The Matchups PT. 1

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A/N: The Final Exam Continues.

Despite what happened to Mikoto, the other Class 1-C students tried their best to get on with the exam. Though in their hearts, they hope that he is okay.

The matchup were Luna and Destiny to be teamed up with Kirishima Eijirou and Sato Rikido.

Kirishima: Hey Girls! Let's do our best!

Luna: Oh you got it!

Destiny: It'll be an honor working with you guys~!

Sato: I'll try my best to help this group!

But...the teacher they were up against was Cementoss.

Destiny: So what's the plan?

Kirishima: Hey! We can probably take him on. Hey...Luna was it?

Luna: Yes?

Kirishima: Your quirk is water right. That means you must have an advantage over this.

The gears turned in Luna's head upon realization. Since Cementoss's quirk is cement. Water can probably pass through it.

Luna: Oh yeah! Much water by qeight can be able to hydrate all the cement. That way, we can be able to pass this.

Destiny: Then we're gonna have to rely on your quirk for this.

Kirishima: Hell Yeah! We also back you up! At this rate, well definitely get a higher score by capturing instead of running, right?

Sato: I think so.

They all rush through the middle of the main street, hoping to rush Cementoss from the front.

But they were all soon ambushed by Cementoss cuts them off from a great distance by creating a cement wall to block them off.

Destiny: Luna! Now!

Luna send a tridal wave towards the  wall dissolving it.

However, another wall appeared after it.

Luna: You gotta be kidding me?!!

Destiny: Don't give up!

Kirishima: Yeah! Let's break our way through.

The students decide to try and break their way towards Cementoss from the front. Cementoss creates more cement walls and Rikido eats sugar to activate his Quirk. Destiny produces black flames as Eijiro and Rikido both use their enhanced strength to break down and destroy the cement walls.

Luna powers up a whirlpool and charges at what left of the walls ultimately destroying them.

Destiny: G-Guys...?

Luna: What is it?

Destiny: Look....?

Luna turns to Rikido as she noticed he starts feeling a little drowsy.

Luna: Are you okay Rikido-kun?

Satou: My...sugar is wearing off...

Kirishima: Damn...My hardening abilities are startt to fade  as well...

He continues to punch more cement walls. But...The more he punches, the more exhausted he get.

Luna: We have to do something. My water abilities isn't helping either...

Luna's power are at an advantage but the more she uses them...the more they slow them and become more weaker.

Destiny: My black flames are doing nothing as well. Shit...This is bad! At this rate, we'll-?!

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