Chapter 138- A Good Ending?

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   After things had become easier between me and my dad, Molly had left us three alone to go try to talk to my mother, and because she did that of her own free will I promised her to buy an ice cream. Between me, my dad, and Larissa, a small conversation stirred up, he mostly asked Larissa about me and how I was doing as a human being. He didn't ask anything about my relationship with Larissa, which I completely understood because it wasn't a super easy topic to talk about, especially after what act my mom had put for all of us. 

   For a good hour, we just talked and talked and my mom didn't show up once about what I laughed and made joked about but deep down it was a crushing feeling. Every time I thought about my mother now looking at me differently was a suffocating feeling like I needed to rip my airways open just to breathe. I didn't show anyone the shit I was feeling, I just kept on a somewhat cheerful face because it was the day after Christmas after all. 

   But right after my dad had left to try to talk some sense into my mother Larissa came back to the sofa where I was sitting and just hugged me. ''I know that behind that masked face, you aren't happy and cheerful, is that right dear.'' She said as if she could see right through me like I was made out of glass that only Larissa could see and would know how to go around, so I won't shatter. ''What if she won't come around like my dad says she will, what if now every time she looks at me she will look at me with disgust,'' I said as I kept staring down into my lap. 

   ''Nothing is the same were you able to move on, knowing that everything was just crumbling around you, how did you get over it?'' I asked feeling another wave of emotions coming. ''Look...I never got over those facts, I just learned to accept it and moved on, closed that chapter of my life early, and continued living.'' She said trying to comfort me but the thought about just growing to accept the fact that your mother didn't consider you as her own daughter anymore wasn't something I could forget. 

   ''It will be me...I will always be by your side.'' She said as she landed a little kiss on my cheek. ''God...I will still have to go back at the end of the term and face her anyways...I will never escape her, she will always haunt me and will make me feel like a worthless piece of garbage.'' I placed my hands into my own pals trying to hold myself from breaking. ''You don't have to, you can move in with me if you like, then you could start writing your new chapter of your life.'' She pulled my arms away and lifted my face up so I could face her. 

   ''That sounds lovely, but I don't want to be a burden on your shoulders.'' ''Oh me you won't and besides, it can get gloomy living all alone and some company wouldn't hurt...especially you.'' And that made me feel better, that Larissa was ready to give up her space just so I could feel better. ''I would like that, I guess it would be time for me to move away anyways.''  I snuggled up to Larissa and let myself ease a little. 

   For the rest of the day, I tried many times to go and talk to my mother but she wasn't giving me any pity and just kept flat out ignoring me like a little child would. But I still didn't let any hope down, because even tho she was ignoring me I still told her everything about how I felt, so she would understand that being gay wasn't anything bad, and it seemed that every time I approached her, she seemed to be softening up a little. She gradually started making eye contact and actually listening and that gave me hope to keep pushing further because I believed that she would eventually come around things. 

   I told her everything, from how I felt toward Larissa, that because of her I truly felt like an actual human being, but I knew that this would take time just like any other thing, she would just have to learn to accept me for who I am. The first good thing I got from her was that she allowed me to finish the school year here at Nevermore but she definitely wasn't still happy about my relationship with Larissa, but that was understandable. 

   The next day was the day when everyone would leave to go back home, and the whole night before that I was praying for my mom to not change her mind because I didn't want to go through the begging process all over again, and thank God she didn't change her mind. So now all five of us, me, Molly, Mom, Dad, and Larisa were standing out at the front gate saying our goodbyes. I still didn't feel comfortable being all romantic around Larissa while my family was still here, so I kept my distance which Larissa completely understood. 

   ''All right my big girl...'' My dad suddenly took me into a hug scaring me a little, ''I guess we are leaving you here, who knows for how long.'' He squeezed me tight before letting me go and walking up to Larissa to say the typical dad's speech. ''Take care of my daughter real good, but if you ever hurt her emotionally or physically I will make sure to find you.'' He chuckled trying to not make it sound like a big scary threat, to which Larissa just stupidly smiled and nodded her head. Then Molly took me into an even bigger hug, her squeezing all of the air out of my lungs, and from the corner of my eye, I saw my mother approaching Larissa making me lightly pull Molly away. 

   At first, I was scared that she might say something mean to her but to my surprise it wasn't all that, she actually said something I wasn't expecting. ''I apologize for acting out yesterday, I guess it just all came as a shock to me, to know that my daughter is this way in such a dangerous world, but I guess I am glad you will be there to protect her. Thank you.'' I couldn't believe what was I hearing, was my mom actually nice and accepting even tho she threw such a tantrum yesterday? Had the world done a full 180? ''I think you should talk to your daughter first, she was the one who was trying to reach you for the past day.'' Larissa looked at me as I was just standing there in disbelief watching everything somehow fix itself. 

   ''You are fine with me being gay?'' I asked as now all of the attention had turned to me. ''Y/n...I don't know what I am feeling, I just know that you're my daughter and nothing will change it.'' I was in shock that my mom herself had turned her whole way of thinking around and now I just wanted to know why, but I wasn't ready to ask her because I was just glad that she didn't hate me. 

   We all said our last goodbyes and my family and Molly left to go back home, leaving me and Larissa completely alone with my secret completely out. 

Authors note:

Just to give heads up, tomorrow's chapter will officially be the last one. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now