Bringing Peter back *part 2* (Peter Parker)

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I lifted both of my arms before throwing them down, my purple energy knocking down every one of Thanos' soldiers within two hundred yards of me. I had to say, I was shocked at how powerful I still was after using the gauntlet. Though, it had still made me somewhat weak.

"Guys, Peter has the gauntlet, but he's in trouble!" Steve yelled through comms. My eyes widened.

"On my way." I replied before positioning my palms so that they were facing the ground. Purple energy radiated from them, sending me flying up as I looked for Peter.

"Babe!" I looked to the side and couldn't help but let a small smile find its way onto my lips as I saw Peter swinging towards me, the gauntlet held tightly in his grasp. He really was back, it really had worked. He swung towards me before throwing the gauntlet up once he was close enough. I raised my palm to it, my energy circling around it and bringing it to me.

"Got it!" I yelled before starting to fly again. I used my power to soar across the battlefield, dodging Thanos' ships and giving Captain Marvel a smile as she destroyed everything in my path.

"Y/N, watch out!" my eyes widened as I turned around to see a massive metal claw headed straight to me. It knocked into me, making me cry out as I started to fall to the ground.

"I got you!" Peter yelled as he grabbed onto me, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. But with nothing for his webs to attach to, we continued to fall. We landed harshly, the spider legs in Peter's suit making us roll slightly before Peter accidentally let me go. I rolled a few more feet, coughing and groaning in pain as I rolled onto my front. I looked up and my eyes widened as the gauntlet lay a few feet away from me. I stumbled to my feet and started to run towards it. My eyes widened as just as I was about to grab it, Thanos did first, smirking at me as he drove the back of his hand into my face. The force knocked me back, making me groan as I landed on the ground again.

"No!" Peter yelled as he fired a web at the gauntlet and tried to pull it out of Thanos' grip, but instead the giant tugged the web, sending Peter flying. Thanos looked at me and smirked.

"You were one of my greatest creations. You were the only child that I was truly proud of. But had I known that you were going to pick the Avengers over your own flesh and blood, I would have killed you, instead of giving you the power of the soul stone." He nodded.

"I am not your child." I growled as I stood up and raised my hands. My stream of energy immediately hit Thanos, knocking him back a couple of steps. My eyes widened as he put the gauntlet on, making him groan at the pain before starting to use the energy from the stones to combat my own.

"The good thing about you only harnessing the power of one stone, is that since I have all six, I am so much more powerful than you. I can squash you like a bug." He smirked, taking steps forwards. I groaned, digging my heels into the ground as I tried to overpower him. But it didn't happen. Suddenly, Thanos was right in front of me. He smirked at me again before punching me, knocking me down to the ground again.

"No." I choked as I lay there, unable to fight more as Thanos loomed over me, ready to snap his fingers. I looked at Strange and gulped, searching for any hint of reassurance in his face that this was the one future in which we won. He panted heavily as he shakily held up one finger, telling me the answer. I gulped and looked up at Thanos, knowing what I had to do. Suddenly, Captain Marvel landed next to me. She gave me a small smile before starting to fight Thanos, forcing his hand open so that he couldn't snap his fingers again.

"Tony, I need you to send me one of your Iron man hand things." I spoke into my comms.

"Why?" he replied.

"Just trust me, okay? I know how to end this." I nodded. He sighed in my ear.

"Okay. Arm out." I nodded and did what I was told, outstretching my arm to the side. Moments later, a contraption soared towards me and started to snap into pieces. The glove handed on my hand, the metal adjusting to fit it perfectly.

"Marvel." I spoke, making her look at me.

"I got this." I nodded. She smirked and returned it before shooting away from Thanos, leaving him open as I sprinted towards him. I immediately grabbed his hand and forced it open again, making him groan as he tried to get me off. I raised my spare hand and fired my energy at his head. The impact made him stumble slightly, but he quickly regained his posture.

"I'm going to enjoy killing you." He smirked as he ripped the gauntlet out of my grasp and threw me back. I landed harshly in the rubble, making me cry out. Thanos secured the gauntlet around his hand again before looking at me.

"I told you. I am inevitable." He nodded, a smirk on his lips as he raised his hand and snapped his fingers. His smirk immediately disappeared and he looked at the gauntlet as nothing happened. He looked at me as I slowly stood to my feet and raised my glove-clad hand. His eyes widened as he saw the stones moving up my arm before clicking into place in the glove. My eyes widened and I gasped, throwing my head back in agony as the painful energy of all six stones surged through me again. I panted heavily, my chest heaving and my eyes glowing purple as I looked back at Thanos.

"This may have started with you, but it ends with me." I nodded.

"Y/N!" my eyes widened as Peter's voice rang out. I looked at him and my eyes wavered as he stared at me, heartbreak in his eyes and blood running down his forehead and nose.

"Please don't do this." He choked, shaking his head. I bit my lip, a tear leaving my eye as I just looked at him.

"I love you." I whispered, a final tear rolling down my cheek as I bent my fingers, and snapped them.


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