Chapter 38- The Truth

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      ''Oh for God's sake!'' I turned back and walked to my closet grabbing a towel to dry my hair with. ''I need to speak to you,'' Weems calmly walked up to me. ''Oh yea, lock me in my room like a dog and besides there is nothing to be said anymore, I know enough.'' I tied my hair in a bun and moved towards my bed before Weems could get close to me. ''You would run off, that is why I locked the door. didn't know what you saw. Please, sit.'' She pointed to my bed and sat on it as well. ''No, I can stand-'' ''Sit!'' She cut me off and said that one word in a harsh tone, so I sat down to show her some pity. 

   ''I will be speaking now.'' She said and continued, ''the girl who you saw, she is my ex from a long time ago. That day she called me and said to meet her in the local bar to catch up on life because she was in town. And not to be rude I accepted even tho I didn't want to. Later she started buying me drinks until I got quite drunk and didn't understand what was going on, and then she pulled out her camera, I turned to her to ask her why, and she just kissed me taking a photo of the moment. I obviously pulled her off, but I know it sounds stupid now, but I still stayed with her....the whole night in the bar.'' She said trying to look at me, but I rejected her eye contact. ''You lied about the hospital...'' I quietly said feeling a sad but angry tear run down my cheek. ''In the morning I got a call about a student getting attacked, so I didn't really lie.'' She placed her hand on my thigh, but I stood up snatching the keys out of her hand. I started walking to the door when Weems said: ''Please, Y/n.....I didn't kiss-'' ''Yea, but you still lied.'' I cut her off and started unlocking the door. ''I...I love you!'' She said standing up. I stopped but not turning to face her I said: ''I wish I could say it back, I want to say it back...but I don't think I can. And I don't think I believe you.'' I chuckled and opened the door. ''I need some time, oh, and if you love me...prove it!'' I slammed the doors behind me and started walking away. 

   I quickly made my way to the old classroom, which I and Alex started calling our secret bunker. Tears started rolling down my cheeks and a feeling, that I had never felt before, took over me. It was like a mix of sadness, anger, and happiness together. I started throwing things around the room screaming, but after I had used up all of my energy I crumbled on the ground crying hard and shivering because I was still wet from the rain, the room was cold and dark....empty. But I wasn't ready to leave the room, I wanted to suffer because deep down I felt like it was my fault. ''I messed everything up! Me! My fault!'' 

   When it was dinner time, it was only then that I stepped out of the classroom because hunger had taken over me. ''Ohh! Look who finally has come to eat!'' Enid sarcastically said as I sat across her at the table with a plate of pasta in my hands. ''Werry funny,'' I said and when I sat down I felt the still-damp clothes stick to my skin. ''So, what have you been up to?'' Enid asked digging her fork into her own plate. ''Oh, nothing, you know...Just watched Netflix and I went to Jerich to a beautiful lake. And you?'' I said taking the first bite of solid food in days. ''Nothing really, basically just spent time with Ajax.'' She said.  While we ate, we discussed the upcoming tests, and the whole time I tried to hide my sad and grumpy face. ''Okay, umm...I will go, want to catch up to my Tv show!'' I lied, I felt another wave of emotions come over me and I needed to cry, so I quickly finished my plate and left. 

   My eyes started getting moist and my stomach turn, so I quickened my walk back to my dorm. I hated that I was so weak and that I always started crying when things got bad. But now I let myself cry as soon as I entered my room. I just stood there, cried my heart and my eyes out. Then I noticed a note, on my desk. ''Another freaking note!'' I walked towards it and picked it up. And as no surprise, it was from Weems.


I know you are angry with me, and it is completely my fault, but I can try to make things better. As you said, to prove it. So, I want you to know that I will wait for you until you clear your mind, and are ready to forgive me, even tho it might never happen because I have noticed, that it takes you a while to forgive. I notice little things about you, that others don't. For example, whenever you talk to someone and are nervous you put your weight on one of your legs, making you stand with one leg bent. You bite your inner cheeks, which I think is really adorable, but you do it out of stress. I notice that when you eat, the knife and fork in your hands, you hold them like you are left-handed tho you are not, and you are very picky when it comes to food. These are a few of the many things I have noticed about you because I can't stop looking at you, and admiring you. I want to spend every second with you, but I am afraid I messed it up, but that is why I am giving you space to think now. 


This made me cry even harder, and I felt my heart melt a little, but I still wasn't ready, not yet. The rest of the day I tried to make up my mind.

Authors note:

I know you were waiting for something else to go down, but.......not yet, soon, but not yet. (winky face)

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now