Chapter 95- My Point of View

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Larissas Pov:

Chapter 90- Disgust

   After I had taken Y/n back to Nevermore she decided to go take a shower so I went back to my office. I wanted her to feel safe after what had happened so I decided, when she came back, I would snuggle her all night, and not let her go away from me, kiss her, and cuddle her. But after 20 minutes of patiently waiting for her, the doors opened and I thought it was her so I said: "Hello darling..." but it wasn't Y/n, it was one of my students and she didn't look her best, she had this scared face expression so I called her in and asked what was wrong. 

   She told me that she almost had gotten attacked in the woods by the monster with fear in her eyes, so I started comforting her. I knew these attacks had to stop and I couldn't afford to lose any one of my students, especially Y/n. I understood that Ember probably went through something traumatic and as her principal, it was my responsibility to care for her, but then Y/n walked in. 

   She immediately walked up to us and sat down asking if Ember was okay, she truly cared about her, but I could see that she wasn't fine herself, her eyes were moist, and now that I had been together with her for a quite some while I could tell that she wasn't fine. But then she started accusing Ember of lying, and despite her not being okay as well I thought it was pretty disrespectful coming from her. And we had this argument in front of Ember before I made her leave so things wouldn't get worse between us and as well as I just didn't want her to sit here and suffer more. 

Chapter 91- Keeping My Pride

   After she had left and Ember as well, I started feeling quite bad for Y/n, I felt bad that I made her leave, so I decided to go apologize to her and hoped that she would apologize as well because I still wanted to snuggle and kiss her until she fell asleep in my arms. But when I got there I saw her almost attacking Ember, so I immediately pulled her off. I got quite mad with Y/n and lost it. I was mad at her for not accepting that I had given Ember more attention, and because I had been all day on edge, I took it out on her as well not realizing it at the moment. 

   After she had made me and Ember leave, I realized what I had just said, and I immediately felt bad for her, I wanted to go apologize again but she probably didn't want to see me at the moment, so I decided to give her some peace. I was sad that my plan had failed and that I couldn't comfort Y/n, I knew it was bad for me to say those things to her, especially after the day she had and that just sunk deeper and deeper in me with every passing minute. 

   And as time went on the guilt grew bigger and bigger so I thought that maybe I should go talk to her, but when I got there her doors were locked, and when I tried to talk to her she ordered me to leave, so I had to go to bed alone that night which absolutely destroyed me. 

Chapter 92- Avoidance

   So the next morning I tried to talk to her again but the words that came out of my mouth were not the same as I thought in my head. I wanted to say that I am sorry, but seeing her ignorant stare I lost it and didn't say it. And as Y/n, she completely ignored me and walked away. 

   After that I stayed in my office all day, I tried to focus on my work, but I couldn't, Y/n was the one stuck in my head, so I gave up on doing anything that day, and went to sit down on my sofa before I got a text message. I immediately checked who it was hoping almost begging for it to be from Y/n, but it wasn't, it was from Ember. She asked me if I could come over because it was urgent, so I quickly went to her dorm, but when I entered Y/n was there, so I immediately wondered why she was there, but before I could ask anything she left. 

   So I asked Ember what was so urgent and she told me that Y/n wanted to hurt her. "Y/n? No! She couldn't, she is too sweet of a person...or is she?" I wondered in my head as I stepped out of Ember's dorm after having a little chat with her. "Was Ember actually lying and Y/n telling the truth, but Y/n actually almost attacked her yesterday...who should I believe?" The whole rest of the day I continued wondering about this, this situation was weighing heavily on my heart and when it was already 11 pm I still wasn't able to fall asleep. 

   I missed Y/n presence next to me, and something came up on me, I just wanted her body next to mine, to wrap my arms around her, so I decided to maybe go say sorry and talk to her, I needed to know that everything would be fine between us so I could fall asleep peacefully. 

Chapter 93- Confronting

   But when I got to her dorm she was already asleep so I went up to her and sat down. My heart was absolutely breaking apart because we both were probably suffering. ''What if I just...'' I laid down next to her and placed my arm around her stomach, I just wanted to be with her just for a moment, I was planning on going back to my bed to sleep, but I accidentally fell asleep next to her. 

   In the morning when I woke up, she wasn't next to me anymore and for the whole day until lunch I tried to find her, but I never seemed to catch her, so I finally decided to actually talk to her at lunchtime and not let her walk away from it. I wanted to put an end to this suffering and choking incident that was standing between us, so when lunch started I walked to her dorm and waited for her because I knew she would most definitely come here. 

   And when she did, I immediately wanted to apologize to her, but she was about to leave, so I grabbed her by her arm asking her if we could talk, but she got angry and told me everything. She told me how I pushed her away, to which she was somewhat right, I had pushed her away, but for the past 2 days I had tried to talk to her, but she always ran away. And after she had told me this she, again, ran away, and as she closed the doors on me I said: ''If you didn't run away from your problems, everything would have been all right.'' 

   For the rest of the day, I wanted to go apologize to her and say that I am sorry, but little things came up that I couldn't ignore. And later Ember came to my office, tho I didn't want to see her, because of how much she had already been involved in my and Y/n's relationship, but she didn't leave when I asked her to, so I had to pretend that everything was fine and continue talking to her. 

Josh Pov:

   Y/n had texted me and asked if she could come over, and I was over the moon about that, because I still loved her, despite her being in a relationship, I still believed that maybe one day she would be mine. So I happily agreed and even took her back to my place and made her hot chocolate. 

   I wanted to know why she was so upset and when she told me the whole situation between her and her girlfriend, I thought it was my chance to maybe, make Y/n spilt up with her, and then I could comfort her, give her my love until she fell in love with me. So I started telling her random stuff, about her fighting so much with her partner, and other stuff praying to god I was on point, and it seemed like it was starting to work. 

   Y/n was starting to doubt her relationship, and I just needed to continue making stuff up about how it would be better if they split up, that Y/n would be better without her, and then I could get Y/n all to myself. 

Authors note: 

Sorry if this chapter is quite messy and all over the place. I am just not good at writing other people's Povs.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now