Chapter 23- The Dinner

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   I was dreaming about my home, my friends, and my family when suddenly someone shook me awake from my lovely dream. ''What the hell!'' I angrily lifted my head from the pillow, ''I was having the best dream ever, it felt so real!'' I looked up and saw Miss. Thornhill standing next to my bed. ''Oh, I'm sorry I lashed out. I thought you were Enid.'' I quickly changed my voice to a softer tone. ''I am sorry that I woke you up, but I came to inform you.'' She said fixing her glasses that had slid down on her nose. ''About what?'' I asked still trying to get my mind awake. ''Well, Miss. Weems is calling you to her office, she wants to know why you didn't attend lunch or dinner yesterday, as well as today's breakfast. I think she is worried.'' She said looking concerned as well. ''What? How? I just ate breakfast in the dining hall.'' I said confused as ever. ''No, not exactly, last time you had been seen in the dining hall was yesterday for breakfast.'' ''Huh, what day it is? And time?'' I asked while sitting on my bed. ''It is Monday. 2;13 pm.'' She said checking the time on her watch. ''Oh my God, I think I just slept for more than 24 hours, because I went to bed, I assume yesterday, and just now woke up.'' I scratched my head. ''That is impressive, but don't tell me this, tell this to your principal!'' Miss. Thronhil said while turning around to walk towards the door. ''Wait, can't you just tell her I overslept, there is no reason for me to go anyways. Things happen!''I said getting back in my sheets. ''Yea, I don't think so, she is a woman with her own opinion, you should better go.'' She said stopping in front of the door and turning back to face me. ''You know what. No! She is not my mom. I won't go, over a stupid thing. Tell her that I overslept and there is nothing deep to it and if she wants she can come to sit with me at dinner to see if I eat if she really wants to!'' I said almost losing my grip on the sweetest woman I had ever met.  ''Well, I will tell her that, but I don't think she will change her mind,'' Thornhill said exiting my dorm and shutting the doors behind her. 

   ''I am impressed, how the hell did I sleep for so long?'' I thought to myself while stepping out of my bed to grab my laptop. The air was chilly, so I quickly grabbed my laptop and hopped back into my bed. ''That is so sweet that she cares about me, but man, I can't get my guts to see her after what happened that night.'' I blushed when I thought about the kiss. I was scared to see her: ''what if she is going to expel me? What if she is calling me to talk about the kiss?'' I opened my laptop, the white light from the screen blinding my tired eyes. 

   ''I think I will call my bestie, to catch her up about life here, and I need to know how things are back home.'' I quickly checked the time to see if her classes had ended and they had a while ago so I texted her that I will call her. She quickly replied and called me first. For a few hours we just chatted, she was doing homework in the background, but I just sat in my bed. ''Hey, how long do you think  I need to be on bedrest still?'' I asked because I missed going to classes. ''Well, I think you could probably go now already, it has been almost 2 weeks. Don't you have a doctor's appointment, he should tell you if you can go or not.'' She said scribbling something in her notebook. ''No, I mean I don't know. Oh......I probably need to go ask my principal about it, she discharged me out, and she probably has the date set too.'' I said sighing because now I needed to go to her. I checked the time and realized it was almost already 7 pm. ''Oh shit, I need to go. Dinner is waiting!'' I said hopping out of my bed and putting on my sneaker, while still talking to my friend. ''Okay then, see ya, bye, kisses!!'' She said waiving with her hand. ''Bye, kisses.'' I quickly replied and ended the call. 

   I texted Enid

-Hey! Are you going to dinner?- Y/n

-Sorry, no. I am on a date with Ajax.- Enid

-Ok.- Y/n

-Btw where were you yesterday?- Enid

-Tell you later, but now bye.- Y/n

-Byee- Enid

   I grabbed my headphones and made my way to the dining hall. Because I didn't have anyone to dine with, I decided to catch up on the tv show that I am watching. ''Ugh, I hate eating alone!'' Whenever I had no one to eat lunch with in school, I would usually skip them, but in this case, I couldn't. ''But hey, I don't struggle anymore to get down the stairs!'' I thought to myself while easily hopping down them. 

    I entered the hall, and the smell of all kinds of food hit my nose. ''This is literally like Hogwarts!'' I thought to myself while picking up a plate and putting some pasta on it. I found a free table and sat down, put on my headphones, and started to watch my series. After a few minutes, a saw someone sit across me, and I lifted my head. ''Oh, Miss. Weems, what are you? Why are you sitting here?'' I asked pleasantly surprised while taking my headphones off. ''Well, Miss. Thornhill said that you had told her that if I need to watch you eat something, I am more than welcome! So that is what I am doing, watching you not die of starvation.'' She said kindly smiling at me. I felt that I was starting to get nervous and my leg started bouncing under the table, I replied: ''Oh, well I kinda meant it as a joke, but ok I guess.'' I said trying not to look rude because I kinda liked that she sat next to me caring about me. ''Well, Miss. Thornhill said everything, and I am not your mom, but you need to respect me and my decisions, because I am your principal, and you cannot not show up when you are asked for!'' She said raising her tone ever so slightly. ''Geez, I am sorry, I just slept for too long, and I thought it wasn't anything that important, I didn't want to waste your time,'' I said taking a sip of my tea. I felt the tension between us, we both had the same thought in our minds, about that night. ''I got worried about you, so I wanted to see if you were all right.'' She said shifting her plate around. ''I was meaning to ask I need to go for a check-up about the scars, I would like to know when can I get back to my classes.'' I asked now really curious about the answer. ''Well, If you had come to my office, I would have discussed it with you, but now I can't really say, because I can't remember.'' She said now all finished with her plate. ''Hey, how about you come to my office tomorrow morning, ok?'' She asked placing the utensils on the empty plate. ''Umm....yea ok,'' 

   I said when my phone lit up, and I saw that my friend who I don't talk to anymore was calling. I picked up: ''Hey, why are you calling?'' I asked excited but confused. ''Can we talk, I need to say something!'' She sounded very excited. ''Yea, but hold on.'' I lifted my ear off the phone and excused myself from the table: ''Miss. Weems, see you tomorrow, but now I need to go. Bye!'' I picked up my plate and placed it with the other dirty plates and left the dining hall. 

''So, why are you calling?'' I asked now heading back to my dorm. ''Well, I thought we could meet up because I am in Jericho for vacation!'' She screamed into the phone. ''Yea, why not!'' I said being really excited about the idea. 

Authors note:

I will try to get more action in the next chapters! :)

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now