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Just before you read, if you don't like shipping.
You can kindly leave. 😊


" You and Jimin did what?"

" He-he told me t-to do i-it or else," Jungkook told him with his head down.

Tae at this moment was confused and most importantly he was pissed.

First, what did Jimin have on Jungkook, and second why did Jimin do this?

Like, why did he really do this?

" I-I wanted to tell you b-but h-he kind of threaten me and I didn't know what to do."

" So, that night when you helped me look for him. You knew what had happened, correct?"

Jungkook slowly nodded his head. Taehyung didn't know how to react to be honest.

" And, he tried to 'get rid' of him?"

Jungkook nodded his head again.

See, Taehyung is absolutely fucking pissed at Jimin but he was disappointed in Jungkook.

He lied to him and he could have put Yeonjun in serious danger. But, he couldn't be that angry at him. He did tell him everything and told him that Jimin was talking to them before this happened. So he couldn't be pissed at him.

" I-I'm so-sorry Ta-Tae. I didn't me-mean for this to happen. I swear," Jungkook hiccuped.

Jungkook looked at Tae's emotionless face and that made him cry harder.

He started to full-on sobbing and hiccuping.

Taehyung looked at him with sadness.

 Yes, he's pissed but he knows Jungkook didn't mean harm.

Jungkook never really wanted to cause harm to anybody really.

Not even his worst enemies.

He absolutely hates when he cries too. He knew that underneath that muscle built body, he was a softie and had a really sensitive heart.

Taehyung walked up to him and hugged him. He and Jungkook were kinda surprised at his actions. But it was comforting, so Jungkook hugged him back and cried on his shoulder.

" Let it all out," Taehyung rubbed his back.

After a couple of minutes, Taehyung let go and grabbed his hand and walked him to the waiting room. They sat down and Jungkook was still hiccuping.

Taehyung gave Jungkook some tissues and he quietly said thank you and blew his nose.

After a few minutes passed Taehyung decided to speak up.

" I'm not mad at you."

Jungkook looked at him with his puffy eyes, " Y-you're not?"

Taehyung shook his head, " No, I'm just disappointed that you didn't tell me in the first place."

Jungkook knew he was right that's why he sighed and played with his fingers.

" But, I'm glad you told me everything I needed to know."

" Y-you h-hate m-me, do you?"

Taehyung looked at him and sighed, " Of course not. I don't hate you Kookie."

Jungkook looked at him with tears rolling down his face," Yo-You don't?"

" No. Jungkook I could never hate you."

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