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Yeonjun was walking to his P.E locker when he bumped into someone.

" O-oh my, I'm so sorry."

" N-No it's o-" the person stop when he looked at Yeonjun.

It was San.

" O-oh, hi Jun."

Yeonjun froze, he wants to die at this moment.

" O-oh hi San," he cleared his throat.

" How you been?"

' Is he seriously trying to have a conversation with me right now?'

" I-I'm good. You?"

' That was a mistake'

" Oh. I-I haven't been doing so well b-but that's ok."

Yeonjun sighed, "What happened?"

" Well, Wooyoung hasn't been the same since you know. And he's actually gotten meaner and s-scarier."

" Scarier?"

" Let's not talk about it here. Maybe at lunch?"

' Say no. Say no. Say no. Say no'

" S-Sure."

' Dang it.'

" Great! And I've been meaning to talk to you too. But I-I'll see you at lunch?"

" Yep. See ya at lunch," Yeonjun awkwardly chuckled.

San waves and started walking to his class.

" What did I just do?"


" Hi hyungs!"

" Hey Kook, you seem energetic," Jin said.

" I been in a good mood all day!"

" I wonder why," Taehyung smirked.

Jungkook giggled as he sat down next to him.

Namjoon raised his eyebrows, " You guys didn't do what I think you did, did you?"

" No silly! I had a good night sleep and TaeTae helped me!"

" My pleasure babe. But man I'm fucking starving.
The stupid ass basketball coach had me do this stupid diet and it sucks ass!"

" I'm sorry Taehyungie. Oh! I know," Jungkook went into his backpack to look for something.

Everyone was looking confused.

Then Jungkook found what he was looking for, "Here, have my cookie!"

" You see fellas, this is why you have to a good significant other. Because, they will care enough for you to give you their food. Thanks baby," Taehyung got the cookie and kissed Jungkook on the cheek.

Jungkook giggled and started eating his food.

" Oh fuck off," Jin scoffed.

Taehyung and Jungkook stick their tongues out at him while the others laughed.

" Jin hyung just jealous babe, you know jealousy kills a person," Taehyung said as he ate his food.

" I don't think that's how the quote goes but ok,"
Namjoon said.

Everyone laughed and continued to eat their lunch.


Yeonjun was laughing with his boyfriend and friends when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and it was San.

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