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" B-Before you scream or fight me I just want to talk."

" Y-You kissed my boyfriend! Y-You b-beat my friends! Y-You hurt me and used me," Yeonjun growled.

" Look, I just want to say that I'm sorry."

Yeonjun growled as his eye twitched, " Y-You're sorry?! You just sorry?!"

Beomgyu huff, " Look, I know I said some fucked up things and did some fucked up things. And I'm sorry ok?!"

Yeonjun was scared but he was mostly mad, he was mad that he caused so much pain for him, he kissed his boyfriend, he worked with Jimin, he had a gang beat him and his friends, he even held them up at gunpoint.

He's number two on his dislike list.

Jimin being number one...obviously.

Yeonjun took a deep breath and calmly said, "Beomgyu, get away from my house."

" Jun, I'm trying to apologize to you. Can you please hear me out?"

" Y-You said mean things to me and you want me to easily forgive you?!"

" You forgave San after he literally cut your arm!"

" He apologized and he changed! A-And that doesn't justify how you had your ' boyfriend ' beat up my friends and my Binnie and my brother!"

" Yeonjun can I explain to you my reasonings?"

" No! I heard your reasons! You wanted Soobin but he didn't want you, now get out!"

Beomgyu scoffed, " Fine. I was trying to apologize to your sorry ass!"

Yeonjun growled, then he took a deep breath, 'Taehyun told you that if no one is looking, you can put them in place!'

He looked both ways and looked at Beomgyu with an evil smile.

Beomgyu looked confused, "What the fuck are you doing?

" Doing what Taehyun told me."

Beomgyu scoffed, " Oh I forgot you still hang out with that loser, how did his ugly ass get with Kai. You know that again, Kai is fucking ugly anyways. Do you know what is your brother still dating that fat ass? He's pretty hot too, well not as hot as Soobin," he smirked.

"You know what screw it," he balled up his fist.

He's going to let what Taehyun taught him, then he growled, "THIS BITCH IS DONE!"

Beomgyu looked at him with wide eyes and Yeonjun jumped on him and started beating the shit out of him.

He kept punching him and Beomgyu tried to fight back but Yeonjun was really strong. Yeonjun kept punching him in the face.

" Yeonju-OH MY GOD YEONJUN," Mrs. Kim ran to the two fighting boys.

She tried to get him up but she wasn't strong enough.

" Get off!"

Yeonjun didn't pay attention, he kept hitting him and Beomgyu didn't manage to land a hit.

"T-Taehyung! Come here!"

Yeonjun was still fighting him when Taehyung and Jungkook came out.

Jungkook gasped while Taehyung clapped, " Yesss! Beat that bitches ass!"

" KIM TAEHYUNG! Help me stop him from killing him! Kim Yeonjun! Get off!"

" Yo-You jerk! Stupid! Stupid," Yeonjun punched his face.

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