Chapter 45- A Bad Incident

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   The dude's POV:

   I saw this cute girl at the party sitting alone, and I knew I wanted her, so I approached her, but she wasn't super kind and didn't let me pour her a drink, so I had to wait for a different opportunity when to drug her drink. 

   The whole time I watched her nonstop and I finally had my chance when she left her drink unattended while using the bathroom. I quickly pulled out a baggie of Rhhypnol and poured it into her drink. After that, I just had to wait for the drug to work. I started noticing that she was starting to get woozy and stepped out where she blacked out. I came to her and picked her up and started carrying her upstairs, some people gave me stares but I told them that she just had too much to drink. 

   I brought her to one of the bedrooms and placed her on the bed. She looked so beautiful while unconscious. I placed my hand on her cheek, her skin was so soft and then I started kissing her lips. ''Gosh, you are so beautiful,'' I whispered in her ear and got on top of her starting to kiss her down the neck until I got to her chest. I started pulling her shirt down but someone barged into the bedroom and immediately jumped on me. 

Josh POV: 

   I checked my phone and saw that Y/n had texted me an hour ago that she was here, and I went to reply, but then I saw a dude carrying her up the stairs and telling everyone that she was just drunk. But it was impossible, she could have gotten drunk in one hour, and she told me if she drinks she drinks a little. And then I realized what was going on: ''No, no, no, no, no.'' I quietly whispered to myself and followed him up the stairs. 

   I started looking through every room until I found the right one. I quickly opened the door and saw the dude on Y/n pulling her shirt off, and Y/n...she was blacked out. At that moment I only saw red and immediately ran to the dude and tackled him to the ground off Y/n. ''What the hell are you thinking you perv!'' I started beating the dude, my knuckles multiple times coming in contact with his jaw. ''How dare you drug her! And wanting to take advantage of her!'' I kept hitting him until he passed out, blood running out of his nose. 

   I quickly got back on my legs and ran to Y/n body, to see if she was even alive. ''Oh, thank god you are alive.'' I pulled her shirt back down and picked her up. ''I am taking you back to Nevermore,'' I said as I stepped out of the bedroom and went down the stairs. I carried her out of the house and placed her in my car, but then I saw her phone and tote bag on the porch, so I grabbed them as well. I started driving, but I still was mad. ''Should have beat him till his last breath,'' I said and gripped the steering wheel harder and looked at Y/n who was peacefully sleeping in the back seat. 

   When we drove up to Nevermore I started thinking about what to do, I didn't know if the school was open because it was already 10 pm. I looked over at Y/n thinking she will magically wake up and tell me what to do, but then I saw her phone. ''Right, if I can get in her phone I can call her principal.'' I grabbed the phone and saw that I can unlock it with her finger, so that is just what I did. I unlocked the phone with Y/n finger and opened up the calling app. I scrolled down trying to spot anything related to the name ''Weems, Larissa, Principal.'' And then I saw it ''Lady Weems'' It had to be her so I immediately called the number and someone quickly picked up. 

   ''Y/n? Where are you, and why are you calling me.'' A woman's voice answered and I knew it was the principal. ''Umm....hello, it is not Y/n who is calling,'' I said. ''Oh, then who are you, where is Y/n? Why do you have her phone.'' The principal said in a concerned almost worried and scared voice. ''Umm...I am her friend, she- she was at a party where she got drugged by a man and almost got raped, but I found her just in time and took her back to Nevermore....can you please come to take her, I am in front of the school,'' I said and the phone immediately beeped, she hung up. I waited for a few minutes before the doors of the school opened and the same lady who had dragged Y/n away from me in Jericho appeared. 

   ''Where is she?'' The principal said as she approached me and I went to open up the back door and lift her out. The principal took her and I immediately said: ''I am so sorry, it is my fault I asked her if she wanted to come, but she didn't and then I begged until she agreed, don't be mad at her.'' ''It is okay, don't worry, the important part is that you brought her back.'' She said as she took Y/n's tote bag. ''Okay then, I will go, good night. ''I said and got in my car. ''Good night.'' The lady said and turned away carrying Y/n in her hands back to school. 

Larissas POV:

  I got a phone call from Y/n and instead of happy news, I got bad news. A boy called and told me about what happened and when he told me he was here at Nevermore, I immediately hung up and went to get Y/n. My heart was racing, it felt like this was my fault, that I had left her unattended, and that I didn't speak to her, she, she...''Oh god.'' I was panicking, I wanted to cry, to kill the man who tried to hurt my sweet Y/n.

   I got Y/n and went back to Nevermore, I carried her back to my office and laid her on my bed. ''Oh, poor girl.'' I quietly said as I placed a blanket on top of her. I was sorry for her, she just wanted to experience some fun, but instead gets drugged and almost sexually assaulted. I change into my PJs and went to bed as well. I usually liked when Y/n was sleeping next to me, but now it was different, I just felt like I needed to protect her. I turned the light off and pulled Y/n closer to me: ''I will never let you go, ever.'' I whispered in her ear before I fell asleep. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now