Chapter 76- Stress

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   I didn't say a word the whole way back to Weems office, and neither did she. The closer we approached her office my heart gradually started racing faster and faster: ''What will happen? Will she yell? Oh I will definitely brake if she yells at me, and I don't want to cry in front of her, that is too embarrassing. What if I'' All kinds of thoughts were racing through my mind because I was scared, Larissa was capable of anything and that scared me. She kept her head high and while she was walking she had let her hand go from my shoulder and now I was walking freely a little behind her, and that was why the idea of running off came to mind. ''But what if I do run, or just sneak off.'' And as I thought of that Larissa stopped and because I wasn't paying attention I ran into her scaring myself. 

   Weems so suddenly had stopped because she met Miss Thornhill and now they were both chatting and Larissa was telling her about me being a troublemaker and always up her nerves. ''I am not ready to get scolded by her.'' I thought in my head and while they both were chatting I first walked a little back from Weems sight and a few seconds later I quietly but quickly walked away turning the first corner I saw. 

   I knew it wouldn't be long before Larissa or Miss. Thornhill noticed that I wasn't by their sides anymore and come started looking for me, so I decided to go to the place where they both especially Weems wouldn't look for me, the secret classroom. So almost running, made my way carefully out of school and walked to the classroom.  And as I opened up the doors the first thing I see is Alex and Kelly making out. ''Oh God! I am so sorry, I'm leaving, but that is how you take things slow?'' I said starting to close the door, but Alex immediately said: ''No, no, stay, I assume you are here because of the principal, right?'' ''Yes,'' I walked in, ''She found me and started taking me back to her office, but luckily she ran in Miss Thorhilll and that was my chance to get away, and I took it.'' I sat down in one of the many chairs in the classroom. 

   ''Maybe you should go and talk to her, it would be better, wouldn't it?'' Kelly asked as Alex sat down next to her on the table. ''You know I was thinking the same thing, but she can get really scary and maybe I should give her time.'' I actually wanted to go talk to her, but the thought of her being angry, especially after I have ignored her and now ran away from her just didn't help the situation. ''It is not like you killed someone.'' Alex laughed placing her hand on Kelly's thigh. ''Yes, but it has gotten so far that I don't know what to do at this point, the best I could was to run off in the sunset.'' I chuckled sarcastically confused as to what I should be doing to make the situation better. 

   I could feel myself getting anxious and my leg started bouncing hard under the table. ''Guys I didn't do anything bad, just swam in the lake, and besides it wasn't night anymore, was it like, what? 5 am in the morning? It is morning for God's sake! People go swimming in the early hours of the day all the time! Maybe I was doing the same thing...when it was dark...and almost December.'' At this point, panic took over me and I said everything that came to mind just to make myself feel better. ''Okay, okay I get where you are going, but with your clothes?'' ''ALEX! You're not helping!'' My insides were trembling out of panic and anxiety. 

   ''Calm down.'' Kelly, not like me, calmly tried to calm me down. ''I can't, I made this situation worse!'' I replied,  wiping my sweaty palms on my skirt. ''Okay Y/n,'' Alex slid off the table and walked up to me, ''Just breathe it probably is nothing, I think you should go to her yourself, not make her wait any longer, it will the best for you.'' She said and I knew she was right, if I explain my situation to Larissa, she will probably get me, she knows I am a wild card and I do this kind of random stuff. ''Okay, I will just go change into something else, and then hope that what you just said is true.'' I stood up from the chair and took in a deep breath before walking away leaving Alex and Keell alone once more. 

   As I was walking back to my dorm I was building up my confidence and I said to myself: ''She is the love of my life, and I am scared of her!? Yes, she is my principal but I sleep with her almost every night. This is stupid! I can't be scared of her...Oh how I already miss her lips on mine, I just want to hug her, say I am sorry and everything I did since 5 am has been stupid and irrational, and then forget everything and cuddle her until I just fall asleep in her arms.'' The thought of Larissa being nice and sweet like she always is calmed me down, and I tried to not think about the negatives anymore. 

   So I got back to my dorm where Larissa wasn't waiting for me, which kind of surprised me because a little part of me believed she would wait for me. But anyways I got changed and without a second thought left my dorm and went straight to Larissa's office, but every step I took closer and closer the confidence started to ware off and when I reached her office door, now inches from my face I was back at my anxious state. 

   ''You can do this, I believe in you.'' I gave myself the last of my confidence and pressed the door handle down, walking into her office where she sat on the sofa. When she heard that someone had entered her office she looked but when she saw me, she immediately looked away back at the fire. So I started walking up to her realizing that I might just have offended her feeling as well. 

   I sat down next to her but before I could say a word she started: ''So now you decided to come back? I hope you have a good reason.'' Her tone was cold which made me feel even worse, so I scooted closer to her and said: ''I was scared...'' 

Authors note: 

I might not be posting tomorrow :/

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now