Chapter 77-No Pressure

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"You were scared? Of what? Me?" She laughed out loud and crossed her arms. "No, the Jesus Christ himself!...of course I was...I am scared of you, you were so angry in the morning when you left Alex's dorm." I said feeling like crying but laughing at the same time. "Besides," I stood up from the sofa and immediately walked up to the window of her office, "how did you see me..." but I stopped talking when I saw the lake and the docks in a clear view of where I stood in the morning. "Never mind..." I ended my sentence and felt Larissa walk behind me and the place had hands on my shoulders. "Now would be the part where you explain to me your stupidity." She said grabbing my shoulder with her fingers. 

   "Right! Well...I was playing Truth or Dare and well...and my dare was to jump in the lake..." I said and I could hear her sigh before she said: "And you went and did it. Do you know how dangerous it is? You could have gotten sick or drowned out there, the water is cold and in a few days it will be December." "I know, I know! I knew doing so was bad and stupid, and I still know. But I did it anyways and I am deeply sorry, It was a stupid thing to do and I was irresponsible. And I am sorry I ran off, that was childish coming from me, but you got to understand that I can't change the fact that I am like that in one night...It takes time." I still kept looking out of the window. 

   "But how the hell did you see me in the dark, maybe it wasn't me, maybe someone else." "Last night was a full moon and I assume that is the reason you saw where to jump anyways." She said and I felt her pull me towards her until my back pressed against her torso. " So you are not mad at me?" I asked happily pressing the back of my head into her chest. "I was never mad, more like disappointed, but I guess it is something I will have to live with." She chuckled crossing her arms around my chest. A few moments passed in silence, us both just watching the view outside Larissa's window. "You know...I never meant to hurt your feelings, I love you, Larissa...'' 

   I started feeling more relaxed but then Weems turned me around and looked down at me and smiled: ''You know Y/n, I have been feeling really tense because of all of this.'' And then she kissed me. Immediately I felt a lot better, that Larissa forgave me, and I didn't decline her kiss and kissed her back. I had been feeling really tense as well so we both were doing ourselves a favor. While not letting my lips go of hers I wrapped my arms around her and placed them on her back. But then Larissa started kissing me more aggressively pulling me closer to her. Her kisses were full of passion but at the same time lust. Her hands slid down from my hips to my butt and she grabbed it, making me stop breathing for a second because she had never done this before. 

   Then I felt her lift me off the ground while she was still kissing me and started to carry me. My eyes were closed so I didn't see where Larissa was carrying me, but I thought that she was going to the sofa, but when I felt her place me down my legs didn't come in contact with the soft fabric, instead, I felt a cold and hard surface beneath me, so I opened up my eyes. Larissa placed me on her desk and now was standing in between my legs continuing to kiss me. She had placed her one hand on my thigh and the other was on the desk pressing her against it and I placed my hands on her neck because that is what usually people in films did when they kissed and now I knew why, I could pull Larissa closer to me. 

   And as I did so her hands moved to my hips and slid along my belt until they both met in the front and she started unbuttoning my pants. Then I realized that she wanted more than just kissing, she wanted it the full way, and that is what she mead by being tense. But I couldn't so I placed my hands on hers and pulled my lips away: ''I-I-I can't, my period...remember.'' And now I could feel myself getting nervous because this just became really awkward. ''It is just a little bit of blood.'' She said and placed her lips back on mine, but I immediately placed my hands on her chest and pushed her away. I can't, I-I-I'm sorry.'' I bowed my head down because I had just killed the mood. ''Don't be sorry sweetheart, I won't make you if you don't want to.'' Weems said and softly smiled placing her head on mine our foreheads together and our noses almost touching, ''besides there is always next week.'' She chuckled and that made me chuckle as well. 

   ''Oh I remembered,'' Weems leaned back up and walked away from me, ''I have your pants.'' And then she disappeared into her bedroom leaving me sitting on her desk, so while she was gone I buttoned my jeans and got off the desk. But quickly she reappeared with my other jeans folded in her arms, ''Here.'' She handed me the pants and smiled. ''This shouldn't be so embarrassing as it is right now.'' I nervously laughed but Larissa walked back up to me and gave me a little kiss before saying: ''It is not embracing honey, it is a natural thing, it happens to me as well.'' But before I could say anything a knock came from Weems door and inside came Miss. Thornhill. 

   ''Oh hello Y/n, I see you cathed her,'' She looked at Weems and then back at me, ''but I can leave if I am interrupting anything.'' And as Miss. Thornhill said that I looked at Weems and with my eyes asked if I should go and she nodded. ''Oh no, stay, we got our things straight, I am not falling on her nerves anymore.'' I giggled and started walking away. I said my goodbyes and left. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now