Chapter 125- Punishment

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''Stand up and take your pants off, Y/n!''

   "W-what?" I almost gasped as Larissa let go of my hair. "I said, take off your pants! Now!" She strictly demanded, as her cold tone was sending shivers down my spine. "W-why?" I wanted to know what was Larissa planning, but instead of an answer I just got a look from Larissa, her eyes traveled down from my face to my legs, and quickly back up to my face, signaling for me to do what she had told me to do.

   So I decided to obey her because I had already caused enough problems as it is. I slowly stood up from the sofa, turned to her starting to unbutton my pants, Larissa observed every movie I take. I slowly pulled the pants down my shaky legs and threw them on the floor next to me. Larissa looked me up and down before a grin appeared on her face, as I was just standing there, in front of her, in my panties, trembling from the anxiety. "! Come here and lay on my lap." "What! Why?" I wasn't quite sure what she was planning, but I had a thought in mind, and if that was what she had on her mind, then no, I didn't want to get spanked.

   "Y/n! Come here. And lay. Over my lap! Now!" Larissa strictly demanded but I wasn't moving an inch. "N-no! I-I am not doing that! Can't we sort this out differently?" I crossed my legs as if I had to use the bathroom, even tho I just felt uncomfortable standing there in my underwear. "Absolutely not! Now...Y/n! This is the last time I say it! Come here and bed down!" She placed one of her hands on her lap signaling for me to come to her. Despite that I loved how dominant and pushy she was, I didn't want to get spanked by her, and I was going to stick to that.

   "No! I-I can't, I won't, I-I refuse." Never in my whole life I had ever been punished in that way, and I hoped for it to stay like that. "Miss. Y/N! That is no way to speak to your headmistress! If you don't come over here in 10 seconds, I will send you back home, without any chance of coming back here ever!" A second passed before she started counting, "10...9...8..." I didn't know if she was serious or not, but I knew I didn't want to risk losing the life I have been building here for the last few months. With Larissa it was the same as playing with fire, you never knew when it might burn you and leave a scar, so I finally caved in and took a step forward, before another one and another one, eventually walking up to her.

   "Without saying anything I propped myself over Larissa's lap, feeling how my insides were trembling from everything else except fear because a little part of me still believed that Larissa won't hurt me. "I guess this, or a ruined surprise..." I thought to myself before I felt Larissa's hands being placed on my hips making me get a little startled. "You know...the next part will be up to you as well Y/n..." She said as I felt her move me by my hips toward the side of my head, making my feet dangle off the floor.

   "W-what do you mean?" I asked as I had to use my arms to support the weight of my body, making me realize that Larissa had full complete access to my bottom and thighs. "Now, it will go like this. I will keep striking, until you cry out the truth, understood!" She said as she placed her warm hand on my back. "Y-yes..." I whimpered out knowing that I couldn't do anything to escape this situation as I felt her fingers drag alongside my pantie line gradually sliding them to the side and revealing the soft skin of my bottoms, before lifting up her hand up and bringing it back down immediately connecting with my bare cheeks. "AhH!" I felt a sharp pain run down my legs as the sound of the strike echoed through her office.

*Smack* "Ouch- stop!"
*Smack* "AHHHH-"
*Smack* "Please GOD!"
*Smack* "LARISSA Please..."

   I couldn't take the pain anymore, so before I would tell her about the gift, I decided to beg harder because I knew that is what she liked and just might be the giveaway card.

*Smack* "Please...Larissa, please stop! It hurts! I'm begging!"

"I will only stop when I will hear what I want to hear." *Smack*

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now