"That's not my Y/N" *final part* (Peter Parker)

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Peter webbed his way through the HYDRA base, in search of Y/N's antidote and trying to avoid the spray of bullets that was seemingly following him. When Tony and he had failed to discuss how they were going to get in beforehand, Peter had just assumed that they'd try the quiet way, and if they had to use firepower, they would. That unspoken plan had flown out of the window when Tony had just started firing at guards before taking out the doors. Hence why Peter was currently sprinting down the ceiling and trying to escape the half a dozen guards that were shooting at him.

"Yoink!" he yelled as he extended his arm and fired a web at one of the guards, grabbing the gun off of him. The guard groaned and fell down as Peter hit him with the gun, Peter jumping down and landing on a second guard.

"Today is not your day, is it, fellas?" Peter chuckled, mocking them as he kicked the third one and attached the other three to the wall with a web grenade.

"Kid, head my way, I found the lab." Tony spoke into Peter's comms.

"Copy, I'm coming for you." The boy replied, his heart slightly speeding up at the thought of getting Y/N back as he started to race through the base. He turned the corner and looked into the open room, sighing in relief as he saw Tony's metal-clad back.

"Mr Stark." He greeted, making Tony look over his shoulder at the boy as he walked in.

"You want Y/N back?" he asked.

"More than anything." Peter shook his head.

"Well then it's good that I found this, isn't it?" Tony smiled as he held up a small vial of clear liquid. Peter's eyes wavered, a choke leaving his lips as he rushed towards the man.

"That's it? You're sure?" Peter gulped.

"Positive, kid. HYDRA's labelling and organisation will be their downfall." He chuckled. Peter returned it and shook his head. Suddenly, Tony's eyes widened.

"Incoming!" he yelled as he raised his hand cannon and shot past Peter, making the boy flinch and turn around. His eyes widened as even more HYDRA guards rushed into the room, guns poised.

"Alright, kid, time to work for a living." Tony nodded as he continued to fire at the guards. Peter returned it, safely tucking the vial of liquid into his suit's belt before starting to fight the guards alongside Tony.

Peter kicked his foot out, making the guard groan as he fell to the floor as a result of the kick.

"Can you finish up here, kid?" Tony asked as he fired his hand cannon into more guards, knocking them all unconscious. Peter looked at the last standing guard, the man scowling as he raised his fists.

"Yeah. I think that I can handle it." Peter nodded cockily, a smirk developing under his mask as he also raised his fists. Tony returned the nod before flying out of the room, leaving Peter and the guard alone.

"So, do you want to lead this tango, or should I?" Peter teased. The guard scowled and yelled out before extending his fist. Peter dodged the punch with ease, leaning his body to the side before turning back and punching out his fist. The punch landed against the guard's jaw, making the man groan and stumble back as he cupped his face.

"Time to make this interesting." Peter smirked before launching himself into the air, his body starting to fly over the guard's body. Suddenly, all that Peter could see was the vial of Y/N's cure slip out of his apparently open belt pouch and start to fall towards the ground. Peter's eyes widened.

"NO!" the vial smashed against the ground, the liquid spilling against the concrete as Peter landed on the other side of the guard. Peter clenched his jaw, anger filling his heart and tears filling his eyes as he grabbed the guard's gun and rammed the handle into his face, knocking the man unconscious.

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