Just a kid *part 6* (Peter Parker)

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I walked along the streets of New York, on my way to meet Doctor Strange at the Sanctuary. I gulped, tears pricking my eyes at the magnitude of what I was about to do. Naturally, I hadn't told any of the Avengers my plan, because they'd be bound to try and stop me. Not that I'd blame them, even I had to admit that it was a monumentally stupid plan. But it would bring Peter back, and that's all that mattered. I gulped, my feet climbing up the stone steps by themselves and pushing the door open.

"Hello? Doctor Strange?" I called out as I walked in and shut the door. My eyes widened as I looked up, a beautiful glass sky-light lighting up the hallway.

"Don't kids knock anymore?" I turned around and gulped as Doctor Strange walked towards me in his blue robes and the golden pendant around his neck.

"Are we going to do this, then?" I asked, untying my coat and taking it off to reveal my suit. Doctor Strange sighed and looked at me.

"You're just a kid, Y/N, so are you sure that you want to do this? One-hundred-percent, unequivocally sure?" he checked. I let out a shaky breath.

"No, but it'll get Peter back, and so I'll do it." I responded. The man sighed again, giving me a small smile as he nodded and walked towards me.

"Okay. In that case, I need to go over a couple of rules with you." He nodded. I returned it.

"First of all, and the most important rule, whatever you do in the past becomes the future. So, if Peter dies again, the future stays the same. If Tony or someone else dies, they will no longer be alive in the future. If you die, you don't get a future." He shook his head. I sighed, my eyes wavering as I nodded.

"Second rule, do not say anything about the future. As far as they're aware, you are the past you. Does that make sense?" he asked. I squinted my eyes slightly.

"..sure." I nodded slowly, making him roll his eyes.

"Okay, then you're all set. You ready?" he asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I gulped. He nodded, giving me one last small smile before he started to move his fingers in front of the pendant, making it open to reveal the stone. He held his palm out in front of him, making the glowing emerald stone float out of the pendant and hover above his palm. He looked at me.

"Good luck, Y/N. I liked Peter, he was a good kid, it'll be nice to have him back. And if it's you who takes his place, well...what you're doing is very brave. It was an honour to know you." He nodded. I gulped, a tear leaving my eye. He flicked his wrist, making me gasp as green energy engulfed me.

My eyes shot open and I gasped as I jolted up into a sitting position. I looked around, my eyes widening as I was in the bushes by the HYDRA base.

"Fuck me, it worked." I gulped.

"Y/N, Pete, you're up." Steve spoke in my ear. My eyes widened as Peter immediately shot up and launched himself into the air with a web.

"Peter, wait." I gulped into my comms as I got up and immediately started to run. I jumped into the air, launching myself at a HYDRA guard as my feet collided with his face and knocked him out as I landed.

"I'm not waiting, you catch up." He mumbled in return. I couldn't help but smile at the sound of his voice, something that I had very much missed, even if the sound was making a not so nice comment as I ran at the doors of the base. I put my arms up in an "x" shape in front of my face, protecting it as I ran into the doors. They flew open immediately, allowing me to run in next to Natasha and Steve.

"Peter, where are you? You need to get to the generator." I spoke into my comms as I raised my foot and kicked a HYDRA guard in the chest, sending him and the two men behind him falling down with the force. I looked down the hallway to see Peter dropping down from the ceiling, one hand in between his feet before he stood up.

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