Chapter 29- Finally Back

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   It was finally Monday and I could go to my classes. ''Hey! Are you ready?'' Enid entered my dorm with her uniform already on.  ''Yup! you perhaps have a sewing kit?'' I asked her pointing to my skirt which had gotten bigger and now the skirt where sitting on my hips not my waist. ''Yea, but I can give it only after classes. Is that ok with you?'' She asked walking towards my desk: ''Hey you haven't done your homework!'' She said picking up the paper pile. ''Yea kinda didn't feel like doing it,'' I murmured. ''Yikes! Thornhill was expecting you to hand them in today.'' Enid placed the pile back on my desk. ''Well, too bad for her.'' I grabbed my bag and was ready to go. 

   The whole day I avoided my teachers, by not making any eye contact and leaving the classroom as soon as the lessons ended, just because I didn't do my homework, and the plan was going perfectly, until Miss. Thornhills class. The whole lesson Thornhill was eying me and I got nervous. ''What is she up to?'' I wrote it down on the last page of my notebook where I had a lot of different little drawings made. As the bell rang, I quickly got my bag and put everything in it, when Miss. Thornhill said: ''Y/n, please stay.'' ''Shit!'' I whispered under my breath. Everyone left but I stayed, standing next to my table. 

   ''So, I assume you have done your homework!'' Miss. Thornhill said looking at me. ''Umm, I just did this.'' I handed her a piece of paper that I had just done while having lunch. ''Hmm, I really thought you would have finished them by now, with all the free time you had.'' She took the paper and placed it on her desk. ''Well, I don't usually do homework, especially in my free time,'' I replied nervously. Miss. Thornhill picked up her notebook and started looking in it: ''I see you have missed a test and a big topic about it.'' ''That is too bad!'' I said sarcastically. ''I would be happy if we could rearrange a time when you would come to study for the test. Is today at 5 pm good for you?'' She asked. ''Umm, yea sure, I can make it,'' I said wanting to get out of the classroom as fast as possible. ''Great, please bring the homework as well, now you are dismissed.'' She said writing something down in her journal and closing it afterward. ''Okay, bye,'' I said and walked out. I wanted to decline the offer, but I am too anxious of a person for something like that. I found my way to my last class which I was late for, and the whole lesson I just goofed around, daydreaming. 

   I got back to my dorm 15 minutes after 3 pm and immediately crashed into my bed. I was exhausted, and wanted to sleep, but then Enid entered my dorm. ''Hey again, I brought you the sewing kit!'''She said handing me it. I quickly got up and took it: ''Thanks! I will bring it back to you tomorrow!'' I said opening it to see needles and thread laid in a rainbow order across the box. ''Okay, I will go do my homework as a responsible student.''She said sarcastically and left. 

   I changed into my leggings and an oversized T-shirt and played some games on my laptop when I looked at the time. ''Shit! How is it already 5:09 already?'' I got up and grabbed a pen and the pile of homework. I quickly made my way through the many halls until I was standing in front of Miss. Thornhill's classroom. I opened it and Imedetaly apologized for being late: ''I am so sorry, I lost track of time!'' ''I thought you won't show up, but now that you are here come sit.'' She pointed to the front seat. I was never good at biology or plants, so everything that Miss. Thornhill said to me I immediately forgot, but I kept nodding my head as if I understood everything. I was waiting for the clock to hit 6 pm so I could go back and play my games. When finally it was 6 I got up, took my pen and paper and said: ''Well, thanks for this lesson, but it is 6 so I will go, bye!'' ''Oh, Y/n, I will be expecting you to turn in our homework soon, as well! But now bye.'' She said picking up her stuff as well, ready to go. 

   ''Tank god this is over!'' I thought to myself making my way up the stairs, but suddenly someone appeared in front of me, and I made a stupid sound out of fear. It was Wednesday. ''Hey Y/n.'' She said. ''Hey, Wednesday, you scared me,'' I said giggling to fill the awkwardness that I only felt. ''Do you want to go to an abandoned house with me, Enid was too scared for that, and I heard you like that kind of stuff.'' She said in her dead tone as always. ''Oh yes, I would love to! Now?'' I really wanted to go to the abounded house, that is where I get a lot of adrenalin from. ''Yes.'' She answered shortly and on the point. ''Umm, okay, let me quickly get my bag,'' I said and started walking to my dorm Wednesday following me. 

   I quickly put my stuff down and grabbed my bag ready to go. We both left Nevermore and entered the woods. ''Won't we get caught?'' I asked, following Wednesday through the woods. ''No, if you won't say it to anyone.'' She said stepping over a fallen tree. ''Is this the place?'' I asked looking at an old house. ''Follow me.'' She said entering the garden.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang