Chapter 26- Are We In Trouble?

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   I woke up because I got cold, and when I opened up my eyes, I realized that Molly had kicked me out of my own bed, and now I was just laying on the cold wood floor. I sat back up in my bed and grabbed my phone to check the time, it was almost 8 in the morning. ''Molly, for heaven's sake, you will sleep on the floor next time,'' I whispered under my breath and laid back next to her. Molly didn't even move a muscle and continued to sleep. After a few minutes, I fell asleep as well. 

   By 11 am my phone started ringing, waking me and Molly up from our sleep. It was Enid so I picked up: '' Hey, why are you calling?'' I asked in a groggy voice. ''Hey, I wanted to ask you, if you can quickly come down to the fountain, I have some homework to give you?'' She said while in the background there were chatting with other people. ''Now?'' I asked getting up from my bed. ''Yes, now come down, I am waiting.'' She hung up. 

   ''Who was calling?'' Molly asked getting out of bed as well. ''My friend, I need to go down to the schoolyard, or something like that.'' I put on my pants and sneakers and without a second to waste, I left my dorm. I met Enid at the fountains as she had told me and gave me a pile of papers. ''Is this all homework?'' I asked taking them. ''Yea, most of it.'' She said mocking me a bit. ''Okay, I will go, the class is about to start.'' She said and left.

   I went back to my dorm carrying the pig pile. ''Hey, you won't believe how much shit I have to do....'' I entered my dorm and saw Miss. Thornhill standing next to Molly. I wanted to ask, what was going on, but then understood that I knew exactly what was going on. ''Hello Y/n, mind explaining why this girl is in your dorm?'' Thornhill asked while Molly was shyly looking at the ground. I kept things professional and said: ''Yes I can, this is my friend Molly. She didn't have a place to stay, so I offered her to stay here for a few days.'' ''I understand your action, but this is wrong! You cant bring strangers into our school!'' Miss. Thornhill said getting a bit angry. ''SHE IS NOT A STRANGER, BUT MY FRIEND!'' I lashed out. ''Y/n! Your attitude has been unacceptable since you got here. First, you break school rules and almost get yourself killed, then you start bringing in strangers, and now you are yelling at your teacher!'' Miss. Thornhill said losing her own grip, but still maintaining it professionally. Molly didn't say anything. ''Well, I am sorry, but my life is not great, and I grew up in a place where things weren't as strict!'' I answered back. ''Both of you, to Miss. Weems office!'' She pointed to the door. ''Well, Miss. Weems is not Molly's principal, so she can not go. I need to go, but she.....'' I felt like the smartest person in the world. ''Yes, Weems is not her principal, but she is on the school's grounds, and that means she needs to go.'' Miss. Thronhil said lashing back, and I couldn't argue with that. ''Now go!'' Miss. Thornhill opened the door and made us walk out, following us. 

   We were making our way to Weems office, Miss. Thornhill now being right ahead of us. ''Are we in trouble?'' Molly asked breaking the painful silence. ''Well, I can't say, Miss. Weems will have the saying.'' Miss. Thornhill said continuing to walk, not turning back to look at us. When we got to the office, Miss. Thornhill knocked once and immediately stepped in, not like me who before knocking needs to take a deep breath. ''Hey Larrisa, we have a problem,'' Thornhill said when we both with Molly stepped in. ''What is the problem? Oh, Hello.'' Miss. Weems said seeing me and Molly walk in. ''Y/n has a girl in her dorm, that is not a student here, she claims she is her friend.'' Miss. Thornhill said trying to keep her cool. ''Oh, look at the time, I need to go to my class. Larissa deal with them!'' Thornhill said and left the office partly slamming the door on the way out. 

   ''Y/n? May you please explain to me what is going on?'' She said closing the laptop, on which she had just typed on. ''Well, this is my friend Molly and she didn't have a place to stay at, so I offered her to stay at my place,'' I explained to Miss. Weems. ''You know it is against the rules, to bring a person that is not a student at Nevermore.'' She said looking at me and then at Molly. ''Actually, I don't, I don't know many rules, just a few,'' I said scratching my head with my hand. ''Okay, well first of all come, both of you, sit down, don't stand there like a pair of scarecrows.'' She gestured to the seats in front of her desk, ''and for how long are you planning to stay here?'' She asked Molly. ''Well, I have my plane in 3 days, so 3 days, but I can leave now as well.'' She said placing her hands in her lap. ''Y/n I will let this incident slide, but you should know better next time,'' Weems said looking into my eyes. ''Okay.'' I quietly answered. ''Can I ask how you both know each other?'' She asked leaning a bit closer to us curiously. ''Oh, we used to be best friends, but some stuff happened, and yea...., but anyways we still are close! From 6th to 9th grade, we both did our tests together and basically talked 24/7!'' I said looking at Molly, while she cracked out a laugh. ''That is nice to hear, but I guess this is it, you are both dismissed!'' Weems said. We got up from our seats and started walking to the door.

   ''Oh, Y/n wait, I need to say something!'' Miss. Weems said standing up and walking towards me. ''On Friday at  11 am you have a doctor's appointment and I will take you there.'' She handed me a note with the time on it. As I took it she brushed her hand against mine and smiled at me in a cheeky way. ''Okay.'' Was the only thing I could say and turned around opening the door, hiding the fact I was blushing hard. ''Y/n!'' Weems made me stop again. ''I want you to apologize to Miss. Thornhill, I know you yelled at her!'' She said. ''Oh, yea okay, but now bye.'' I walked out of the office Molly right behind me. As I closed the door a few seconds passed but then we started laughing from the adrenaline. ''Oh god, I thought you will be kicked out!'' I said wiping a tear away from my eye. ''I know!'' Molly answered. 

   We got back to my dorm, and Molly immediately said: ''Omg, no wonder you like her, she is your type and hot as well!'' 'I know! 'Hey don't steal her from me!'' I said to Molly. ''Don't worry, I am straight as a wooden board.'''Molly replied. ''Do you want to go on a walk?'' I asked her. ''Yea, lets go!'' Molly replied as fast as light could travel. ''But, first, go say sorry to your teacher!'' She said. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora