The Hero Killer

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Geysis: I just gotten a call from Manual...We're heading over to Hosu City...

Mikoto: W-Why?

Shouto: *Raised eyebrow*

Geysis: Turns out...He boy he's interning, Iida Tenya had gone missing....


Mikoto:....Oh Fuck. (Iida-kun...What have you gotten yourself into now...)

But something in Mikoto's gut told him that he already knew...


Tenya gulped as he finally made back to Hosu City...He felt sorry for leaving Manual, even though he knows the Pro-Hero will probably look for him.

He knows what he had to do....

He don't care what he doing was crazy...

Iida: Brother...


Tensei: Promise me, little brother. Promise me that you'll be Ingenium. For me, and for all who rely on our help....

Tenya gulped a little, fresh tears falling off his glasses as he gathered the energy to to at least nod.

Iida: I'll do it, brother. I'll become Ingenium for you.

Tensei: Thank you Tenya...

-End Flashback-

Iida: I'll become Ingenium. And I'll get justice by taking down the Hero Killer for you brother...


It was night time...

Once arriving in Hosu City, it's almost like a sense of dread and suspense had combined. Ridiculing the city into a dark place...

No one was out of the streets at night.

People were in their homes, doors locked up and window bolted shut.

Mikoto didn't like this at all...but one of his friends (even though Iida is in another class) is missing and he's possibly going after Stain.

Mikoto: (That idiot...I know he's upset about what happened to his brother, but going on a suidical mission after the man for revenge is like he's asking to die!)

Geysis: Alright. We made it to Hosu City. I'm giving you two express permission to search for your Iida Tenya. You are to engage only for extraction. I don't need one of you two acting the heroes yet. Find your classmate, call me, and get to a big street. Stain attacks have been focused in alleyways, so it's doubtful he'll pursue you two on the streets.

They both nodded, as Geysis gave his comrades permission.

Geysis: Night, go north throughout the city.

Night: Yes sir!

Geysis: Fross and Koru, head south.

Fross: Okay!

Koru: Of course....

Geysis: Shouto and Mikoto. Stick together to and go east. I'll continue west and try to look for Manual.

Mikoto: Yes Geysis-Sensei!

Shouto only nodded...

Geysis: If you encounter any other heroes, tell them what's happening and that I have given you permission to be On. Your. Own. Now...Good luck...and don't DIE!

With that, they scattered...

Doing what they are told, Mikoto and Shouto headed east. Using the small radio in their ears. They begin to communicate with each other by carefully looking through alleyways.

Class 1-C (My Hero Academia Fanfiction) - Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant