Chapter 62- 4-6 weeks?

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   "What is so urgent?" I asked Alex as I stepped into my dorm. "Okay, okay, is this one chick I really like, and today she sat next to me at lunch, and we talked and she was looking in my eyes all the time, and she was giggling and I knew I was pushing my luck but I kinda said that she was cute, and she said the same to me!" Alex said pulling me to the bed where she sat down next to me. "Oh damm, this is the first time you are talking about your feelings," I said a bit surprised about it. "Yea, yea, but anyways I need your help! I need to know if she likes me too!" She desperately said. "And what makes you think I know anything about romance..." I asked trying not to spill anything about me and Weems. "I don't know, you're the only person with who I am comfortable talking about this." She said and so we started talking about Alex's love life. 

   When we were done talking I checked the time and saw that I had to go so I got up and said: "Well I got to go, but good luck with that girl, maybe ask if she wants to go on a walk, who knows maybe she is your person, being together with another girl is better than being with a guy, the connection and the kisses are just me." "What? I thought you were single....are you not telling me something?" Alex asked and when I realized what I had just said I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around to try to fix the things I had just said. "Oh, no, no, no!" I nervously tried to brush it off. "Y/n are you with someone??" Alex now came up to me with a ton of questions. "No! It...ah...I just have watched too many romance shows! Yea, that is it! But now I seriously need to go" I said and turned back towards the door wanting to escape this situation. "Y/n! Come back!!" Alex said but I just kept walking: "That was a close one..." I thought to myself quickening my paste, so if Alex decides to follow me, she won't catch me.

   I finally left the school and went to Weems's car. ''Why are you in such a hurry?'' She asked as I got in the car. ''Oh, I just didn't wanna be late,'' I said not mentioning the awkward situation I just had as I fastened my seat belt. Then Weems started the car's engine and we left Nevermore. ''So...I was thinking,'' I broke the silence, ''are Like, are we together as partners?'' I asked because this question had been bothering me for quite some time. A few moments of silence passed before Weems said: ''Aren't we?'' ''I don't know.'' I quickly said eager to know her opinion and thoughts. ''Well...if were not, I would like us to be.'' She said and placed one of her arms on my thing not letting her eyes off the road. '' girlfriend.'' I placed my arm on hers and smirked. 

   We got to Jericho and went to the hospital where the doctor took some X-rays of my arm and while we waited for the results to come back I mostly texted with my friend while Weems scrolled through Facebook. I felt that I needed to go to the bathroom so I stood up and Weems's eyes immediately lifted away from the screen. ''I will use the restroom,'' I said and looked over at the wall on which were the directions to find it. Then I went to the bathroom where I quickly did what I had to do and when I walked out of the stall and started washing my hands Weems walked in and came up behind my back. She grabbed me on my waist and leaned over me and whispered in my ear: ''You were taking too long, and I started missing you.'' So I quickly turned round to face her and replied: ''Can't get enough of me, can you?'' I said having a little grin on my face. 

   ''I guess I can't.'' She quietly whispered so if anyone else is in the bathroom they wouldn't hear her. ''You know your hair is really pretty.'' She said running her fingers through them a few times before she stopped at my chin and placed her hand on it before she leaned in and kissed me. Larissa's lips were soft as always, not like mine which were dry and chappy but It didn't stop her from kissing me mouth to mouth. And at that moment I realized how much I needed her in my life so I grasped Larissas's waist in my hands to feel closer to her, but then I heard a toilet flush so I quickly let Larissa go and we broke apart when one of the stalls doors opened and out came an old lady. I not saying a word started walking towards the door and Larissa quickly followed me. 

   We got back to our seats and continued waiting for the doctor to call me. After around 10 minutes the doctor finally called my name and we walked into his office where I and Weems sat down in front of the doctor's desk.  ''Y/n, we got the results back and it is not as bad as we thought they might be.'' The doctor said. ''So...what is it then?'' I asked feeling my heart start to race a little. ''You have a stress fracture on your right third knuckle. You got lucky and you won't need a cast because the fracture is not that severe, but I would strongly advise you not to put any more stress on your injured hand because it might get worse. It can heal improperly, lead to arthritis, or you may even need surgery.'' He said writing something down on his papers. ''So how it will heal and for how long?'' I asked. ''Minimal activity, try avoiding putting pressure on your hand, and it will most likely heal in 4-6 weeks.'' He said and I was in disbelief. ''4-6 weeks? Are you joking? It is my right hand, I can't write, or eat with it. This is pure hell.'' I said starting to get a bit agitated. ''I am sorry, but it is only up to you to make the recovery as fast as possible.''He said before we ended our appointment. 

Authors note:

I most likely won't be posting a chapter tomorrow because I will not be home. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now