Chapter 85- Competition

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   When I knew that Akex would be 100% fine I finally informed Kelly and Enid, and they came down to Jericho as soon as possible. "Y/n, you should have told us earlier about Alex." Enid scolded me as soon as she and Kelly entered the room, "And you Alex, you are irresponsible, I was worried sick about you." Kelly mentioned as she walked up to her bed. "I will leave you alone to catch up," I said and slid out of the room, not to get in between the arguments that might go down now. 

   Larissa had gone back to Nevermore to do some stuff that a school principal had to do, and I didn't have anyone to talk to so I decided to go back to Nevermore as well. I said my goodbyes to Alex and left the hospital. It was evening already, the sun had set and Jericho was quiet as if it was abandoned, and I really hoped that there was a bus that I could catch, because the atmosphere was too spooky for me, especially after what happened to Alex. So I quickly went to the bus station, and saw that I had just missed the last bus: "Oh for God's sake! Can't I once make it perfectly on time?" I hated the fact that I always missed the bus in split seconds. 

   So I left the bus station and was about to call Larissa, to ask her if she could come to get me, even tho I didn't want to trouble her, I was a bit paranoid about the whole attack situation, but a passing car slowly stopped beside me and the driver rolled down the window. "Need a ride?" A familiar voice asked and I instantly knew who it was. So I quickly walked around the car and sat in the front seat. "Yes please, thank you, Josh." I sighed in relief happy to get a lift. "To Nevermore?" Josh asked starting to drive. "Yes, thank you so much." I buckled my seatbelt and relaxed. "So what are you doing in Jericho?" " don't know." I realized that Josh really didn't know Alex that well for him to be informed as well. 

   "What?" He curiously asked. "Alex, my friend got attacked last night in the woods by the monster, and I was in the hospital visiting her." I quickly and shortly told him the story. "Yikes, is she okay?" He asked. "She will be fine," I replied and started thinking about how lucky Alex was, for not getting severe injuries. " did your headmistress react to this situation...she always seems a bit mean." Josh said and when I hear him say that about my sweet and pretty lady, I wanted to say something mean to him "First of all she is not mean..." Then my phone buzzed and as if the universe had heard us Larissa was calling me, "Second of all, she is calling me right now." I said and picked up the phone. 

   "Hello." "Hey honey, I was wondering when you will be heading back to Nevermore?" She asked. "I am already on my way, will be there in 10-15ish minutes," I replied in a professional, not my sweet voice while checking how far we had already driven. "Okay, when you get here come down to my office, there is something unfinished we have to discuss." "Oh okay then, I will see you later," I replied, wondering what was something we didn't get to discuss.  "Bye, love." "Bye."I hung up. I really wanted to say something sweet to her, but I couldn't because Josh was right next to me. "She is not mean Josh, she is actually really sweet and caring like a mother." I said wanted to change the way Josh was thinking about her. "We will see about that in the future." He replied and we went on talking about random stuff until we got to Nevermore.

   "Again, massive thanks for taking me," I said to him as I stepped out of the car. "No problem, and hey good luck with your visit with your principal." Josh softly laughed. "Ha, ha, very funny. She is nice, I could talk about her kindness for days on end." I said and closed the doors and started walking towards the school. 

      Before I went to talk to Larissa, I decided to put my coat down in my dorm, and when I walked into my room I found Ember there. ''Ember? How do you know where is my dorm at?'' I asked as I took my coat off, and hung it in my closet. ''We are both friends with Alex, and that is why I am here, I heard about her, how is she?'' ''She is alright, nothing serious, she will be most likely discharged tomorrow, but why didn't you come to visit her?'' I softly smiled. ''Oh thank God she is fine, but I have a weak stomach, I was scared to see her, and I don't like hospitals.'' ''Oh my God, she is just like me.'' I thought in my head as I  remembered that I had to go to Larissa. 

   ''Umm...Ember, I kinda need to go talk to Principal Weems, so I can't stay.'' I awkwardly said hoping she won't ask me the reason why I had to see her. ''Oh! Can I tell you something?'' She quickly walked up to me. ''Yea, always!'' ''But you promise you won't laugh, or think I am weird, okay.'' She desperately said. ''Yes, I promise- cross my heart and hope to die!'' I eagerly now wanted to hear what she had to say. ''Okay, here goes nothing...I think, I-I like our Principal...'' She blurted it out it and my jaw dropped. ''Laris-Miss Weems? No!'' I was in disbelief. ''Yes.'' She replied confidently. ''No.'' ''Yes.'' ''No.'' ''Yes.'' ''Are you serious? You like her?'' I didn't know how to react. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now