Chapter 33- Where Is She?

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     I went to look for Alex, and as I was expecting, she was in the old classroom. ''Hey! I have news!'' I said entering the dusty room. ''What is it?'' She jumped down from one of the tables and came up to me. ''You won't have detentions anymore...well, I hope. I talked to Miss. Weems.'' I said sitting in one of the chairs. ''Aww, you didn't have to!'' She said in a sweet voice and sat next to me. 

   She got quiet and started looking at my neck: ''OMG! Is that a hickey?'' My cheeks turned red and I quickly pulled out my phone to check it. ''Quick....think of a lie.'' I thought to myself placing my hand over the red spot. ''Umm, no. it is an allergy thing, a rash.'' I said trying to look as convincing as possible. ''Okay.....but if you ever get down with someone, tell me.'' She looked dead in my eyes, before getting up and walking to the door. ''Hey, let's go, I kinda am getting cold here.'' She said opening the door and letting the cold air enter the already chilly room. ''Yes, let go!'' I said getting up and following Alex out. 

   Alex and I had split and gone to our dorms, and when I got to mine I realized what I had said to Weems. ''No, no, no, no, oh god, why did I say it, now she probably is thinking that......'' I started zooming around my dorm talking to myself. ''I am not ready,'' I said pressing my back against one of the walls and sliding down onto the ground. ''What have I done...'' I put my headphones on and closed my eyes trying to calm myself down but sleep took me over. 

   I got woken up by someone entering my room and noisily shutting the door. ''Oh I am sorry, I didn't want to startle you.'' Said, Miss. Thornhill standing next to the door. ''Oh, it is fine, I needed to get up anyways.'' I stood back up, my legs numb from sleeping on the ground, and stumbled my way to Miss. Thornhill. ''I wanted to ask if you want to be tutored by me because it seems like this subject is not going for you.'' She handed me a sheet of paper which was a test that we had done yesterday, on which there was a big 14% mark. ''Umm, yea okay, but....'' I folded the paper as if folding my shame in it as well, ''but, I don't think I will ever understand plants.'' ''Well, if we don't try, we never see.'' She took the paper away and unfolded it back up letting the shame crawl back out. ''Umm, okay, yea why not,'' I said with a little chuckle, glad that I hadn't made enemies with Miss. Thornhill. She looked at me closer and I knew what she was thinking, she had seen the hickey. So I quickly said: ''It is not what you are thinking, just a rash...'' I turned around to go to my desk. ''Yea...okay, anyways, so when do you have free time?'' She asked opening her journal and coming closer to my desk. ''Maybe Mondays at 5 is good?'' I said knowing she had it free then as well. ''Great, yea, thank you.'' She said writing it down in her journal and turning to the door. ''Oh, and Miss. Weems wants to see you, she has something important to say.'' I froze feeling my whole body turn around. ''Did she say, what she had to say?'' I asked not moving. ''No, but it seemed important.'' Said Thornhill before leaving my dorm. 

   I sat on my bed, my leg shaking, I was excited but nervous. I took one deep breath, two deep breaths, and then a tree before standing up and making my way out of my dorm. All sorts of things went through my head before getting to her office, where the thoughts just stopped. I inhaled deeply before knocking three times and entering her office. ''Umm, hey, what is it now?'' I asked stepping closer to her desk, but not seeing her there. ''Hello?'' I asked before saying: ''Miss. Weems, are you here?'' Moments passed, but there wasn't a single answer. ''What if something bad happened?'' The bad thought started rushing through my head as I was the biggest overthinker in the whole universe and always came up with the worst possible answers. 

   I went up to the double doors and knocked on them: ''Maybe she is sleeping.'' I thought to myself, but there was no answer. I had always been an overthinker, so it didn't take me long to think about all sorts of bad things...''What if she has been kidnapped, or killed?'' I opened the double door, which led me to her bedroom. ''Hello?'' I asked stepping in and looking at the empty bed in which I had slept, not so long ago. She wasn't here, but I calmed myself down a bit: ''Maybe she has just gone somewhere and soon will be back, yea...I will just sit on the sofa and wait for her.'' I walked to the sofa and sat down. An hour passed, then another, and then another. My stomach had turned around by now around hundred times, but she wasn't yet come back. The time was already 10 pm and I continued to sit and wait for her. By midnight I had already read a book, which I had found on her desk, it was about a cheezy romance, but Weems never showed up. 

   ''I am not leaving until she shows up.'' I yawned and got up to go and grab a pillow from her bed. I placed the pillow back on the sofa and laid down, listening to the fire cracking in the background, waiting...... 

   ''Where are you...'' I whispered before falling asleep. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt