the same height, the same humor even our fashion style is the same. 

   "Had Ember become my competition?" I looked down at my arms in which I held the broken flowers looking like they had come out of a war. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now