Chapter 102- Special Moment

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    ''Y/ know why I love you and always will keep loving you, I have accepted the fact that you are unique. Yes, sometimes it is quite annoying when you get something in your head, stand by it, and do not even try to face me and talk to me about it, but always run away, yes, yes indeed, at those moments I sometimes just want to put you in the right place, make you understand that what you're doing is stupid. But any great thing comes with its flaws, and that I just have to accept...and maybe hope to fix one day.'' Larissa didn't stop talking, and I wasn't going to interrupt her, I wanted to know what she was thinking about me and understand things that I could change about myself.

   ''I know I just have to give you some time, before you open up. You know...I haven't thought about ending things with you, not once. I don't think a break up would come well for you.'' She placed her hand on my thing as she said that and I instantly thought the worst and asked: ''You don't have to stay with me, only because you feel bad for me. I don't want to hold you back.'' It immediately brought me back to my childhood when my friend once told me, that she didn't have other friends than me, because she felt bad that I didn't have any either. 

   ''No, Y/n! You're not getting the point.'' She squeezed my leg as she said that, showing me the intensity of this situation. ''I don't want to split up with you, I love you, you're not holding me back from anything. I'm just saying that I know you enough, that I know you wouldn't handle me leaving you.'' It made my heart go faster just by the words she was saying, and I realized she was the reason why I was even living. 

   ''I know that you love me too and that with every stupid thing you do when it comes to our relationship you never mean it in a bad way, you do things in your unique way thinking it is right, even if it isn't.'' I got to wondering about how she can handle me, ''But how don't you get fed up with me? Okay, you know I am stupid and all, but how can you still handle me, to not lose your patience?'' I knew I was an exhausting person, and wanted to know how Larissa hadn't given up on me. ''My patience level is high, and you haven't yet exceeded the limits'' She softly smiled at me giving me butterflies. ''Oh Larissa, I really don't want to lose you.'' I whimpered under my breath. Larissa meant the world to me. 

   ''You won't...'' I felt her hands wrap around my waist and start to pull me closer to her until my back met contact with her body, I leaned against her warm body feeling comfort and peace wash over me. ''Nothing can't stand between us my love, not even a girl named Ember.'' Larissa rested her cheek on my head as her hands still were wrapped around me, with every passing second getting tighter and tighter around my waist. 

   ''What will you do with her anyways?'' I asked Larissa as I pressed my head against her chest. ''Well...I don't think we should continue giving her false hope, I think I will talk to her about this.'' Weems answered so I quickly turned to her wanting to know what would she say. ''Would you tell her about us directly? Because I don't think you should, she will definitely tell someone and this will spread like wildfire, and people will look at us differently in many ways.'' 

   I had mixed feeling about people finding out that I was dating Weems because she was my headmistress. On the one hand, I really didn't care, but on the other, this would make the rest of the school year hell for me, and Larissa as well. People would probably lose respect for her when they found out that she was dating one of her students and I didn't want that happening to her. 

   ''Well, do you have anything in particular in mind about how to break the news to her?'' And I was glad that Larissa asked me this, because I, indeed had come up with something right on the spot. ''Yes! You don't have to tell her we are dating, just tell her that I informed you about her feelings and that you don't feel the same way toward her, that you want to keep the relationship completely professional between you both. And if she says that I like you too, love you in fact, say that you already know, but you don't have any intentions with me. Let her down easy.'' 

   I really didn't care if she knew that I had ratted her out because our friendship already was long lost gone. ''Well, wouldn't that put you in a stupid situation again? Wouldn't Ember complain about you to Alexandra, they are quite good friends as well. I don't want you to go through that.'' Larissa's had left my waist and moved up to my hair starting to play with it. I just loved that she was caring about me as much as I cared about her. 

   ''Ember won't tell Alex the reason she is mad with me, it is a secret that she likes you. She might say something bad about me, but Alex is understanding, everything will be fine.'' I finally felt free by telling Larissa about Ember, it felt like weights had lifted off my chest, and I could breathe again. ''Are you sure? We can figure something else out? It is not like Ember is planning on kissing me tonight.'' Larissa chuckled, tho I didn't think it was that funny, because the thought of Ember's lips being on my love was something I didn't even want to picture in my head. 

   ''Ha, ha, ha...'' I sarcastically replied, ''but she might.'' I knew I had a point because Ember probably wanted to win that competition, which I wasn't even participating in, as soon as possible. ''Or was I...''  

   I got a little idea in my head, so I quickly got up, letting the cold air touch my warm back where it was laying on Larissa, and turned around to face her. I looked into her blue, ocean eyes, imagining a day when we both would be spending a nice day on the beach while sharing each other presence, as my arms found their spot on Larissa's neck. I didn't want to let go of her, I could continue looking into her eyes forever, imagining scenarios, but she was here, looking into my eyes as well. ''What was she thinking about?'' I could feel her hands glued to my hips, but before I could I could make any examples of what Larissa was thinking, I pulled my face closer to hers, losing eye contact. 

   Her face was so close to mine that I could even count every eyelash she had, I could feel her warm breaths on me, so I couldn't wait any second longer, and laid my lips on hers. I let this kiss last as long as possible, while I kept my arms on her neck even gripping a little. But then I pulled myself away from her, now tasting the vanilla chapstick on my lips, that she had on. 

   ''I love you,'' I whispered while my face was still inches away from hers. This kiss somehow was special to me, it felt different from every other kiss I had ever shared with Larissa. And I didn't want it to end, so I as quickly as possible placed them back on hers as if it was my life support. This moment I will cherish for the rest of my life. 

   I didn't need to win a stupid competition, because I had already won not only a kiss but the most wonderful, beautiful woman in the world.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now