Chapter 94- Right Or Wrong

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   After I had left my dorm, I immediately felt better, it was good to tell Weems how I felt, but at the same time it wasn't good, because I wanted Larissa to understand this herself, not to tell her, but I couldn't rewind time and take my words back. But now I was sure that Larissa would come and apologize to me, so with quite an easy heart I went to lunch. 

   After I had eaten with Enid I went to the rest of my classes where I continued wondering about what I had said to Weems. I really hoped that this will help Larissa realize everything and she would come and apologize, so after classes ended I went straight to my dorm, hoping for her to be there, but when I entered, she wasn't there, but it was okay because I still hoped for her to come soon enough. I hadn't decided yet If I would forgive her, at first I wanted to hear the apology before I would think, so I patiently waited convinced that she would show up but time passed and she didn't show up. 

   I was ready to wait for her all night if I needed to because it was Friday, but the hope started to fade. I started walking around my room and when I looked through my balcony window into Weem's office I saw the thing I didn't want to see. Ember and Larissa were chatting and they both seemed pretty happy and that just made my blood boil. Now I just wanted to get out of there, so I texted Josh. 

"Hey! Stupid question, but can I come over to hang out at your place?"- Y/n

"Hi, yes you can, where are you at rn?"- Josh

 "At school, but I can be there in 1 hour."- Y/n

 "No need, I will come to pick you up, be ready in 20."- Josh

   We ended our conversation and I was happy that Josh could come to pick me up. I quickly got some stuff, planning on maybe staying over If I could, and was out the door. "Fine! If we are playing this game, then I will make you wait for me!" I thought in my head, as I passed her office heading down the stairs. I was hoping a little that she would come out of her office and call my name with her beautiful voice, but this was not a romance movie, just my sad pathetic life. 

   Josh picked me up and took me back to his place. "Why so suddenly do you want to come over?" Josh nervously asked. "I just needed to get out of the school right this instant, do you have something to drink?" I asked. "Water?" Josh asked but I had meant something stronger and gave Josh the look and he understood. "Oh Y/n, you can't drink off your problems, so let's suppose I don't have anything, better tell me what is it that makes you want to drink." Josh took my hand and started pulling me up the stairs to his room. 

   He dragged me up and I sat down on his bed while Josh decided to go make us some hot chocolate. And out of pure curiosity, I decided to look at his pin board and see if my picture was still up there, and indeed it was still there and that made me feel a little better, to know that someone still cares about me and is ready to listen to me, unlike someone else... After a little while Josh brought us some hot chocolate and sat me back down on his bed where he joined me. 

   "So...tell me, what is the reason you had to get away from Nevermore? I know you don't come here without a reason.'' Josh was so sweet towards me, and I realises that he doesn't even offer me cigarettes anymore whenever we hang out, and that just made my heart break a little more because I knew how he felt towards me and now I would just dump this relationship drama on him. So I told him everything, just not mentioning Larissa in her name, just as my girlfriend. I told him how I felt, how I didn't feel appreciated enough, and how my girlfriend didn't listen to me and that it feels like she still doesn't. And Josh listened to me.

   ''Wow, I am sorry for that, maybe, if you're fighting so much with her, then it is maybe a sign.'' He said wrapping his arm around my back. ''What do you mean?'' I asked letting him take me in his embrace. '' know, maybe it is just not working out. Like, you always fight, and she seems like she never listens to you, only wants what is best for her, and now...she put you on the bottom.'' He said as he started playing with my hair which I allowed him to do because I thought it was a way of him comforting me. 

   ''Was Larissa really thinking of herself only? Should I take a break...?'' I started questioning myself while Josh was braiding my hair. ''I don't know...I just think she is that way because of her past relationships. I don't think she wants to lose me in fact.'' I was trying to make the best out of this situation. ''Maybe a break would come good for you, you wouldn't have to suffer anymore.'' ''I don't know...maybe...'' I didn't really want to take a break, because I know they always end up in a breakup, but at the same time, was Josh actually right? 

   ''She is just complicated...'' I chuckled. ''Or maybe she is just using you for her own good, if she had that bad of a past, maybe she is using your kindness and love, just so she would heal her own scars while cutting new ones on you?'' Josh sounded so confident while telling this, and I didn't know where he was getting that from.

   ''Was Larissa really like that?''

Authors note:

The next chapter might be Larissa's point of view on this whole situation. =^.^=

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