You'll be in my heart

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" Of course Bae, you can spend the night. It would be lovely to have the house so lively again," Mrs. Min chuckled as she headed Mrs. Kim a cup of tea.

" Oh Kimmy, you have no idea how much this means to us, w-we just can't stay at that house right now. It's not...homey right now."

Mrs. Min smiled, " So Tae, how is your basketball?"

" Oh it's great Mrs. Min, I have colleges coming at me with scholarships."

Mrs. Min grinned, " That's wonderful. And how about you Jungkook?"

" O-Oh well I'm not going for basketball anymore."

Mrs. Min raised her eyebrow, " Oh? What are you planning to do sweetie?"

" A p-photographer."

" Oh that's wonderful, I hope it goes well for you darling. You deserve it."

Jungkook smiled and Taehyung kissed his cheek. Mrs. Min smiled then she saw Hyunjin sleeping on Mrs. Kim's shoulder.

" Who's this cutie," Mrs. Min points at the sleeping Hyunjin.

Mrs. Kim looks and smiled, " Oh? This is my new youngest, Hyunjin. I adopted him two weeks ago and he's been an angel ever since."

Mrs. Min smiled, " Oh that's lovely, I guess that Yeonjun isn't the baby anymore."

Yeonjun giggled, " It's ok, I love having a little brother."

Mrs. Min and Mrs. Kim cooed.

They were talking then Mrs. Kim saw Jungkook yawned and Yeonjun going in and out of sleep.

" Well, we should get some rest. We have a long plane ride."

" Oh well the two youngest can have Yoongi's bed and I hope you boys don't mind taking the couch."

" Oh not at all Mrs. Min," Taehyung gave her a reassuring smile.

" I'll go get some blankets," she got up.

" I'll help you," Mrs. Kim added.

She carefully laid Hyunjin down on the couch and got up to follow Mrs. Min upstairs.

" She's really nice, " Yeonjun rubbed his eyes.

" Yea, she's the best," Taehyung smiled

" I feel so bad for her, she really loved Mr. Min," Jungkook frowned.

" I know, I wish I could be there for the funeral but my dad is fucking crazy."

" All I know is, he's not going to ruin my trip to Korea," Yeonjun said.

" Boys, the bed is ready for you," Mrs. Kim said while walking down the stairs.

" Ok momma, wake up Hyunjinnie," Yeonjun shook Hyunjin up.

Hyunjin woke up and he rubbed his eyes, " H-Huh?"

" Let's go to bed."

" O-Ok," Hyunjin stretched.

Yeonjun and Hyunjin got up and walked upstairs.

" See ya losers," Taehyung called out.

" Goodnight idiot," Yeonjun scoffed.

" Yeonjun," Mrs. Kim raised her eyebrow.

" He started it," he whined.

" Just go to bed baby," she ruffles his hair.

" Haha!"

" Shut it Tae," Mrs. Kim rolled her eyes.

Taehyung huffed and pouted while Jungkook giggled.

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