Chapter 8- The Embarrassing First Day

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   I had just woken up because the daylight was shining through my window making my dorm really bright.  I decided to check my phone when I realized I hadn't charged it. ''Shit.....from all yesterday's chaos I had forgotten to charge it and I didn't even set my alarm!'' I hopped out of my bed, plugged my phone in, and turned it on. The first thing I checked was the time: ''Fuck! It's already 8:50 am!'' I had overslept. 

   I grabbed my clothes and quickly put them on, I hadn't been given any books yet, so I just grabbed the first notebook I could find and a pen then checked my timetable to see what was my first class. ''Calculus? Is it like math or something?'' I thought to myself. ''What....there is no door number written on the timetable. How will I ever find a singular classroom in this massive place!'' 

   I didn't have time to stand there and think, I had to move. I grabbed my stuff and left my dorm looking like a bird had made a nest in my hair. ''Maybe I should go ask Miss. Weems about the calculus class, she will know where it is and I really want to see her beautiful face. No! I can't I don't want to seem like trouble to her and since yesterday's events I didn't know how she would react.'' I put a paste to my already fast walk and continued to look for the classroom. ''It is probably on the first floor,'' I said to myself while trying to catch my breath because the second floor was basically just dorms, nothing else.

   Good 20 minutes had already passed I assumed because I had left my phone charging in my dorm. I kept walking already starting to give up: ''Maybe I should just go back to my room and get ready completely?'' As I thought that I turned a corner and on the left side was a door with ''ROOM 105 CALCULUS'' on it. 

   My heart was pounding because I knew I had missed half of the class already(the classes last 40 min) and I was scared to go in, but I didn't have any other choice except run to my room. But I wasn't going to do that but at the same time I did because I knew if I don't attend the class, the teacher would make me go to Miss. Weems office, which I really wanted to happen. ''No...I can't make a bad first impression!'' 

   I pulled in a deep breath and walked in. And immediately I was hit with the ''Miss Y/n care to explain why are you late?'' The teacher asked in an angry voice like he had been pissed off already. ''Well... erm... I overslept. I'm so sorry!'' I tried to maintain my panic while saying that sentence. ''Just find an empty seat and sit down,'' the teacher said and continued to explain the math problem. I found an empty seat and was moving toward it when I noticed that most of the class was staring at me and I didn't get why, except for being late.

   I sat down next to a boy with a beanie, and he immediately said to me: ''Looks like you not only forgot to wake up in time but forgot the dress code as well.'' ''Shit, the uniform!'' I quietly said it under my breath. ''Don't worry just go change when the class ends., it is not like you live 10 miles from the school!'' The boy said calmly. ''Oh, and by the way my name is Ajax!'' ''Y/n! A pleasure to meet you!'' I said with a kind but quiet voice. 

   Right after we had exchanged our names I felt a sharp pain in my uterus: ''I will have to find some painkillers for the period pain.'' I thought not really bothered about it. But moments later I was in a cold sweat from the realization: ''Have I even changed my tampon since the bus ride yesterday?'' I wasn't going to walk out of this class because I had just got here and there were 10 minutes left of the class. For the whole remaining class, I just thought: ''What if I get a toxic shock, What if  I.....DIE?'' 

   The moment when the class ended I picked up my notebook and my pen and was the first person out the door, I ran and I ran fast, I didn't care what other people thought, I was just concerned about myself. The thing is, to get to my dorm I had to pass Miss. Weems's office. Well, it wasn't usually a big deal, but now, when I was running Miss. Weems was just coming out of her office: ''Sorry Miss. Weems no time to stop and adore you, got to get to my room!'' I thought in my head right as I was close to passing her. ''Y/n? Is that you? Is everything ok?'' Principal Weems asked as I passed her like a dart not even looking back or saying anything. 

   I got to Ophelia's hall and rushed in slamming the door behind me. I rushed to the bathroom, pulled my pants down, and got rid of the crusty tampon that was probably intoxicating my body. ''Do I need to go for a check-up to see if I will be ok, or should I wait for my body to shut down?'' I wondered while sitting on the toilet. I started looking around for the tampon box that I clearly didn't bring to the bathroom. ''Uhh...why do I always have to be so forgetful!'' I said loudly while scrunching some toilet paper in my underwear. I picked up my pants walked out of the bathroom, placed my pant on my bed, grabbed my tampon box, and scurried back to the bathroom.  

   After I did my thing I placed the tampon box on the sink so I don't forget again and walked out of the bathroom to get changed and brush my hair. First I grabbed my phone to see what time it was, and I felt a weird presence in my room like someone else was there. ''Y/n?'' A voice asked. My heart dropped and I knew exactly who was there. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now