Facebook Chat PT. 2

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A/N: Another chapter for Facebook Chat~!

-Snowflake enters the chatroom-

Snowflake: Is anyone here?

-FlamePrincess23, Copycat, and EdgyVampKid enters the chat-

FlamePrincess23: I'm here!

Copycat: S-So am I.

EdgyVampKid: Same....

Snowflake: Great~! Has everyone else have a Facebook account from Class 1-C?

FlamePrincess23: I think so....

-Nightmare enters the chat-

Nightmare: S'up.

FlamePrincess23:....Really Souta....? Is that the best name you can come up with?

Nightmare: Like FlamePrincess23 is any better. It was either this or just Souta.

FlamePrincess23: Whatever.

Nightmare:......So what now? What do you guys even do in a Facebook Chat?

Snowflake: Oh you know the usual. Just talk about things such as life, crack jokes, make memes, funny faces, etc.

Copycat: So...Is it just the five of us, here?

EdgyVampKid: Seems like it...no one else tapped into their account.

FlamePrincess23: So it's just the Mikosquad then~!

Snowflake: Miko-what? (;ŏ﹏ŏ)

FlamePrincess23: If there's a Deku Protection Squad, then there should be an Mikoto Protection Squad too! That's why I'm calling it: The Mikosquad~! ♪ \(^ω^\ )

Snowflake: So is it just you four or are there more?

Copycat: P-Pretty sure it's just us....

EdgyVampKid: ┐( ˘_˘)┌

Nightmare: This is dumb....I'm outta here....

EdgyVampKid: Oh no you don't. If I'm gonna suffer in this squad, you gonna too. Ain't no choice. (⌐■-■)

Nightmare: ಠ_ಠ

FlamePrincess23: (≧▽≦) Hahahahaha! That face though!

Copycat: T-That's funny....I'm sorry for laughing...(;^ω^)

Nightmare: You don't look sorry at all....ಠ_ಠ

FlamePrincess23: Hahahahaha! That face still! It cracks me up every time! :-D

Snowflake: *Sighs* (;ŏ﹏ŏ)

-LoverBoyXOXO enters the chat-

EdgyVampKid: Ah Shit! ಠ益ಠ

LoverBoyXOXO: Hey! If there's going to be a MikoSquad! Then there should be an EitoSquad too!

EdgyVampKid: Tch...Who would want to be in your squad...?

-MusicLover345 and Time&SpaceDad enters the chat-

Both: That'll be us~!

EdgyVampKid: ಠಗಠ

-AquaGirl enters the chat-

Aquagirl: Same here~! I'm in this squad because I ship you both and nothing can stop me!

EdgyVampKid: ಠಗಠ

-ThisIsMyDestiny enters the chat-

EdgyVampKid: No! Don't say it!

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