Breaktime Again!

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All Might: Did you wanted to live forever being utterly evil, then why does he need a successor?

All Might was visiting AFO in his cell in the underground maixmum security prison. He needed to a few questions that he wants AFO to answer.

However, All For One finds All Might's question funny like he was telling a silly joke. All For One answers that All Might took everything away from him, most importantly his body; it is only thanks to the tube he is wearing that he is able to carry on living.

All For One comments that when there is an end, they entrust;

AFO: Everything that has been made by humans such as houses and food to be entrusted to other humans.

All For One then states that he is simply trying to do what everyone else has been doing which is why he has been grooming Tomura Shigaraki to become his successor.

This made Toshinori's skin crawl...

The security inform All Might that he has three minutes left, much to All For One's disappointment as he still has much more to say.

All For One had already known that the world would be shaken by All Might's retirement and wonders about the state of affairs going on in the world. The security inform All Might that All For One is completely cut off from information about the outside world and tell All Might not to give All For One any information happening right now. All For One is disappointed that All Might cannot tell him any information that is going on in the world.

All For One decides to make a hypothesis.

AFO: I wonder though. Due to the anxiety caused by All Might's retirement and the Heroes' new leader, Endeavor, the media is appealing to the entirety of the Hero society.

All Might:.....

AFO: On the other hand, sensing the growing insecurity in the world, the outcasts who don't support Heroes will rise up and take action because they think they will able to shape the way society behaves and organize amongst themselves.

All For One then assumes that Tomura will continue concealing himself for a while so that he can continue to build the League of Villains and expand their influence.

All For One thinks that if the illustration is actually unfolding in that manner, then that is how he assumed the world would turn out to be; all of this change is due to All Might's retirement and the lie of his appearance.

AFO: Now that you will spend the rest of your life powerless and stricken by his inability to save anyone, sitting idly unable to stop the villains that are rising up. How does it fell being absolutely powerless~~~?

All Might gets up from his seat in rage while security tell All Might to step back.

All Might tells All For One not to presume everything. All Might understands that he and his successor, Izuku, are to be killed by Tomura. All Might declares that he will not die by Tomura's hands and he will never allow the future that All For One envisions to happen. All For One wonders if All Might came here to tell him that.

AFO: What about the other...?

All Might:....What other?

AFO: Oh...All Might...You silly naive fool. I'm talking about...the other boy. Because doesn't this feel like another take of two heroes. But it doesn't matter if you're clueless to it. At least...she's looking after him...

The security inform All Might that his time is up. All Might begins walking away, telling All For One that he will smash the dark future his nemesis envisions as many times as he needs to and All For One can rot in his lowly prison cell for all eternity. The prison cell begins closing as All For One mulls over spending the rest of his life in prison.

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