Chapter 75- Avoidance

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   As soon as Weems turned a corner disappearing from sight I immediately walked up to Alex's dorm and went in. "Gurl- guess who just was here," Kelly said but I cut her off while walking up to them and sitting down on the floor. "Yea I saw, I am in so much trouble." "She said for you to go to her office, are you?" "Fuck no!" I immediately replied as soon as Enid asked me that question. "But anyways what can she do? Say that it was bad, give me a warning..." "She can expel you." Alex barged in. "Well, I am definitely not going anymore," I said feeling really nervous, I knew she wouldn't expel me, but the disappointment she probably has right now, I just couldn't face her now, and even from the nervousness I started fidgeting with my wet hair on my finger. 

   "But what will you do in the morning when the classes start, she can easily pull you out of one?" Enid asked and at that moment I was wondering the same question. "I guess tomorrow we will see...I can't think right now, it is...almost 5 am, Alex mind if I sleep here for a few hours, Miss. Weems might look for me at my dorm." I explained myself pointing to the floor. "Yea, yea no worries, it is the best option right now." She nodded her head. "Thanks, can anyone wake me up in the morning right after you eat breakfast?" I asked and all of the girls nodded agreeing to wake me up. So I got comfortable and quickly fell asleep.

   It didn't feel like 3 hours had passed, but more like 5 seconds when Alex shook me awake telling: "The day of your nightmares has begun, good luck surviving, I would say it is set to Hard Mode." She giggled pulling the blanket off me and wrapping it around her while sitting down next to me on the floor. "And I brought you a cup of coffee because you will need it, and while I was grabbing it, Miss. Weems looked at me with a death stare, that sent chills down my spine, but anyways you might be the one dying." She laughed again as I sat up straight. 

   "Dude, why aren't you in trouble, you pushed me." I stood up and walked up to the desk, grabbing the coffee cup, and taking a sip of it, and that was just what I needed right at that moment. "I don't know, maybe she didn't see me push you." Alex calmly replied. "Okay, I will go change, let's hope I won't have any surprises in my dorm." I grabbed the coffee in my arms and chuckled a little. "Let's hope!" Alex crossed her fingers before I turned around and walked out.

I quickly walked to my dorm every 5 seconds checking if Larissa wasn't behind me, but luckily she wasn't and I successfully got back to my dorm. And she wasn't waiting for me in my dorm either so I changed into my uniform, drank my coffee, grabbed my bag, and left for math class. As we were waiting for it to start I mostly stood in Enids and Wednesday's shadow hiding from any surprises.

   And this went on for the rest of the day until lunch rolled around when a close call almost happened. I decided to skip lunch and instead go on a walk because it would be the least likely place where Weems would appear. So as I was walking to exit the school I turned a corner and saw Larissa talking to a teacher while walking towards me, before she could notice me I quickly turned around and started walking away. I knew I needed to hide somewhere or else when she would turn this corner she would see me in full clear view. And as if God himself had heard me, to my right I saw a door that lead to the bathroom. ''Oh thank God!'' I whispered and immediately walked in. 

   I walked up to the mirror and looked in it to it seeing myself with a red face. ''Shit, that was a close one.'' I laughed but before I could start celebrating the bathroom doors slowly opened and I could hear Weems's voice, so I immediately as fast as I could ran into a stall and locked myself in. I carefully listened to the footsteps of the person who had entered the bathroom and, yes, indeed it was Larissa who had entered. She walked into the stall next to me and I knew this was my chance to flee, so I quietly unlocked the stall door and walked out, as I was opening the door to exit the bathroom Enid pooped up wanting to enter. ''Y/n! Heyy! I thought you planned to go on a walk?'' Enid in a loud voice asked making the words echo throughout the whole bathroom so I immediately pushed her out and closed the bathroom door behind me. ''Enid! Miss. Weems is literally in the bathroom! But okay anyways, I will go, see you later.'' I said and immediately left her to go on my walk. 

   After classes had ended I had managed to successfully not run into Weems anymore, so I decided to go back to my dorm and lock the doors behind me and think about this situation because I can't run away from her forever, and besides, I missed her already. And as I was walking back to my dorm someone appeared from the corner, wrapped their arms around my shoulder, and pulled me around making me walk away from my dorm and I knew who it was. ''Stop running Y/n, it is useless and childish,'' Larissa said squeezing my shoulder harder with her arm. ''Better should have come to me when I asked for you, but now you just made it worse.'' Now I was in really big trouble.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now