Chapter 117- Desired Fantasies

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   It was the next day and Larissa still hands come back to see me in the hospital since yesterday, making me a little annoyed because I was really bored and didn't have anyone to talk to. I even tried to call and text her but she didn't answer me, and I started wondering if she was playing some kind of game with me, or something actually bad had happened to her and that is why she wasn't picking up her phone. 

   "Fuck...Larissa. Where are you?" I asked myself as I texted her about her whereabouts for the tenth time already. Even tho I hated when people were ignoring me I was really hoping that Larissa was just messing with me because I really didn't want to find out that something was wrong while still being here in the hospital. "If you just show up here like nothing happened, I will kill you!" I murmured under my breath, but then suddenly I heard someone enter the room, so I quickly lifted up my head hoping to see my tall beautiful Larissa standing there, but disappointment quickly swallowed me because it was only Dr. Miller. 

   "Hello, Y/n! How are you feeling today?" She asked as she walked up to me. "Fine...Actually, I was wondering..." I started talking, hoping to get the answer I was longing for so much, "is it possible that I can be discharged today?" I asked because the sentence that Larissa said yesterday before she left me alone in the hospital hadn't left my brain still. "Is there something important you need to go to?" She asked not giving me the answer I was expecting. "Umm...I am just bored, I don't like hospital that Can I go today?" I sat up in higher the bed still feeling pain in my abdomen from the wound, but I tried not to show it on my face so Dr. Miller won't see me still being in a lot of pain. 

   "I have to run some tests before I can make that decision, but if you're bored, I can ask Josh to come here, to spend some time with know...get to know each other better." She happily giggled, making me stupidly smile, now praying to God, for Larissa to show up. I was now even ready to threaten Weems over text for her to show up because the last thing I want today was to see Josh or even speak to him, especially because his mom was right here all of the time. 

   " need, I don't want to bother him." I shook my head and said it as politely as possible to not seem rude. "I don't think it will bother him at all." And it didn't seem like she wanted to give up on trying to get Josh here, but after a long chat with a lot of back and forth, I finally managed to pursue Josh's mom, to not call him. After Dr. Miller had checked me she left, leaving me all alone again, only just with my thoughts. 

   I decided to nap for a little while because the medication was making me sleepy as well as I just wanted the time to pass faster until the test results would come back. So I got comfortable in the bed and soon after fell asleep. I didn't know how long I was asleep when I got already woken up when I felt someone sitting beside me on the bed and a hand being placed on my thigh where the blanket wasn't covering my leg, and as I was opening up my eyes, I was scared that it might be Josh who was sitting beside me because it didn't seem like I had convinced Dr. Miller to not call him. 

   But when I was able to see, I saw a pair of beautiful ocean blue eyes stare down at me, making me instantly get butterflies, but immediately after that annoyance. "Hey..." Larissa greeted me in a soft voice acting like she hadn't ignored me for the past day. "Why didn't you answer me? Were you playing a stupid game with me?" I asked as I scooted up higher in the bed to see Weems better. "Oh honey, no...I just had a really busy day because of the upcoming holidays...Did you worry about me?" Larissa scooted a little closer to me as she asked me this being really curious. 

   "I guess you will never know..." I crossed my arms over my chest still a little angry at her, because it is not that hard and it doesn't take that much of a time to pick up the phone and text back. "Y/n...I'm sorry. Well...'' It seemed like she got an idea.'' Will this make up to you..." Larissa asked as she was leaning closer to me. "Well...what do you have in mind?" I asked watching Larissa's face come closer to mine already knowing what she was about to do. "A lot of things I have in my mind Y/n! But I can't fulfill them here, so..." She was leaning in closer and closer while I kept on looking into her beautiful eyes ready to be kissed by the most beautiful woman in the whole wide universe, but before her lips could come in contact with mine I heard someone's footsteps approaching closer and closer. 

   So I snapped back to reality, realizing that we were still in the hospital I placed my hands on Larissa's chest and pushed her away. "Are you all right?" Larissa asked as I was pushing her off. "I can't, this is too risky." And as I said that Larissa realized that as well and quickly hopped off the bed. "But you can tell me what is on your mind instead," I said a little disappointed that I wasn't able to feel Larissa's lips on mine because we hadn't really kissed that much while I was in the hospital. 

   "Well, what do you want to know..." Larissa asked as she sat down in the seat beside me. "Whatever you have on your mind..." I replied scooting more to the side of the bed, so I could hear Weems better. "Tell me your fantasy...I want to hear it." I almost whispering said seeing how Larissa's eyes were burning with passion, that the idea of her telling me something just gave me butterflies by itself. 

   "Oh if you want to hear...okay..." Larissa started talking in a really quiet voice so no one else could hear her in the hospital, "I want for you to sit beside me on the sofa, while I run my fingers through your soft hair, before I pull you into my lap so I can wrap my hands fully around your body and pull you close to me. Then I would start softly and slowly kissing you down your neck as my hands would slide down to your waist and pull off your shirt leaving you only in your bra before I would push you down off me and pin you to the sofa so you can't go anywhere. After that I would continue kissing you down to your breasts as you just lay there not being able to do anything-" Larissa stopped talking as she heard someone enter the room, pulling me out of my imagination. 

   The person who had entered was just Dr. Miller and she seemed happier than usual. "Hello Y/n, I am here to inform you about your test results." She walked up to me holding a piece of paper in her hands. "Is everything all right?" Larissa asked in a concerned voice, but I had a feeling that everything will be all right. "Oh, everything is all right, don't worry." She replied to Weems's question before she turned to me and said, " Y/n, I am happy to inform you that you can leave today!"

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora