Chapter 78- The Proven Point

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The next day I woke up in my own dorm because I chatted with my friend from back home most of the night, and when I got out of my bed I felt really cold so I quickly got dressed in my uniform and over that, I threw on the sweater that Weems gave me. I washed my face with some cool water to wake me up despite my being cold already how it is. "I should have gone to sleep earlier." I groaned grabbing my bag and throwing it over my shoulder. I felt really sleepy that I could just fall asleep right there and then on the floor of the hall that I was in because I was going to my first class. 

   "Hey, is everything okay, you look messed up?" Enid jumped in my face snapping me out of my thoughts. "Lack of sleep." I chuckled and felt that I had a stuffy nose as well, so I quickly checked my bag for some tissues but I could find any so I asked Enid if she had any, which she indeed had. But our little chat ended when the bell rang and we had to go to class. And because I was so tired I mostly slept trough out it and when it ended Enid had to even wake me up. On the first break, I wanted to go say hi to Larissa but I didn't have the willpower to make my way up the stairs so I quickly gave up, "I will come to you...I promise." I said as I made my way to Miss Thornhill's class to which I was a little late because I had to go to the bathroom where I just sat on the toilet trying not to fall asleep. 

   "Hello, Y/n, mind explaining why you are late?" Miss Thornhill asked as I barged into her classroom interrupting the class. "I was in the bathroom, sorry, won't happen again" I apologized and took my seat. I would probably be late again in the future, but it didn't matter now, the only thing on my mind was to survive the day and get some sleep. While Miss Thornhill was telling us about a rare flower that was only obtainable in the forests of Australia I could feel myself drifting away. The atmosphere in the class was very nice, everyone was quiet, it wasn't very bright and Miss Thornhill's voice timbre was very low and soft, and it felt like a fairy tale before bed. My head was low and covered by my hair and I thought that no one would notice me sleeping so I slowly drifted away. 

   "Y/n?...Y/N!" Miss Thornhill hardly and aggressively slammed her hands against my desk. "What?" I asked confused. "Don't sleep in my classes, you're not too bright with this subject, I would suggest you listen." She walked back to the front of the class and continued teaching, meanwhile I rested my head on my arm and tried to keep my eyes open while reminding myself: "Don't fall asleep, just listen, don't fall..." but it didn't quite work, I still fell asleep, but still somewhat conscious, I could hear everything around me while still being asleep. When I heard the bell I woke up because everyone was getting up and making a lot of noise. So I quickly packed my bag and tried to leave as fast as possible, because I was embarrassed about falling asleep, but Miss Thornhill catches me first by placing her hand on my shoulder as I almost walked out.

   "Mind if we have a little chat, just two of us." She looked at Enid who was waiting for me, and when she got the message she left. "You know, I was going through your assignments, and noticed that you haven't handed in basically any of the homework I have given you." She said with a grim expression and a low voice, "And is everything okay, you seem a little off." She asked and I immediately replied: "I am fine, thanks for asking, and about the homework, do I have to..." I put on a sad grimace hoping that I wouldn't have to do them. " I really need them, what on Mondays when you come, you can bring them and we can do them together?" She asked and I nodded my head and then I left. I was walking to my next class while texting my friend and when I turned a corner I ran into someone. 

   ''I am so sorry.'' I immediately apologized and when I looked at who I had run into I saw her, my beautiful wife. ''Careful there...Y/n...are you alright, you look sick.'' ''Do you think I am mental?'' I misunderstood her question and responded harshly. ''Oh no, no, It just seems like...'' She put her hand on my forehead and after a few seconds pulled it away, ''That's what I thought, I think you have come down with a cold.'' ''What, oh no, I am just tired, that is it.'' I defensively replied, realizing if I was sick it most likely was because I had swam in the lake the night before. ''Come on, let's get you back to your dorm.'' She said wrapping her arm around my shoulder while leading me toward the direction of my dorm. 

   Larissa took my temperature when we got back, and indeed I had a cold when she saw my temperature she immediately said: ''And that is why you don't go swimming out in the lake Y/n.'' She really wanted to prove a point, ''Now hop, hop, back to bed.'' She pushed me to my bed and sat me down there. ''I need to change my clothes,'' I said and stood back up right in front of Larissa. ''Okay, I have to go now, I have a meeting planned, but I will be back soon.'' She smiled before leaning in and kissing me on the forehead. ''Love you,'' Larissa whispered in my ear and then leaned back up and left. 

Author's note/Question

I have a question. Do you like that this story doesn't really have a plot, but is just an ongoing thing with random events? Because I have never written any story before, so I didn't think about the plot beforehand. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα