Class 1-C interview

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A/N: Kiyoshi's interview with Class 1-C.

-Entering Live Steam-

Kiyoshi: Am I on? I'm on! Hello, this is Kiyoshi Junketsu. Your favorite middle school journalist back at you all again with another live stream.

The camera then points to the U.A building.

Kiyoshi: Today, we'll be going to the U.A building. Where most of the Pro-Heroes will be at. But sadly, we're not here to see the Pro-Heroes that work there. We're gonna be interviewing with some of the young heroes in training that are studying here. Each individual has a unique quirk that can be similar or different than the others. Whether one of them could stronger than the rest. Thanks to the Principal here. I was able to get full access to coming into the building.

The camera turns back to Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi: Before we get started. You all can subscribe to me on Twitter, Instagram, and HeroTube. HeroTube is where I'm mostly available. My channel is called VampJournalist456. So far, I got about 9,542 subscribers. I'm about close to 10K. Hit that red subscribe button when you get the chance. You can't miss it.

The camera goes off for a minute until it comes back on showing Kiyoshi inside the building.

Kiyoshi: I've never got to tell you whom we're interviewing with. The students we're going to see are Class 1-C. These young heroes in training...

The camera turns to static until it shows the Class 1-C door.

Kiyoshi: Class 1-C. The class that used to be the underdogs in U.A. Until they all rise up and gain so much popularity by taking the glory from Class 1-A back at the Sports Festival.
For what I heard, according to some information I've learned for quite some time. Class 1-C wasn't originally going to be part of the heroics department. But after an certain 'incident' that happened last year...U.A decided to change that. It's supposed to be prospect for the students to give them a brighter future~~~! But here's the question...what exactly benefits them from the rest of them? And what was the incident that was mentioned last year....Well...let's find out if all the answers lies within this door...

Kiyoshi knocks on the door.

Present Mic was the one who opened it up.

Present Mic: Wassup Little Listener! Hey everyone, Kiyoshi-kun is back.

Class 1-C greeted the middle schooler as he did the same.

Luna: Hi Kiyoshi-kun!

Hein: Nice to see you again.

Jack: Hey there little buddy!

Kiyoshi: Hello everyone. I hope I'm not interrupting something important for class. If I am. I can come back later.

Present Mic: Nah. Don't worry about it, Little Listener. We were just about to take a break from class.

Kiyoshi: Oh that's good then. I came right on time then.

Maria: So what are you doing here again, nya?

Chassy: Maria! Be nice!

Maria: Huh?! I wasn't being rude! I'm just wondering!

Kiyoshi: I came back for that interview I mentioned. I was wondering if any of you like to be in it?

Sylvia: I don't see why not. As long as it's not the press.

Jack: Exactly. Stupid Vultures...

Kiyoshi: Alright then... Everyone. Say hi to the camera because you are now live.

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