Chapter 43- In Charge

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   ''Hey, it is time for you to wake up now.'' A sweet and calm voice pulled me out of my fantasy world. ''No...I don't wanna..'' I turned away from Weems, but she grabbed me and turned me back. ''I understand, but it is already 3 pm, and if you sleep longer, you will not fall asleep at night. Now get up.'' She kissed me on my cheek and got up lightly dragging her hand along my whole body as she walked away leaving me alone in the room. 

   I woke myself up completely and changed back into my jumper and leggings, placing my PJs in my tote bag, then I stepped out of the bedroom into her office. '' are you feeling now?'' Weems stood up from her desk and came up to me. ''I dunno...I guess better.'' I stepped closer to her and pressed my head against her chest, and Weems wrapped her hands around me. ''Oh and Miss. Thornhill is expecting you to hand in the homework by tonight.'' She said in a calm voice, not even understanding how much I was behind in the subject. ''Uggh, there is so much to do.'' I sighed. ''Then you better hurry to do them.'' Weems let me go of her hug and lightly tapped on my head. She walked back to her desk and sat down. ''Okay...see you then.'' I walked out of her office making my way back to my dorm. 

   I turned my laptop on and put on some music for some motivation and sat down to look at the many many pages about plants. ''I don't understand anything.'' I quietly said and started googling the answers. ''Nothing! Ugghhh!!'' I closed the tab on my computer and looked down back at the homework but I wasn't going to give up, not yet. So I started reading the many tasks and wrote down the answers that I knew or at least thought were right. After that I kinda gave up, I quickly looked through the answers I had written down, and then placed my pen on the paper signifying that I was officially done. 

   I closed my computer and got away from the desk and walked towards my balcony. I stepped out just in my sweater, it was cold but I needed some fresh air. I was shivering from the cold but the fresh air was worth it that I even forgot that Weems can see me. I only understood that when I looked right across me and saw her getting up from her desk, so I quickly stepped back in. I didn't want her to be angry with me about this little thing. ''Hope she didn't see me.'' I quietly whispered before I got interrupted by someone entering my room. ''Oh, hey Alex!'' I excitedly said and ran up to her to hug her. I hadn't seen her for a while because she went back home to visit her family. ''Hey, I heard you got a cold, how are you feeling?'' She asked while hugging me. I let go of the hug and said: ''A lot better, but I will probably still not come to classes tomorrow.'' ''That is too bad, you will miss Miss. Thornhill's classes, I know how much you love them.'' Alex sarcastically said and walked up to my desk and sat down, ''Look you even doing her homework.'' ''Yea, I love her classes so much!'' I continued the sarcasm before coming closer to Alex to see her doodling something on an extra page of a paper. ''So tell me how is your life doing in these past days.'' Alex turned to me waiting for me to start telling her about my life, so that is what I did, told her about my life, just skipping the parts about Weems. 

   Alex stayed at my dorm until we had to go to dinner. Today Alex sat with me and Enid at the table because I had introduced them both to each other. I didn't have a big appetite so I just grabbed some salad which I barely finished. ''Okay, I will go,'' I said to Enid and Alex leaving them both chatting. As I was walking back to my dorm my phone started blowing up on snap and all the text where from Josh: 

''Jo!''- Josh

''Come out now''- Josh

''Please I am at your school gate''-Josh


   I thought something bad had happened so I immediately changed my destination and walked to Josh in the cold darkness. ''Hey! Is everything alright?'' I asked as I approached Josh. ''What, yes.'' He replied and I got confused. ''But then why were you blowing up my snap so much?'' I asked. ''Oh, I just wanted to say hi.'' He calmly replied. ''Are you serious! It is cold outside and I am sick, if my principal sees me outside she is gonna put an end to me!'' I loudly whispered to him but it was too late because from the distance I heard: ''Y/n! Get back here now!'' Weems had noticed me. ''Shit...I have to go, bye.'' I turned and walked away from Josh towards Weems who was standing at the entrance of the school.

   ''What the hell were you thinking.'' She grabbed my hand as soon as I got back to school and started pulling me up the stairs. ''I, he texted me and I thought it was an emergency,'' I said trying to free myself from Weems grip, but it didn't work. She didn't say a word and just basically dragged me back to my dorm and when we got there, then she started speaking. ''I can't with you Y/n!'' She furiously started walking back and forth, while I just stood there, not fully understanding how seriously she took this. ''Where you trying to sneak off with that boy.'' She stopped and said. ''What? No! I am not stupid I know it is cold outside and besides, I don't like him.'' I said rolling my eyes at Weems. ''Don't you dare roll your eyes at me.'' She said in a strict voice. ''Sorry.'' I started feeling bad because Weems truly cared about me. ''What?'' She said and stepped close to me our bodies almost touching each other, ''What did you say? May you repeat it.'' ''S-s-Ssorry!'' I said louder and clearer, and I could see that  Weems enjoyed this. ''SBeg form my forgiveness and my name is Larissa'' She really enjoyed this. I looked into her eyes and said: ''I am sorry Larissa.'' I didn't break eye contact and she said: ''Good girl.'' She broke eye contact and walked past me and stepped out not even saying goodbye. 

   When I realized she didn't say goodbye I loudly said: ''Not even a goodbye! Rude!'' But I didn't say it loud enough that she would gear me. I felt that my heart was starting to beat faster and my cheeks burned up. I liked that she was so dominant. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now