Chapter 19- The Raven

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Miss. Weems was helping me to get down the stairs by holding my hand: ''Why are there so many god damm stairs?'' I asked while taking one step at a time. ''Don't ask me. I didn't build this place!'' She replied as we both got to the bottom of the stairs. As we approach the ballroom, Miss. Weems asked: ''Have you ever been to a ball?'' ''No, we never really did these kinds of things, back home,'' I replied, and as I said that I felt Miss. Weems arm being placed on my back and softly pushing to go in. ''Then shall we go in.'' She said, starting to walk towards the door.

The minute we stepped in we were greeted by Miss. Thornhill: ''Hey, Y/n! Hey, Larissa. Y/n I thought you won't come because Enid went with Ajax.'' I chuckled: ''I kinda didn't want to go, but Miss. Weems asked if I wanted to go.'' ''Well, Y/n go talk to your friends, I will stay with Marilyn and greet the students,'' Weems said and I went to Enid. I wasn't even mad at all, in the end, things got better. ''Hey, Enid! Oh and hey Wednesday and Ajax!'' I said smiling at them. ''Hey!'' Enid said excitedly and handed me a cup. ''Ermm, What is this?'' I asked taking a sniff of the drink. ''It is punch mixed with vodka, but shh don't tell anyone, it is between us 4!'' Enid said while taking a sip of her own drink. ''Ok I won't, but I don't drink.'' I handed back the drink, but Enid pushed it back: ''One cup won't hurt you! And besides, it is very tasty!'' ''Okay fine...but only one,'' I took a sip: ''Oh, it is actually very tasty!'' And I took another sip. ''Woah, take it slow!'' Ajax said to me. ''If you want more, ask us!'' Enid added. ''You know what, let's get waisted!'' I said finishing the cup. ''And I thought you would never,'' Wednesday said while looking dead into my eyes. I handed the cup to Enid: ''Can you fill it, please?'' I had those puppy eyes on me. ''Here, but seriously don't get drunk, I am scared of what you are capable of.'' Enid handed me the refiled cup warning me. ''Don't worry, I know, I know.''

We were catching up on the things I missed, and I where on my third cup when one of my favorite songs started playing, and I started singing it and shifting my hips on the beat. I was feeling it, and I started to feel the alcohol running through my system. ''Y/n, sorry to say that, but you are not the best at dancing,'' Enid said, not being completely aware of her mind. ''I know, I only danced folk dance for 6 years, that is it!'' I didn't care that I couldn't dance, they were my friends. ''Ouch, shit I shouldn't be dancing!'' I remembered about my stitches so I sat down and finished my drink. Then, calm and slow music started playing and everyone went to the middle to dance. ''Hey, Y/n come dance with us! As a group!'' Enid asked holding her hand out for me. ''No, no, you people go, I will stay, I am in a bit of pain,'' I said, gesturing with my hand for them to go. I needed some painkillers but I didn't have any left, so I just laid my head on the table and just rested.

''Y/n? Will you come dance with me?'' Miss. Weems asked standing in front of me. ''Umm, sure!'' I stood up and took Weems hand and we went to the dance floor. I wasn't going to show her that I was in pain, or that I was a bit tipsy. ''Just to clarify I can't dance at all!'' I said while looking up at her. She bent down and whispered in my ear, her warm breath touching my ear made me shiver: ''Don't worry, I will teach you!'' She bent back up and took my hands and placed them on her hips and she placed hers on my shoulders. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks, I was for sure blushing, but was I blushing from her placing my hands on her hips or from the alcohol? ''Now just let your body move with the rhythm. You are a smart girl, you will figure it out!'' Then we just started dancing to the slow music in the background, while looking into each other's eyes. At that moment I had so many butterflies in my stomach, and I was starting to get scared that, me, being tipsy, might result in me kissing her in front of everyone. ''I mean, I do want to kiss, her, but not in front of everyone.'' I thought, getting snapped back to reality by the pain that was resulting from the scars.

After the dance, me and Miss. Weems broke the connection when Miss. Thornhill was calling Weems to come to her. ''Excuse me.''She said and left. I stumbled back to Enid and crashed in my seat: ''Okay, please pour me my last drink of the night!'' I pushed my cup to Ajax who poured me the drink: ''But the last one, right!'' He asked. I replied: ''Yes! Otherwise, I will start to kiss everyone who looks at me!'' I said giggling, trying to ignore the pain. Everyone else sat down around the table, and we just chatted for a while, and indeed this drink went down slowly as my last one. I stood up: ''Okay guys, it was a lovely night, but it is 1 am and I am starting to get tired.'' In fact, I wasn't tired, I just couldn't stand the pain anymore. ''I will leave my folks, bye!'' I started moving and hearing from my back soft goodbyes. Before I left I looked for Miss. Weems but couldn't see her anywhere and thought: ''Huh, she must have gone to bed by now.'' I exited the ballroom and came to face the stairs that I was the least dredging for.

I took one step, then another, but it was impossible, so I just sat down, trying to talk myself into walking quickly up, without stopping. But some kind of force kept me seated. For half an hour or so I just sat there, hesitating whether I should just sleep on the stairs. ''Y/n, why are you sitting on the stairs?'' Someone asked me. I lifted my head, to see Miss, Weems standing there. ''I can't get up, the scars, they hurt a lot, and yea....I can't walk up, the same as I can't get down.'' I placed my head in the palms of my hands that were resting on my legs and just sat there in silence. Suddenly I felt Miss. Weems arms grab me and pick me up, starting to carry me up the stairs. ''Thank you, you can't believe how much I appreciate it!'' I felt my brain drift somewhere far off, and without thinking I placed my head against her shoulder and said: ''Carry me where ever you want to go my angel!'' I didn't even realize what I had just said.

''Are you drunk?'' Miss. Weems asked me. ''No...Yes, I mean no, but maybe yes, I don't know, next question please!'' I said trying not to look dumb. I wasn't drunk, just tipsy, so I could still understand what was going on around me. ''I can see!'' Was the only thing that came out of Miss. Weems's mouth.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now