Hero Licenses~~~!

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Outside, the Provisional Hero License Exam is officially over.

Mikoto: Awesome! We got our hero licences!!!

Class 1-C were celebrating that they have finished the exam and got their hero licenses.

Jack: Cool! That means we're technically heroes now.

Souta: Hmph. It was too easy.

Eito: *Scoffs* Easy for you to say...

Samuel: We're also now free to use our quirks in public.

Riku: Of course...since the Provisional Hero License is a temporary Hero License issued to students aspiring to become professional heroes. Unlike National or International Hero Licenses, Provisional Hero Licenses have sooner expiration dates. Students can choose to renew their provisional licenses, and upon doing so, are granted a significant amount of more time with it than previously.

Hein: Yes. Also unlike the latter, students are not granted the same benefits and protection as professionals. Finally, all work done with a Provisional Hero License must be supervised by a hero with a Nation or International license through internship or other methods of teaching. The Provisional Hero License is suppose to be a stepping for students to acquire experience prior to become pros. In order to acquire the Provisional Hero License, the student must take the provisional hero exams.

Chassy: Just wait til we take the National Hero License Exam next year...

Jack: Ugh...I don't even want to think about it...

Eito: IKR. This is hurting my brain.

Luna: That makes two of us...

Zoe: At least we passed...

Mikoto: Well...Not all of us...

Everyone in Class 1-C stopped talking when they knew who he was talking about...

Before Mikoto could ask what happened to Yin, Present Mic show up right behind them.


Mikoto: Wah?! Present Mic!

Present Mic: Hey Little Listeners. Just came to congratulate you all for passing the exam. How does it feel to be temporary heroes?

Sylvia: It feels great!

Samuel: I second that. Especially since we can use our quirks now to help the public.

Luna: It's amazing. I feel like an actual hero already~~~!!!

Akira: *Nods*...

Present Mic: Now that's the right attitude. Also. I have a little surprise for you all.

Maria: What's the surprise, nya?

Destiny: Yeah! Don't leave us in suspense!

Present Mic: You're all getting a new classmate soon~!


Now that was a big surprise there.

Luna: Whose gonna be our classmate? Someone from GED classes?

Hearing that question made Mikoto thought of Kitty and Koun, the two GED girls he met back at the Sports Festival. Was it possible one of them was going to be in Class 1-C?

Luna: I wonder what they are like...?

Jack: Is he cool? Is she cute?

Destiny: Are they a celebrity?!

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