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Today, everyone in Class 1-C was just chilling. Classes won't start up again u til next week.

So everyone had free time to do whatever they want...

Especially Jack, who was rocking out tunes from his headphones and was dancing.

Souta was watching him not too far away with his arms folded.

He wasn't really staring at Jack...he was staring at his shirt with a non-emotional look.

Jack's shirt was blue with black writing on it that say Music Zest, his hero name.

Souta: (Hasn't he been wearing that shirt for two days straight already...)

If that was true, it was making Souta uncomfortable. Jack should be aware of daily bases of changing clothes, right?

Everyone does that. Even boys.

Souta: Hey.

Jack: *Listening to music* Oh Yeah! Song It Baby!

Souta: Hey!

Jack: Hmm?

Souta: Change your shirt.

Jack: BRUH!

Souta: ?!

Everyone: ?!

Jack: Okay! First of all, I look good in this shirt ( ꈍ3ꈍ) (。•̀ᴗ-)✧!

Souta: ಠ_ಠ

Jack: Second of all I look in this shirt ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ!

Souta: *Facepalms*

Jack: Third of all, I look good in this shirt! So don't tell me I don't look good in this ╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )➝ shirt!

Souta: (You don't look good in that shirt...💢)

Destiny: JACK!

Jack: ?!


Jack: (´;ω;`) Yes Ma'am....

Everyone: Hahahahahaha! XD

Souta: (Ha...idiot...)

???: Well Well Well, What do we have here...?

Everyone turned their heads to Oka who was holding a pink make-up bag like it was evidence from a crime scene...

Mikoto: A make-up kit?

Oka: Yep...Found the Devil's Woven Bag...

Everyone:.....(Devil What Now?)

Suddenly, Oka's dark aurora returns as everyone in the dorms shuddered in fear...

Sylvia: (Ah Shit...Here We Go Again...)

-Oka's Trial Of Shame Is Now In Section-

Oka: Ehhh, is this yours Luna-chan~~~? Or is this belong to Destiny-chan or Mio-chan~? What I have before me is the dark implement that taints the minds of all women turning them into *Demonic* sl#ts.

Everyone: O_O

Before they even knew it...Oka was now in a witch outfit as Luna, Destiny, and Mio were all tied up.

Luna: *Crying*

Destiny: *Sweating in fear*

Mio: *Frightened*

Oka: At first glance. Anyone could see you're just pure maidens. But there is more to you all that meets the eye. You girls got some nerve bringing in such unholy bags~! These demonic artifacts can manipulate your minds beyond the point of no return. Secretly dressing yourselves up like a Barbie dolls? Horrific unholy tools such as these can be enough to put you on trial, ladies~!

Class 1-C (My Hero Academia Fanfiction) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now