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Yin: I'm thinking about leaving U.A...


Was Mikoto hearing things. Please tell him he's hearing things...Did Yin really just said what he think he just said...

Yin was leaving...?!

Mikoto: W-Why?!


Mikoto: Why are you thinking about leaving?!

Yin: Why?

Yin suddenly started giggling before he broke into an hysterical laughter.

Yin: Why? Why?! Because I'm a villain, Yukimura!

Mikoto: No! You're not a villain. I thought we already been through this!

Yin: Face it Mikoto. Jason was right. O mean...look what I've done to everyone. Ever since I came here, I've been nothing but trouble.

Mikoto: Gah...

Self-disgust and hatred filled Yin's emotions utterly consuming him inside and out.

Yin: I have stolen information and given it to the villains. I broken everyone's trust. I lied to the teachers and broke the hero oath. I hurt you and everyone around me. My secrets were exposed. Class 1-C hates me. My father is a villain who had destroyed my life. My Auntie Jade's life was at risk but with a possiblity she could be gone. I can't just stand there and do nothing! But instead! I had no choice but to listen but look where that got me!!!

Mikoto:....When have you become so numb...?

Yin started crying again.

Yin: entire existence was a mistake...


Yin: I shouldn't even be here...

Yin felt his whole feelings leaving once again...

He couldn't remember...who he was anymore...

He's was lost and it was killing him inside...

Yin: I should just kill myself.

Mikoto feels tears falling down his own face.

Mikoto: Don't say that! Please don't say it.

Yin: Why bother not saying it! I tried to kill myself back in middle school. I tried cutting myself. I tried drinking poison. I tried hanging myself. But because of my quirk. I can never truly die. I'm basically a ghost in a shell...


Yin: Just face it Class Rep. Everyone would probably glad if I was gone. Some of them probably still hate for what I've done earlier...U.A is better without people like me! I'm an outsider here! Unwanted and unneeded.

Mikoto: B-But Yin!

Yin: I'm parilyzed...I don't want to live...but I'm too scared to die as well...

"I wish I was never born..."


Mikoto didn't know what to feel about all this...Many people like Yin don’t naturally cope with distressing feelings very well, but we can learn better ways. When people say, “I wish I had never been born,” they can mean a number of things.

Class 1-C (My Hero Academia Fanfiction) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now