Test Of Courage

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Later that night, Class 1-A, Class 1-B, and Class 1-C are preparing for the test of courage.

Jack: Whoo-Hoo!

Destiny: This is gonna be so much fun.

Luna: Yeah! I can't wait to scare someone during this game!

Oka: It'll be more amusing if you're the one who shows fear~~~!

Luna: *Laughing Nervously* Haha...Funny that you would say that...Please don't hurt.

Aizawa: Not quite.

Jack: E-Erasherhead-Sensei?!!

Samuel: W-Where did you come from, sir?

Aizawa: I was right behind you the entire time. Now come. The five of you.

Eitosquad: E-Eh?!

Aizawa: Because you have to review some more extra lessons. All the way up to two o clock in the morning.

Samuel: O-Oh....I forgot about that...

Aizawa:...Is there a problem...

Eito: O-Oh no we were just...RUN BITCHES RUN!!!!

They scattered as Aizawa clicks his tongue in annoyance.

Jack: 🎶 Fuck this shit, I'm out! 🎶

Luna: You'll never take me alive!!!



Suddenly...the five of them were soon captured by Aizawa's bandages and were being dragged away...

Class 1-C: O_O

Eitosquad: *Mortified*.....

Aizawa: For your behavior, you all will be working an extra hour.

Eitosquad: *Laments* NOOOOOOO!

Oka: Ha! Serves them right!

Souta: *Snickers* Jack deserves it.

Mikoto: Knock it off you guys. The Wild Wild Pussycats is about to explain the rules.

The three classes gathered together as
as Pixie-Bob and Ragdoll explain the test of courage.

Pixie-Bob: Here's how the game goes Kittens. The game will take place in the forest with both classes having an opportunity to be the scarers and scarees. Class 1-B and Class 1-C will the scarers and Class 1-A the scarees.

Ragdoll; Class 1-B and Class 1-C must scare as many students as possible to win while Class 1-A must find cards with their names on it to prove that they went into the forest. Classes will exchange turns after fifteen minutes and the game will begin again with Class 1-A being the scarers and Class 1-B and Class 1-C being the scarees.

Riku: (Why do both classes have be the scarees?)

Chassy: (I guess it's to give Class 1-A the advantage.)

Pixie-Bob: The class that scared more students than the other class will be the winner. Understand?

The three classes nodded.

Pixie-Bob: And...START!

The test of courage begins.

-Plus Ultra-

As Class 1-A enter the forest, some of the Class 1-C students had separated in order to ambush them.

Without the Eitosquad with them. They became a team of either three or four people.

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